Monday, March 21, 2011


          There are a bi-jillion types of thing, that when completed, over, or finished, you say to yourself - well I survived that.  What next?  There are good survivals and bad survivals.  So far most of mine have been good.

          Saturday was a picture-perfect day for a wedding.  It was a combination of Christian and Jewish ceremony, was beautifully done, the reception had great food, a large enough dance floor for people to actually dance, a great DJ, just a very good, but long long day.  My great niece is Presbyterian, the groom Jewish.  The wedding was held in the Martins Ferry First Presbyterian Church.  This happens to be the Church my sister and I were raised in.  I guess I flew the coop. 

          Upon marrying and moving to West Alexander I became a Methodist, which I have been for well over 50 years now.  But, all in all, both faiths are pretty much the same, just with different names.  I guess names really don't matter, after all.

          I know these two had a very long day, beginning early morning for hair-do's, etc., my sister had a buffet lunch for all but the groom, his family and attendants, then off to the Church, the ceremony, the drive to Shannon's Place, where the reception was held, and the reception, which finished at 10:00 p.m.

When the last of us got out of the building it was going on 11:00 p.m., the bride and groom had to leave at 1:30 a.m. for the airport and their early flight to Florida and Disneyworld.  I survived that day just fine.

Sunday morning went to Church, then the afternoon and evening was spent with Jerry completing the removal of large furniture as my handy-man is supposed to be here around 9:00 a.m. to start on my walls.  So far I have survived the upheaval in my home, but don't think the poor dogs are coping so well.  they DO NOT like change, and it has been changing here for the last two weeks.  I, so far, have survived the mess.

          If all goes according to schedule, the walls should be prepped and painted by the end of the week.  If I survive that, then it will be time to start putting it all together again.  I think my survival skills are beginning to wear a little thin.

          In the end, though, I think it will all be worthwhile, as I believe our living room, computer room and hallway will look great.  The next big job will be the kitchen and dining room, but that won't be for a while, as the spring, summer and fall outside work is just getting ready to take over.  Another case of survival.  Then the festivals, every festival weekend is a case of surviving - the weather, the heat, the loading, unloading, setting up, socializing, tearing down, loading, drive home, unloading until the next weekend rolls around.  Sometimes all of the above really test my survival skills.  But I love everything I do, so I don't complain  -- well not too much.

          Going to have to sign off now, as my worker will be coming shortly and I need to make sure everything is as it should be for him to begin work. 

          IF I survive today, will let you know what is going on.  IF you don't hear from me for a couple of days, you had better call 911.  I may need rescuing.

Have a great week and God Bless.

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