Tuesday, April 24, 2012

RUNNING LATE....APRIL 24 2012.......

Again.  As usual.  But not being lazy, not by a long shot.  Being busy..

Did check my e-mails and replied to the important ones.  Then it was off to the orthopedic surgeon for my cortisone shot.  The last one was in September, finally wore off, needed to be able to walk in my travels.

Leaving there delivered a van-load of stuff to City Mission.  For you out-of-towners, City Mission in Washington Pa is a home for the homeless, a Church, a cafeteria with 3 meals a day, a place to sleep when needed.  They also have two thrift stores in the area. 

In addition they take all paper, cardboard, boxes, etc., stuff for recycling.  I bag all that stuff and take it also.  Trying to do my part in an area that does not recycle.  Also bag up and take all my plastic - bags, bottles, etc., - with me when I go to town to be recycled.

So had a van load for them.  They always seem appreciative of what we give.

From there went to vote.  Yes, I did vote.  Yes, I did have my drivers license with me, as today is the practice run for the general election when all voters will have to carry a form of ID to be allowed to vote.  Sorry state of affairs it has come to this.


That took care of my morning. 

This afternoon, did laundry so I can pack later (flight leaves Pittsburgh at 7 a.m. tomorrow), cleaned the house for bossman, got all the dirty dishes done, emptied out the dishwasher, you know, all that fun stuff.  Will wash up any remaining dishes today by hand and put them away so when I leave in the morning, - the house will be clean - all the dishes will be clean - including all pots and pans, which I have to do by hand anyway - made food easily available for bossman to feed my cats each morning (a job he dearly "loves", but will do it) - even dusted the furniture. 

Got my boarding pass printed out and called Linda to let her know flight # and arrival time, and what airline.  I am assuming they will be there to meet me in the morning.  Unless they decide to leave town for a week.  They know when  I come things get hectic.  Like photo-shoots in strange places.

No wonder I am tired.  Just writing this stuff made me tired.  And I still have the remainder of the afternoon and all evening.  Bet I hit the hay early tonight, will have to up no later than 3:30 a.m. to leave here by 4:30 a.m. to be at the airport between 5 and 5:30 a.m. for check in. 

Bossman asked me again last night what time my flight was - I think he was hoping it had changed from the last time, it hadn't - and he told me I had to be kidding. Again! He doesn't have to be at work until 7 or so.  Told him, again, to have a nice leisurely breakfast before reporting to work.  Again I got "that look".

At least he'll have a week to recuperate before he has to stay late at work next Wednesday, as my flight doesn't arrive in Pittsburgh until 4 p.m.  He is usually on his way home by then.  Poor guy, see what he has to put up with.

So you will all get a break for the next week.  Hopefully I will have stories to tell and pictures to share.  At least that is the game plan. 

So enjoy your week of freedom from me and God Bless.

Monday, April 23, 2012

SPRING or WINTER?....APRIL 23 2012......

My creeping phlox and purple and white irises, and tulips are in full bloom.  So what did they have on the TV last night?   A late April nor'easter heading up the coast, going to dump anything from heavy rain to a foot of wet heavy snow.  The snow could be a disaster because of the leaves on the trees. 

One forecaster said they were warning folks (closer to the coast than we are) that there would be massive power outages that could last for days, from the weight of the snow on the trees, bringing branches, and entire trees, down.

My sister and I had planned having lunch together today.  Time to catch up with each other.  Wondered when I went to bed last night if we would be able to keep our date.  So far, yes.  We have had heavy rain, right now not doing much of anything but looking gloomy.

Guess the snow is still on its way.  Just so the airport is open on Wednesday morning - my flight leaves at 8 a.m. for Phoenix.  Bossman taking me to the airport on his way to work. Very early before work. 

When he asked me if I was crazy or what, I told him that he would have time for a nice long breakfast after leaving me and before arriving at work, which is at most 10 minutes from the airport.  I just got "that look!"

But, by now I am pretty used to "that look" as I seem to manage to get it at least 2-3 times a week, sometimes more. 

Daughter Linda called from AZ last night asking about our weather and the storm.  She said they are breaking records out there with the heat, they have already had 100 plus degree weather, and it is still spring. 

I wonder what I will come home to?  I wonder if I will survive to come home?  It is supposed to be much cooler when we head north to the Canyons, which will be a good thing.  Otherwise she told me we would be spending a lot of time in the air conditioning. Just so the power doesn't go off. 

I'm glad I'm heading west and not east.  Although who knows what will be going on west of us. 

Guess I had better get a few things accomplished before heading for Martins Ferry and lunch with my sister.  Then it is grocery shopping for necessities for bossman so he has enough to survive until I return.  Poor guy!

And so enjoy the calm, gloomy as it might be, before the storm, stay safe, and God Bless.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

LAUGH 'TILL YOU CRY.....APRIL 22 2012....

I know we all get lots of e-mails.  I know I forward a lot of them.  But when reading this one this morning I actually laughed until tears were running.  Too good just to forward.  So thought I would incorporate it in my blog. 

Thanks go to friend Betty Hartley in Belmont Ohio.  So here goes:


Small garden snakes, known as Garter Snakes, can be dangerous.  Yes, grass snakes, not rattle snakes.  Here's why.

A couple in Sweetwater, Texas had a lot of potted plants.  During a recent cold spell the wife was bringing a lot of them indoors to protect them from a possible freeze.

It turned out that a little green garden grass snake was hidden in one of the plants.  When it had warmed up, it slithered out and the wife saw it go under the sofa.

