Tuesday, March 15, 2011


          We've all watched disaster movies - tornadoes, floods, earth-quakes, fires, strange weather conditions, monsters, you name it we have seen it.   But there is absolutely NOTHING that even comes close to what Japan has been experiencing since last Friday.

          To sit in your warm, secure home and see the magnitude of what has happened over there, even though you are seeing, you are not comprehending.  It is too much, way too much.

          The new videos keep coming, each one more devastating than the last one.  To believe we can sit on the other side of the world and watch these things unfolding right before our eyes is way over the top.  How warm and secure are OUR homes?  To believe that it is possible that without warning we could all experience this type, or some other type, of natural disaster is way out there - it won't happen to me.

          How do we know it "won't happen to me"?  How do we know we are "exempt"?  We really don't know, but I think that by believing we are is what help us keep our sanity, otherwise we would live in constant fear, and that is not living it is just existing.

          I think that is why we, as an individual, a community, a country, are so willing to help others in the time of disaster.  We realize that we COULD be next, and would there be anyone out there willing to help us?

          I watched last night as a new video was aired.  I saw where the earth-quake had been up-graded to a 9, making it one of the worst quakes ever recorded.  I watched the rescue of an old lady and a child.  And I thanked God that it wasn't me. 

          Every morning when you get up to start your day, remember to do all you can do that day, be thankful for everything that happens, good and bad, for we have no guarantees that there will be a tomorrow.  And never hesitate to lend a helping hand, give a compliment or smile, hug someone, laugh with someone else, cry with another, and just be there for them.  Who knows, tomorrow it may be us wondering if anyone is out there to help.

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