Monday, June 16, 2014



You are finishing a job, completing a project, approaching the end of something, or just getting older.  Yes, I am winding down.  And because I am winding down, I have been involved in numerous projects.  Hopefully they will all be completed.

This winding down process is just a fancy way of feeling your age.   You tire sooner.  Things that were important last year don't really matter.  Thing you have been putting off you have decided to complete, start, or finish.  Or just forget about.

Don't get me wrong.  I am not being morbid.  I am not feeling sorry for myself.  I am just planning and scheming, as I always have my entire life.  It is just that the planning and scheming have taken on a different look. 

The mulch is winding down.  The pile is just a fraction of what it was.  Most of the flower beds have a brand new look because the weeds that are left are buried under the mulch.  They will re-appear sooner or later, but I'll worry about that - later.

My two tomato plants in their containers are almost 2 foot - that is right - high, each one supported with its own personal trellis, and have about half a dozen of small tomatoes.  The pepper plants have lots of blooms and some little peppers set on.  In another month to 6 weeks they will also begin the winding down process, in preparation for fall and winter.

My irises, peonies, oriental poppies, wisteria and rhododendron are in the winding down process.  It is their time to take it easy and plan for next springs blooms.

The past two years, for me, have been completing the necessary paper work that will be needed sometime in the future, hopefully longer than shorter.  But you never know.  So all my affairs are in order, such as they may be, everything is signed, less to worry about.  That is another winding down, taking care of what will need to be done.

But there is still a lot of planning and scheming in process.  I will be spending a couple of days with friends in Ashtabula Co Ohio.  This marks our 65th year of friendship - one that has survived the distance we are apart, only seeing each other when time permits, but once we connect it is as if we had just seen each other the other day.  We were teen-agers,  grew up, married, watched each others families grow, become adults, and then we became grand-parents. 

Friends and I have 4 bus trips scheduled for later this summer, other friends and I have two photo-shoots scheduled in July, since we all belong to the BARNSTORMERS, and when they are in town for the picnic we take a day or two scouting for MP barns that we can take new pictures of. 

There are the upcoming cook-outs, hopefully a trip to Maine, college graduations, life has been good.  /there have been bumps in the road, but that is what has made the smoother roads more enjoyable and special.  Looking back I can honestly say I have no regrets.  Life has been good.  Family has been exceptional.  Friendships have been awesome, and long lasting.  What more could anyone ask for?

And so for everyday I look forward, wondering what mischief I can get into,  what outlandish thing can I do to stir the pot?  After all when you get to my age you can act any old way you want to.  What are the they's out there going to do?  Shake their heads and tell themselves they will never be like that.  The joke is on them.

So I'll do my 8 weekends of up-coming festivals, prepare for my presentation at the local camera club I - March 2014 - now that is planning ahead.  Looking forward to my 6th, and final  book to be published, drive Bossman crazier than he already is and keep my kids - all 5 of them - just shaking their heads - or maybe it is because they are shuddering so hard it makes their heads shake.  Watever.

Remember age is just a number. Life is doing what you love to do and not worrying about that number.  What the heck.  Have a great day and God Bless.    

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