She let out a very loud scream.

The husband (who was taking a shower) ran out into the living room naked to see what the problem was.  She told him there was a snake under the sofa.

He got down on the floor on his hands  and knees to look for it.  About that time the family dog came and cold-nosed him on the behind.  He thought the snake had bitten him, so he screamed and fell over on the floor.

His wife thought he had had a heart attack, so she covered him up, told him to lie still and called an ambulance.

The attendants rushed in, would not listen to his protests, loaded him on the stretcher, and started carrying him out.

About that time the snake came out from under the sofa and the Emergency Medical Technician saw it and dropped his end of the stretcher.   That's when the man broke his leg and why he is still in the hospital.

The wife still had the problem of the snake in the house, so she called on a neighbor who volunteered to capture the snake.  He armed himself with a rolled-up newspaper and began poking under the couch.  Soon he decided it was gone and told the woman, who sat down on the sofa in relief.

But while relaxing, her hand dangled in between the cushions, where she felt the snake wriggling around  She screamed, and fainted.  The snake rushed back under the sofa.

The neighbor man, seeing her lying there passed out, tried to use CPR to revive her.

The neighbor's wife, who had just returned from shopping at the grocery store, saw her husband's mouth on the woman's mouth and slammed her husband in the back of the head with a bag of canned goods, knocking him out and cutting his scalp to a point where it needed stitches.

The noise woke the woman from her dead faint and she saw her neighbor lying on the floor with his wife bending over him, so she assumed that the snake had bitten him   She went to the kitchen and got a small bottle of whiskey and began pouring it down the man's throat..

By now the police had arrived.  (Take a break here, you will need it)

They saw the unconscious man, smelled the whiskey, and assumed that  a drunken fight had occurred.  They were about to arrest them all when the women tried to explain how it all happened over a little garden snake!

The police called an ambulance, which took away the neighbor and his sobbing wife.

Now the little snake again crawled out from under the sofa and one of the policemen drew his gun and fired at it.  He missed the snake and hit the leg of the end table.  The table fell over, the lamp on it shattered, and as the bulb broke, it started a fire in the drapes.

The other policeman tried to beat out the flames, and fell through the window into the yard on top of the family dog, who, startled, jumped up and raced into the street, where an oncoming car swerved to avoid the dog and smashed into the parked police car.

Meanwhile neighbors saw the burning drapes and called in the fire department.  The firemen had started raising the fire ladder when they were halfway down the street.  The rising ladder tore out the overhead wires, put out the power, and disconnected the telephones in a ten-square city block area.  (But they did get the house fire out).
Time passed!  Both men were discharged from the hospital.  The house was repaired, the dog came home, the police acquired a new car and all was right with the world.

A while later they were watching TV and the weatherman announced a cold snap for that night.  The wife asked her husband if he thought they should bring in their plants for the night.

And that's when he shot her.

Pretend the water is grass and the snake is a green garter snake.  At least the size is about right.  I took this pic in New York state several years ago.

Now, after you have picked yourself up off of the floor, and caught your breath, I hope you enjoyed this story.

Just remember, don't bring any little green garden snakes into the house. 

And with this little word of wisdom, am going to leave for church.  Will post this when I get  back.  In the meantime, be careful, and God Bless.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Just about the time I get it figured out, they change it.  Went to write my blog today and - yep - nothing, but nothing looked the same. 

Took almost 15 minutes to just figure out how to write a new blog.  They have hidden everything behind symbols, with no title, just symbols.

I HATE change.  I'm TOO OLD for change.  I like things the way they were, I knew what to do without having to search and stumble around looking for what I needed to do.

The say change is good.  Good for What.  Good for frustration.  Good for some not so good language.  Good for making you tear your hair out.  Good for throwing your hands in the air and yelling I GIVE UP!!!!

Now, that I've gotten past the "change is good" part, I am trying to figure out what to do next.

Now, what was it I was going to write about.  This change has completely blown my mind.  What there is of it to blow.

Let's see -- oh yes, a follow up for the toe nail cutting yesterday.  What a three ring circus.

The dogs were in their kennels, - not that I put them there, they spend a lot of time in their kennels, door open, just sleeping away the day.

I shut the door on Sam's kennel so I could take Coco downstairs and put him in the car, with his leash on, of course.  Then back up to let Sam loose - she was tyring to tear the door off - so she wouldn't completely destroy her kennel.

Getting back downstairs without here took some doing.  But I made it.

When backing out of the garage I glanced up at the window and there was Sam, standing on her hind legs looking out and beating on the glass with her paws, almost as if she were say,  "Hey, what about me".

The cowardly lion dog went peacefully to the vet, got his toenails cut, sanded, polished, shined, whatever, and came peacefully home. 

Sam went wild, Coco went to bed.  He slept the rest of the day.  Jerry came home from work and wanted to know what I did to Coco, he just laid there looking worn out.  Told him I didn't do anything, just took him to the Vet for toe nail cutting. 

I guess  the 5 minutes it takes to cut the toe nails on four feet is a completely exhausting 5 minutes.  For me too.  I have to try to control this 50 plus pound dog who wants to see and smell every single thing, not caring if he almost yanks my arm off.  I should be the one looking exhausted, not el stupido.

Glad I finished my flower beds yesterday, it is raining today.  And, believe it or not, we do need the rain.  They were talking on the news last night about the upper Ohio valley entering a drought stage.  I don't know how that can be with all the rain we have had, but  it is raining today so I guess that is a good thing.

