Friday, January 11, 2013


.....NEXT MONTH .... JANUARY 11 2013 ....

Quite a jump from yesterday until next month.  The days are passing way too fast as it is.

Let's start with yesterday.  It was my day to go to the neurology department at UPMC in Pittsburgh.  Thanks to my trusty GPS, even if she does sound like a drill sargent issuing orders, I arrived in plenty of time, did not get lost.  Hooray!

Left home very early so I would not be in the backed up traffic trying to get into Pittsburgh.  Worked out well, and even though I was early, they started with me almost immediately.

Had two young good-looking doctors.  In addition to the "book" I had to write with my medical history, they asked a bejillion questions, had me doing all sorts of things, wonder I didn't drop from exhaustion. 

Bottom line - they did not know what to do with me either. 

Bottom Bottom line is - I am scheduled for an ALL DAY appointment in February.  I guess they are going to do all kinds of nasty things as they informed me that I HAD TO HAVE SOME ONE WITH ME - because they were going to make me very sick and very dizzy.

I can do that all by myself. 

I can just hardly wait!

Other than that I am just fine and dandy. 

Now, on to my current project.  I always have projects waiting in line, hoping they are the next one picked TO COME ON DOWN.

These projects keep me busy during the winter months when I am snow and/or ice bound.  Things I never have time for otherwise.  Now is the time.

I can't go into any detail .... because I am working on Christmas.  Don't laugh.  Don't commit me.  I usually start on Christmas in January.  Works for me.  I do keep a running list reminding me of what I have done, what I need to do, and where I have any stuff hidden.

Bossman thinks I am nuts - that is a given - as he is one of the DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS shoppers.  I would be a nervous wreck.

I try to do something special for the kids.  Maybe I am just promoting me, don't know, but it seems to work.

On the years that my newest book is published they all receive --- a book of all things.  On the in-between years they receive something that has meaning, at least to me.

For example.  When my kids were young, a friend and I (she had kids the same age) decided one winter we needed something to do.

We decided to start with something easy - Knitting.  Yeah.  Right.

We bought how to books, needles and yarn.  Held numerous telephone conversations trying to figure out what the how to book was trying to tell us how to.

Bottom line - I ended up with 5 afghans.  All different.  They were never actually used, mostly for decoration - on a bed, or chair, or something.  As time went by they were delegated to a shelf in a closet, then a cedar chest.

They all found a new home this past Christmas.

I never knitted again.  I am one of those people who likes to learn something, try something, whatever, just so that when someone else is talking about said subject, I know from experience what they are talking about.

No wonder no one knows what to do with me!!!!!

Computer still will not let me upload pictures for inclusion in the blog.  Once in a while it will pop up when sharing it with a picture I have used before, but cannot upload any new pics.

Guess I will have to share them on face book, if it will let me do that.  Computers seem to hate me for some strange reason.  Probably because they cannot figure out what to do with me either.

Have a great Friday and God Bless.


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