Saturday, May 17, 2014


FREE .. TO A GOOD HOME...MAY 17 2014

One friendly ghost. 

After we left the White Castle to continue our journey it decided to rain.  Obviously the ghost flew ahead of us.  He didn't like riding in a tow truck.  First there was a traffic tie-up - because of an accident.  Then road construction.   Another accident. More road construction.  Then to top it all off it rained.  Poured is more like it. 

We were about 2 hours later getting to Wheeling than we anticipated.  Arriving at the body shop it was still raining a pretty good clip.  Our friends were there waiting for us to arrive. 

Our driver told us to stay in the truck, he would take care of everything.  While it rained he unloaded the car from the flat-bed, then proceeded to take all our luggage and stuff from the car transferring it to the friend's van.  Then he helped us out of the truck.  We talked a minute, got a hug from him, and he was gone, riding off into the sunset (there had to be sun somewhere)

We made it home.   A little worse for the wear, but home.

Monday May 1.  Called the body shop.  They had the car, the estimate of damages and were starting to inspect said damages.  Enterprise rent-a-car was at the same location, so I talked with them and arranged to rent a car.  Later that morning I was picked up, taken to Wheeling, signed the papers and had wheels.   Should only be a few days.  Right.  They didn't know my ghost.

May 2.  Parts were ordered.  As soon as they arrived they would get started.  I had rented the car for a week.  That would take me to May 8, and they estimated the car would be ready by the 9th.

Piece of cake.  Right.  Wrong.  Whatever,.

Parts were back-ordered.  Some were there, but they needed the back ordered parts first.  I could hear the ghost laughing.

Once the parts were in they could proceed.  New estimate - May 16.  So went back to Enterprise and extended my rental until May 16.  All is well.  Called the body shop May 15  No parts had arrived as of that morning.  They had a tracer out.  I could have told them that wouldn't do any good because the ghost was disrupting everything.  But I kept my mouth shut.  If I started talking about the ghost they would take away the rental, have me committed and sell the car for junk.

May 15 went to Enterprise/Body Shop.  New estimate for my car being put back together was May 18!!!  Maybe!!!  By then I had spent way too much money on car rental.  Turned the car in, they took me home.

The accident happened April 26.  New repair date May 29.  Right now the ghost is laying low, he knows I am really upset (I wanted to use stronger language, but knew it would be censored) and he probably better lay low for a while.

So here I am, our Route 66 trip we looked forward to for so long ended.  My car I had only had for  4 months was a mess.  I know for a fact the ghost is alive and well.  Our trip might have been interrupted (that sounds better than ended), no one was hurt in the accident, the car will eventually be put back together and life will get back to normal (whatever that is).

Now all I have to do is sit back and wait.......

I know for sure the ghost will come up with something new to contend with.

One thing about it - I NEVER NEVER get bored.

Have a great day and God Bless.

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