Well, better see what I can get in to today.  Guess the house could use some spiffing up.  Maybe.  Hopefully the phone will wring and I will get to do something fun. 

Enjoy the day, the "much needed" rain, and God Bless.

Friday, April 20, 2012

A NEW (ANOTHER) JOB...APRIL 20 2012....

I love being busy.  I am not good without something to do, even if it is just reading a good book.  And I do read - a lot - every chance I get.

I have been offered a new job, one that is right up my alley.  Becoming a blogger/reviewer.  Or some such thing.
This is the cover for Sunny Serafino's newest novel.  If you have never read any Sunny books, you are missing out on some really great stories.  Can hardly wait to read it. 

I have just been asked if I would consider reading the new books being published by this particular publishing house, and blogging my review, good or bad.  Wow!  And I even get to do it for free, but I get copies of the books for free, so it evens out.

As I have mentioned, I tend to panic when my supply of books to be read dwindles down to 7 or 8.  What am I going to read when I finish these?  This will definitely help fill that "I don't have anything to read" panic attack.  Just in time, as my supply is dwindling.  Luckily I bought those new books that I blogged about several days ago to keep me going.

I do know one thing - if the four new books Double Edge Press is releasing this month are as good as the others they have published and I have read they should all be best-sellers. 

Now for the fun part of my day.  Coco.  The cowardly lion dog.  And his toe nails. 

He has fast-growing toe nails,  won't let us touch him to cut said nails. He fights us every step of the way, and he weighs well over 50 pounds, and we can't hold him down, cut his nails, without doing some sort of damage, either to him or to us.

So have an appointment with our vet's groomer.  I know she thinks we are crazy, because he is as good as gold for her, just stands and lets her cut, then use her sanding tool to smooth.  Five minutes flat and she is done with all 4 feet.  And guess who gets to take him?  Me, of course.

Then back to finish up the iris bed, then will be ready for mulch. And another day will be coming to an end, and I won't know where it went, just that it is evening.  April is fast approaching it's end, May just around the corner.  How can that be?

So better close out here, or it will be tomorrow before you get today's blog.  Enjoy and God Bless.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

IF I'M LUCKY .... APRIL 19 2012.....

The rain will hold off another day and I can finish my flower beds.  Only have half of one of the smaller ones, and another which is just an iris bed. 

Need to get my tomato plants and the few annuals I have bought planted before I leave for Arizona.  Also need to look for more annuals, which will probably not be done until my return.

We have one of the best dandelion crops in our yard that I have seen for some time.  Any one want some seeds?  Have lots to share.

Got the neatest e-mail today about a 15 year old cat in England named Artful Dodger.  Guess Dodger likes to ride the bus.  Big time.  Everyday he will board a bus at a stop near his home and ride the 10 mile round trip, sitting on the seats, looking out the window, sometimes sitting on some passengers lap.

He has been on the news more than once.  The bus company seems to enjoy having Dodger ride with them, and even went so far as to say that since he was a "senior citizen/cat" he was entitled to "free" transportation".

I guess all the drivers, and the majority of the passengers, are getting a big charge out of Dodger.  I'm sure when he is gone that he will be greatly missed as a daily passenger. 

He doesn't always limit his travels to once a day.  He rides whenever the whim hits, sometimes 2 or 3 times, and he has learned that a lot of the regular passengers now carry treats for him. 

Every morning I look forward to checking my e-mail, as I never know what I will find.  I have a lot of e-mail friends that send me the greatest stories and stuff, some of the stories really make my day. 

Well, time's a 'wastin, better get my indoor stuff done so I can do my outdoor stuff.  I wonder how the mission trip in Joplin is going?  Anxious to hear all about it.  In the meantime, keep doing what you enjoy, don't worry about the nitty-gritty, and God Bless.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This is a Russ Shaffer original wreath, one of a kind.

That's right.  Christmas shopping.  In April.  Why not?

I have, for years, started my shopping the beginning of the new year.  I have a special place that I put what I buy, and I have a spread sheet on my computer listing every person I intend to buy for, and as I find things I add them to the list.

Otherwise I would never remember who gets what? 

Another reason I do this is that when I travel I am always watching for something I think someone would like.

But the best part -- I actually do have a Christmas Club.  The checks come out November 1st.  By November 1st my shopping is 99.9% finished.  So, what do I do with the money? 

Now just stop and think for a minute.  What do I like to do best?  Besides taking pictures?  Should be a no-brainer.

It goes in my TRAVEL fund.  It helps with the bus tours, visiting family in Maine and Arizona, and other fun things that come along during the year.  It also gives me a variety of new pictures to add to the business.  What fun!!!

Speaking of business - as you know my pictures are in categories to make it easier to browse.  I am going to have a new category for 2012 - CASTLES.  I am beginning to find castles on my travels.  I never realized how many actual castles there are in the United States.  In fact one of my days in Phoenix will be locating three castles that we are aware of.

And then there is my trip to Ireland.  Should be able to find a couple of castles over there.

As I close-out older categories, I add new categories.  Keeps everything up-to-date with the trends, and other stuff.

So had better get in gear, get busy, and try to stay out of trouble.  No easy task.

Had one surprise yesterday.  When going into the shed (where the mowing tractors, gardening tools, and all kinds of stuff is stored) to get my flower-bed cleaning stuff, walked in the door and there was a big old 'coon sitting on a workbench staring at me.

