Friday, February 11, 2011

                               A Battery Dead Day

          Yesterday was my "battery dead day" - not the car battery, my internal battery.  It was one of those days that I accomplished absolutely NOTHING.  Well not all nothing.  I did get my barn cats fed.  I have 4 barn cats, that have a straw bed in our small barn, and where they spend most of their time.  However they are outside on my patio every morning waiting for their breakfast.  I have a small shelter on the patio so they are not out in the weather eating, and they are always waiting.  Maybe not all of them at one time, but I will see kitties coming and going all day long.  So I did ONE thing.

          I did let the dogs in and out as necessary.  I did fix some soup for my lunch. I did cook a half-way decent supper for so Jerry and me.  Even my brain was dead.  Couldn't think of a single thing to talk about.

          The dogs love playing in the snow, as long as it is on their terms.  That is Coco in front and Sam following behind.  She was smart, let Coco do the work of breaking the path.  She know how to work the system.

          Possibly tomorrow I will share a picture that I took last night, of the deer in my backyard just off the patio chowing down.  I haven't downloaded the pictures yet, so if I get that done today you will see one tomorrow.

          Some time during the night my battery recharged, and I am up and at it.  Fed the cats, checked e-mails and check-book balance (I have to go grocery shopping today), and everything else I normally check in the morning.

           Also playing the "waiting game".  I have applied for 3 new festivals I have never done, and as all art shows are juried am waiting for acceptance or rejection.  Rejections, whether it be with my writing or my pictures, is always hard to swallow, but I have learned through the year to keep trying.  Sooner or later you will be accepted.

          Many moons ago I was told by another artist about the Salt Fork Art Festival held yearly in Cambridge, Ohio.  I applied.  I was rejected.  Again I applied and was rejected.  This went on for years.  I guess you could call it determination, but I kept applying.  The 10th (yes 10th) year that I applied I had made up my mind that that would be it.  I was accepted.  I have participated every year since (15 plus years), I have won awards and ribbons and some awards with ribbon and check.

          Now when I talk to other artists who have become discouraged I tell them my Salt Fork story.   

          I have been rejected from other shows during the years I have been doing this.  Sometimes I will re-apply, sometimes something else interesting comes along and I will do that.  So many of the major shows will fall on the same weekend of the month.  This is especially true when you do shows in three different states as I do. 

          Sometimes in the jurying process they will tell why you were rejected.  Don't take it the wrong way.  Take their criticism seriously and try going another direction.  It is never too late to make some changes.

          I guess I have rambled on long enough today.  Places to go and things to do. 

          I would ask that if you enjoy reading my blog please pass my address along to your friends and family.  And don't forget to e-mail me if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions.  I WILL answer every e-mail I receive.

          Have a good day and God Bless.

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