It (I don't know if male or female) looked as me as if "what are you doing in here.  This is MY space".  Then he/she jumped down and ambled across the back of the shed and went under a pile of stacked lumber.

Needless to say after finishing my flowerbed work for the day, I called Tim, told him about the 'coon, and he said he would bring a box trap up today and put it in the shed.  Did I ever say I never get bored?

Well, better get cracking as time is a-wastin'
Hope you all have a good day, and no surprise visitors.  Take care and God Bless.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

IT REALLY IS SPRING ... APRIL 17 2012......

And just how do I know that?  Must be because my purple and white iris is blooming.  Right.  Has 7-8 flowers and lots of buds.  Talk about early.

Today it is calm, if no rain moves in I will be outside working on my flower beds.  Running out of time.  Still have 2 -1/2 to do, and I leave next week for Arizona.  Upon my return want to get my mulch ordered.

Will get to give my new camera a work-out when in AZ.  We are going on a photo shoot to Antelope Canyon - one of the prettiest canyons in Utah.  Will be a 3 day jaunt, really looking forward to it.  Hopefully I will know what I am doing with it when I go to Ireland.  Maybe.  If I am lucky.  Who knows?

Was starting to panic - down to my last 2 books to read.  I read all the time, even when watching TV - yes I can read and know what I am reading and also know what is happening on TV.  Talk about a messed up head.

Had to make a run to WalMart yesterday, and lucky me, they had a lot of their hard-back books on sale - $4.99 each - cheaper than the paper backs.  I grabbed a few by authors I really enjoy.

How do I know if I have read them or not?  Well, you have to be smart like me.  I don't believe I said that.  Anyhoo I keep a running list on my computer of books, in alphabetical order by author, then book title, that I have read in recent years.  I also carry a printed copy of that list.  Pretty soon it will be a book in itself.

When I find a book that looks interesting, I check the list to see if I had read it or not.  Saves buying duplicate books, which I have done more than once.

I always carry a book with me when I travel, sometimes more than one depending on the length of the trip and the itinerary.  There is always time sometime in the evening to read.

So I am covered for Arizona.  My sister is also a reader, and as she finishes books that have been passed on to her, she passes them on to me, and after I read them I pass them on to others.  She has books for me, but we are both busy, she lives in Martins Ferry, Ohio, and so far we haven't been able to make connection.  The good thing - the longer I have to wait the more books I get.

Well, time to get busy.  I wonder how our mission group in Joplin Missouri are doing?  Will be great to hear all about it.  Keep them in your prayers and God Bless.

Monday, April 16, 2012

TV and ME .....APRIL 16 2012.......

It seems as if the more channels we have the less there is to watch.  Maybe it is just me.  Maybe I am too picky. 

Comedy  Past:  It used to be that comedies were actually comedies, just laugh until you hurt fun.  The entire family could watch and enjoy. 

Comedy Present:  You don't dare let your kids watch todays comedies, as there really is nothing funny about them, most of them are disgusting.  That is just my opinion.  Doesn't mean it is right or wrong, just what I think.

I used to love all the westerns.  Now can only watch them on the tv stations that run all the "old" shows.  Guess that means I am old?

And when I do find a series on TV that I truly like - guess what - it is cancelled, or put on hiatus, or some such thing. 

The "reality" shows - which are anything but reality, but a big stretch of the imagination.  When have you seen "real life" like the "reality" shows?

Now for the shows, that are currently being shown, that I like .....

Harry's Law - love Cathy Bates. 

A Person of Interest - never can remember the name of the actor playing Harold Finch, I hated him in Lost, love him in P.O.I. Does he really limp, or does he just do a great job of acting/

The Good Wife - sometimes you love her, sometimes you hate her, but the show, and the courtroom scenes, are a lot of fun to watch - at least for me.

CSI's including NCIS - I like them all.  I like them in this order:  NCIS - first.  CSI - second.  CSI New York - third.  CSI Miami - fourth.

I also like NCIS Los Angeles.

I like Criminal Minds, Flashpoint, Bones, The Mentalist, movies on Hallmark, LMN, Lifetime, and Cloo, and where-ever else I can find a good movie to watch.

I enjoy Bluebloods, because I like Tom Sellick.  I also like his Jesse Stone Movies.

I love football and football season. 

Now then, if you can figure out my mentality, please let me know what your findings are, because I sure don't know.  I just know what I enjoy watching, knowing that as soon as I get hooked it will disappear forever.

We have all these channels, and part of the time I can't find a single thing to watch.

Have a good day and God Bless. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A WING AND A PRAYER....APRIL 15 2012.....

Crossing the Canadian Rockies the year we flew to Alaska

What are the first 2 things you think of -different movies, one a war story, one and one an  airplane disaster. 

I am not talking about either of these today.  I am talking about Church.  My Church.  It was quite a different Sunday, definitely not the norm.

It all started yesterday morning. Our Pastor, his wife and 18 other volunteers left for Joplin Missouri on their mission trip.  The weather forecasts for that area were horrendous.  I learned they arrived safely, but spent the night in a Church basement - because of the weather.

Last night there was a scheduled power outage by West Penn Power to commence at 11 p.m., and power would be restored by 7 a.m. today.  Right?  Wrong!  First the outage did not start until after 1 a.m.  Second the power was not restored until after 9:30 a.m.

Early Church is 8:30 a.m., then Sunday School, then regular Church.  

I can only tell you what I experienced.  I go to the regular Church service.

First I had no electric, had to become a contortionist to pull the rope and open my garage door.  Bossman was not available.  I got that done ahead of time so I would know whether to dress for Church, or dress to stay home.  Car out of garage.  Going to Church.

Just before leaving, electric came back on.  Talk about perfect timing.  Already had the car out and had pulled the door shut.

Arrived. Only 1 or 2 cars.  Had Church been cancelled?  Then another car, and after discussing the situation, we decided to see if the doors were unlocked, and if so that obviously meant we would have Church.

Doors unlocked, 5 other folks in the pews.  We had  parishioners arriving 1 or 2 at a time.  When the service began at 11 a.m. there were 28-30 of us in attendance.  We usually have between 80 and 100. 

We had our resident lay speaker today, who by the way, always does a great job.  Today was a real challenge.  Her sermon was about her disaster of a day on Saturday, starting with getting her husband and daughters to town in time to join the caravan heading to their mission trip.  From there her day was down-hill all the way, we laughed, what a sermon!  But by the conclusion it made perfect sense. 

Also, our organist/choir director could not be there.  Our back up pianist was not available.  No one to play the music for the hymns listed in the bulletin.  After a mad scramble, CD's were located for some hymn music, then had to find on what pages those particular hymns appeared.

At the beginning of the service it was announced that we would be given the proper page numbers for each hymn.  Nothing went quite the way it usually does, but I must say Rosie (our lay speaker) does a fantastic job, her sermon was on her computer, with no electric, so she had to "wing" it, say a "prayer" and hope for the best.

I have to say, it was one of our more fun Sunday services, because there was so much to laugh at, and we all coped.  Every so often we need a "wing and a prayer" kind of day, whether it be Sunday, or Monday, or whatever day, just to keep us on our toes and to remind us of what we really are capable of doing.

There is absolutely nothing like a little white country church with it's very flexible congregation, willing to step in and help, if in no other way than going along with the bumps in the road, and enjoying them instead of complaining about them.  That, my friends, is what Church is all about.

How was your day?  God Bless.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

FRIENDS.....SEPTEMBER 14 2012.........
My granddaughter Jennifer's reflection in the mirror when she and I were visiting Fort Ontario State Park in New York state a few years ago. 

Funny, I was sitting here thinking about Vicki when the phone rang.  It was Vicki.  We keep checking up on each other.  At least that is our excuse.  Checking up gives us an excuse to plan a get-to-gather/gether? who cares.

We are going to meet later today, one to have supper, two to do, who knows what.  Russ - you know what who knows what is.  Everyone else, I like to keep you guessing.  I will say, though, that every time we get together we have a really good gab-fest and whatever.

I should feel guilty about taking the day off, but I worked out all yesterday afternoon and got another flower bed cleaned off.  2 more to go. 

So, no guilt trip today.

Supposed to rain later anyway, so why stay at home on a Saturday when I can be out and about?   There is plenty of dog food out, and plenty of people food in the fridge and freezer, so I don't have to worry about anyone going hungry. 

If they can't help themselves, they are in trouble.

That is one of the great things about retirement.  You can come and go as you please.
And today I please to go.

Have received info on two new festivals I have never done, am considering one, can't do the other as it conflicts with my Mail Pouch Barnstormers picnic in July, and I am not about to miss the picnic -- way too much good food and fun. 

Well, have a little job to do now.  Bought a new touch lamp (I love them beside my bed) while in Amish country and it needs assembled.  Just the shade assembled, so that will probably take me the rest of the day.  If I am lucky.  If the directions make sense.  If I have the right screw driver.  If, If, If.

So, enjoy your day, especially if you have spur of the moment plans.  They sometimes are the best of all.  Whatever you do, enjoy being able to do it, and God Bless.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Good morning this Friday the 13th.  Because legend says Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, I thought I would share another legend with you - the legend of the Great White Buffalo.  What better day to do it than today?

In my home I have a poster hanging that I bought over 20 years ago when Tom and I were attending his annual army reunion, which was being held in Wichita Kansas that particular year.

One of the places we visited was the Kansas State Historical Society museum, where they were in the process of creating a monument to the Great White Buffalo.  The poster portrays what the finished monument would look like.

I have been fascinated ever since.  And so I have done some research over the years, and thought this would be a good day to share the Legend of the White Buffalo.

2000 years ago a young Indian woman first appeared in the shape of a white buffalo,  She gave the Lakota (Sioux) a sacred pipe and shared the sacred ceremonies, making them the guardians of the Black Hills, their home.

Before leaving them she prophesized that one day she would return to purify the world, bringing back spiritual balance and harmony.  The birth of a White Buffalo would be a sign that her return was at hand.

Her spirit would be within the white buffalo.  The birth of a white buffalo calf is a sign from the Great Spirit that the age of harmony and balance CANNOT be revoked.

Joseph Chasing Horse, a descendant of the Lakota, and a great protector of the legend of the White Buffalo like to phrase it  as follows:

"Mention that we are praying.  Many of the medicine people, the spiritual leaders, the elders, we are all praying for the world.  We are praying that mankind does wake up and think about the future, for we haven't just inherited this earth from our ancestors, but we are borrowing it from our unborn children."

Think about this.  This world does not belong to us, it is on loan to us.  We are supposed to be the guardians of the earth, but we haven't done a very good job, have we?

If you would like more in-depth information on the Great White Buffalo, you can check out the following two web-sites:  WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN as told by Joseph Chasing Horse, and MIRACLE, THE SACRED WHITE BUFFALO of Janesville Wisconsin.

Mitakuye Oyasin....We are all related in the Sacred Hoop of Life.  May it ever be so.

God Bless, and remember, we are the caretakers.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

MY MIND IS A QUESTION MARK.......APRIL 12 2012......

Surprise, surprise.  My mind is always questionable.  What to write about today?  Well, let's see-----

Can't believe this weekend is the middle of April.  What happened?

Was looking at my schedule for the rest of the year --  I just go merrily along, taking each day as it comes, but when I look at my schedule, all I can say is "ooops"

Two weeks from today I will be in Arizona.  Three weeks from yesterday I will be returning.

The the middle of May my first festival of the year in Morgantown West Virginia.  Time to get my feet wet for another year, but it seems I just finished packing all my stuff away.  Got to get it all out again.

June a very busy month.  Have two back to back festivals in Troy Ohio and Granville Ohio.  Then Nancy and I leave for Ireland.  Upon return June will just about be finished.

July is a fairly easy month, a wedding to attend the first Friday, then will either be doing a festival the next weekend (I am on their waiting list), or going on a bus trip.  Then the end of the month is the annual Mail Pouch Barnstormers picnic - always a fun day.  Then goodbye July.

August - Y-Bridge festival first weekend, Salt Fork Arts Festival the second weekend.  Then the end of the month Nancy and I fly to Maine to meet up with son and daughter-in-law, and we will then drive north in Maine, cross over onto Price Edward Island, tour down through Nova Scotia, then return to Maine and home. That takes me into the middle of---

September - and the Covered Bridge Festival, followed by a Bus trip.  And September is just a memory.

October - Oglebayfest the first weekend, a free weekend, then the two week-end festival, and another month is gone.

November - Last festival of the year in Morgantown (that is where I started this year), then pack everything away, and get ready for the holidays.  Thanksgiving.  December - Christmas, and a bus trip.  And, guess what - another year has become history.

Now you can see why my mind is fried.  It is no wonder that the year flies by so fast.  And, guaranteed, there will be things pop up that I hadn't planned on, that just HAVE to be done, can't let any fun thing get by without participating. 

There will also be the cook-outs, friends and family coming to spend some time with us, running around with them, and trying to stay out of trouble.  Ha Ha!!!

Somewhere in there are my flower beds, house-keeping chores, garden, house-keeping chores, laundry, h-k chores, running errands, meeting friends for something or other, h-k chores. 

And you know what - I wouldn't change a thing.  This is my life - and I love every minute of it. 

I hope you all are as lucky as I have been, enjoy the moment and God Bless.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

HOW!!!WHAT!!!WHY???APRIL 11 2012....
This is the sailing ship FRIENDS GOOD WILL out of South Haven Michigan when Rebecca's family and I visited Michigan 2 or 3 years ago.  We were fortunate enough to be taken for a sail, what an experience!

Very good questions. 

HOW - do you figure out what the judges want when jurying for festivals?  I have received one rejection, as of now, for one of the juried shows I had applied for.  Had no problem getting juried in last year.  Probably this year's judge didn't like what he saw.  Their loss.

WHAT - on earth is the weather thinking.  As of right now (12:55 p.m.) we have had clouds, sunshine, wind, no wind, warmer, colder, and just a couple of minutes ago looked out and was pouring down snow.  That's right, pouring down snow.  Now the sun is out again.  No the strongest drink I have had to day is iced tea.  Nothing but tea, no little appetizer added. 

WHY  - do we even pretend we know what we are doing?  I plan one thing, and do everything but that one thing.  Some folks call it senility, some call it forgetfulness, some call it normal.  I like to think I am the normal one.

In addition to the first rejection of the year, I got my acceptance to the Granville Ohio Art festival being held in June.  Just finished making my hotel reservations for Friday and Saturday nights.  Set up is Friday evening, the festival all day Saturday and Sunday.

I also received a notification indicating I was accepted on a stand-by status for one of my favorite festivals.  Had too many good artists apply.  Hopefully someone will drop out (not dead, just out) and I will be notified.  If not, there is always next year.

Years ago I was completely devastated when rejected.  You get used to it, like everything else, and learn that the world won't stop turning when you get a rejection letter.  Of course the acceptance letters are much nicer, but the world won't turn any faster just because someone liked what you do.

These are just little bumps in the road, after a while you don't even notice them.  On the whole, I receive very few rejections, so I feel  good about what I do.

My friends and I have a good time, enjoy the getting-together after the hiatus from November until spring.  A lot to catch up on.  Good things, and sometimes not so good.  But that is life.  Everything can't always be good.  We learn to cope, to live with it, to re-arrange our plans to work with whatever.  That is called living.  Otherwise you sink into a funk, do nothing, hope for nothing, try nothing new.  That is called existing.  I know I would much rather be among the living  rather than among the existing.

So will get off my soap box, get busy doing something constructive (like watching for the next snow shower - or possibly reading  - maybe deciding what to cook for supper) and enjoy my day.  I hope you are all having a good day and God Bless.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I'M NOT SURE....APRIL 10 2012....

Is it spring - or winter - or a bit of both?  Cold today, sun shining, but cold.  Rain and snow flurries predicted for later today and tonight.  Poor flowers don't know what they are supposed to be doing.  Neither do I. 

One thing for sure, I just don't work out when it is cold, or really windy.  Guess I am a hot-house flower.  Or should I say cactus?  Whatever. 

Even the dogs don't want out any longer than absolutely necessary.

Spent most of yesterday with all the day-after stuff  that needs done the day after the day before, when everyone was here and we had food everywhere.  Not that we had a lot of left-over food to worry about.  Nada.

It is all the pots and pans, large serving dishes, good dinnerware, roasters, etc., etc., that you only use on special occasions.  It is trying to  remember where each of these items had been hidden since the last Holiday - special day - so I could re-hide them until the next  holiday - special day.

I think I will be able to find everything the next time I need them - which will probably be sometime over Memorial Day weekend - when our next big bash is planned. 

I don't think there will be anything earth-shattering before then, but around here, who knows?

And by the same token, it will be Memorial Day before we know it, the beginning of the end of summer.  My, how time flies!!!!!

When I told bossman this, he just gave me that "look" - like, what world do you live in?

I guess it is because I live in the "fast lane" so-to-speak, always busy with something.  

I know my face-book page was running over this morning, which is always fun.  

So had better sign off here, and get busy doing  something - as my to-do list never seems to get any smaller.  Stay warm, stay our of trouble, and God Bless. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

GOOD MORNING....APRIL 09 2012.....

And a beautiful morning it is!  Mostly sun.  Possibly some rain, but it is spring.

I hope everyone had as good an Easter as I and my family and friends had.  It was a picture-perfect day, a great Church service, with two beautiful solo's by one of our choir members.

Then off for home, and upon arriving had 4 or 5 guys gabbing in the living room - the earliest arrivers.  Because most of the food prep had been done before, and the hams went in the oven before Church, only had to put scalloped potatoes in oven, and dinner would be ready.

One good friend lives in Pittsburgh, and we usually eat a little later so she can attend her Church, and then drive to our place.  Works out perfectly.

We had 16..and what a great group it is.  We talked, and ate, and laughed, and ate, talked some more.  You know the drill.

And so much food! 

Ham, scalloped potatoes, candied yams, potato salad, 5 bean salad, Pistachio Pudding salad, deviled eggs, (mine were plain, my daughters were made in the shape of little bunnies) She is more creative than I am.  We had pie, cake, cookies, cheese cake, I'm not really sure what all. 

I do know, though, we had very little in the way of left-overs.  It was a good day. 

Now it is back to the real world.  Have a couple of ham bones I will cook later today for broth, then will make a big pot of ham and bean soup.  Part of the broth will be used tonight for noodles for bossman.  He likes noodles.

Only have 3 of the smaller flower beds to clean off.  My creeping phlox is in full bloom, had many comments yesterday on how nice the flower bed looked.  Will look a lot better when it gets its fresh coat of mulch.

Three rows of potatoes are planted.  The remainder of the garden will be planted (corn, green beans, tomatoes) around Memorial Day.  There will probably be a few other odds and ends in the garden, but I plant mostly what we will eat.  Too much of the garden stuff only I like, so not worth-while planting it. 

There is always someone with a surplus of something I like, so treat myself.  Not that I deserve to be treated, but like to think so.

Now - change of pace.  Yep.  Again.

Found a neat web-site called Shutterfly.  You can create an account, create a password, then you can upload pictures and have them made into a book. 

I decided to give it a try.  I found you have your choice of book size (5 x 7 up to 8 x 10).  I chose the 5 x 7 (it was the least expensive, although their prices are very reasonable) uploaded about 60 pictures I have taken, and within 10 days had the finished book in my hands.

It looks great.  The pictures I chose were of the Pennsylvania Mail Pouch Barns that I have photographed.  Shutterfly arranges the pics and places them on each page, everyone yesterday thought it looked great.

Guess one of my next projects will be to have other books made of pictures I have taken.  That, hopefully, will keep me out of trouble for a while. Hopefully.

Guess I had better close for now and get busy.  I hope you had as good a weekend as I did, that your day was joyful, as it should have been, and God Bless.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


My towers stood empty and forlorn for 6 long years.  Would I ever be rebuilt?  What would I be this time?  How long must I wait?  and wait?  And wait?

Suddenly one day a lot of workers arrived.  It was 1860, in the spring.  By mid-summer I had been rebuilt, still a suspension bridge, still very very long, and in mid-summer I was reopened to traffic.  I was now two lanes wide, enough for traffic to go both ways at once.

In 1872 sidewalks were added so that foot traffic was allowed also.

Today I am internationally recognized as a landmark of unique significance  From my humble beginnings as an old wooden covered bridge until now I have seen hogs and pigs and horses replaced by cars and trucks.  I have seen all types of ships and barges plying the river beneath me.  I have seen the coming of the air plane, flying over me.  I have seen the fireworks that go off over me every 4th of July.

In 1987 all new lighting was placed on me, 24 feet apart, attached to my railing.  Other lighting was placed on the towers.  You should see me now, at night, glowing brightly, making it easier to walk across me after dark.

I am very old now.  But I am well taken care of.  I am pampered, primped, cleaned, and polished.  No trucks are allowed to cross me now - they have become much too large and heavy - but there is another newer bridge close by me for them.  Only cars and pedestrians can use me now.  I don't have to worry about weight bringing me down.

I have come a long way since my covered bridge days.  I wonder what the next 100 plus years will bring.  I wonder if I will still be here to add to my story.  I wonder what new marvels I will see over the next 100 years.  I wonder - so many many tings. 

If you are ever in the Wheeling West Virginia area, stop and pay me a visit.  I think you will like me.  I know I will like having you here.

Now you have a thumbnail sketch of this historic bridge and I hope you have enjoyed its history.  I have enjoyed sharing with you.

If you wold like more technical information, or just want to see what was what, just google "Wheeling West Virginia Suspension Bridge"  There will be numerous articles pertaining to its history.

Why do I know all this?  I have found through the many years of selling my pictures that folks like to know the story behind the picture.  And there is a story with every pic.  Therefore when I add a picture to my business inventory, if it is something that has a history, I research it, keep the info on file (both written and in my head - my head is not always dependable) so when a browser is looking at said pic., and wants to know more, I can share.  I am, after all, a story teller.  Fits right in, don't you think.

Today is another perfect day.  We did have frost last night.  Hopefully not a killing frost, but it was there.  My garden is ready, I have three rows marked out, will be planting my potatoes later today.  The remainder of the garden will not be planted until near the end of May.

Enjoy this beautiful day, celebrate Easter tomorrow, and God Bless.

Friday, April 6, 2012


 Sometime ago I mentioned sharing the history of Wheeling's Suspension Bridge with you.  I guess this is the day.

This will be a 2 part story, as told from the Bridges' point of view.  Enjoy.

At one time I was a covered bridge.  A very long time ago.  Then when I was no longer safe they tore me down and began changing me into a suspension bridge.  In the summer of 1849 the first cable was laid from Ohio to Virginia (West Virginia had not seceded from the Union yet and Ohio still claimed the Island), a span of 1,010 feet, to be the world's longest suspension bridge   Boy, was I ever proud!

I watched as more cables were stretched across the Ohio River, then the timbers, planks, braces, supports, and finally the floor.  I was looking good, really good.  Then it was October 1849, there was a Grand Opening and a celebration of my completion.  I had made history - the longest suspension bridge in the world!  I cost almost $250,000.00.  I can't even imagine what that would be.  Wheeling was just a baby town, around 13,000 people, and in front of me at the north end tower there was a toll booth.  Can you imagine, people had to pay to cross me.

It was just so funny - a man with his horse paid 10 cents  A six horse carriage paid 15 cents.  The four horse mail coach paid a huge $1.22 per month.  Here is the really funny part - hogs and sheep cost 2 cents per head.  I really didn't like the hogs and sheep because they always seemed to wait until they were on me before they made a mess.  And sometimes the mess was really bad.  I didn't smell quite so good then, but at least I was over the river, had a breeze under and over me, and I was, after all, beautiful.

At night I just glowed.  I had 1,010 lights, one for each foot of the bridge length.  I overheard one person asking why there had to be lights, that they should take them down.  Then I heard the reply, "Take them down!  You might as well try to take down the rainbow".

For 5 years I swayed with the breeze, watching the traffic come and go.  Then suddenly in 1854 there was a tremendous storm racing through my Ohio Valley, right down the river, coming straight at me.  I held on as tight as I could, but suddenly one of my cables snapped, then another and another.  One extremely violent gust of wind turned me completely upside down, then I broke into three pieces and fell into the river below. My weight crashing into the river created a horrendous torrent of water, reaching a height of 40 feet, clear across the river.  The tidal wave briefly flooded the city of Wheeling, along with parts of the Island.

I was gone, except for my twin towers, one on the Wheeling side of the river, the other on the Island side of the river.  (This island divides the Ohio River here at Wheeling. On the Ohio side  of the Island is Bridgeport Ohio). 

All that is left of me are my towers.  

Tomorrow I will tell the "rest of the story" as Paul Harvey used to say on his radio broadcasts.  Until then, remember what today is all about, take a few minutes...say a prayer, and God Bless. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012


To let you know I am still here!  Nothing new or exciting to talk about, just  little bits of stuff.

Freeze and frost was predicted for our area last night, we lucked out again.  Got cold, but no freeze and no frost.  Really glad as our fruit trees are blooming big time.  Hoping to have apples, peaches and pears from the orchard this year.

Got another big chunk of my flower beds cleaned off yesterday afternoon.  Was a perfect day to be working outside.  Bossman mowed again last night.  Grass just keeps growing.

My new camera is here, and have been experimenting with it.  Want to know what I am doing (that will be the day) when in Arizona.  Taking both cameras (old and new) just to cover all bases.

Other than that nothing new or exciting.  Unless you can call grocery shopping exciting, which I am going to do next.

Tomorrow will, hopefully, be busy.  Will start on pre-food prep (anything I can do ahead of time I do), and get my seed potatoes planted. 

I hope you are all having a good day, enjoy the moment, take some time for yourself, and God Bless.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

THIS 'n THAT....APRIL 04 2012...........
Moon rise as seen from our deck

Just caught daughter Rebecca's latest blog showing the cover of the next book she is getting ready to  publish.

WOW!!!  What an awesome cover.  Be sure to check out her blog theslushpileblog.squarespace.com  -  I think you will be amazed.

Have to finish my Easter dinner menu today, so I know what I am shopping for tomorrow.  I already have the hams (that right - I have two half semi-boneless surgardale hams for dinner), and have to decide what else I am having.  

I know ever one else coming will have something, always a surprise, and makes the dinners  much more interesting.  Count right now is at 16.  Could change any time.

Hopefully will get back to my flower beds this afternoon.  Depending on the weather.  In the meantime, am off to Bible study, which is always a fun hour.  Looks over-cast right now, but the forecast is for sun this afternoon.  Keeping my fingers crossed

Have a good Wednesday - the over-the-hump day for you Monday thru Friday workers, don't know what you call it for the rest of you, and God Bless.