Saturday, July 2, 2011


Got an e-mail yesterday reading:  what's with you?  When I opened the e-mail I learned I had dated July 1st's blog July 2nd.  And today is July 02, at least that is what is on my computer.  I lost something somewhere along the line.

Then I received another e-mail from same friend and guess what - it was a BRAIN GAME, a game played to see how old your brain is compared to your real age.  I guess she decided I needed some help.

I didn't do anything with it last night as I was pretty tired after all the moving, etc. etc., so decided to play this morning.

It is really a neat game, it tests your memory, attention, language, reactions, and one other category (I forget it's name right now - so much for memory), but I remembered 4 of the 5.   Anyhoo, my brain age score was 57.

I think they really meant my brain was 157 years old, but could only go two digits.  If that means for real that my brain age is 57, why do I look and feel like I were actually 157?  I should be able to take this score somewhere and get my body to look the same age as my brain.  I would be thrilled with a 57 year old body, I didn't look too bad way back then.

But then, nothing is perfect, including me and my brain.

Guess I'll put my 57 year old brain to work today and see what happens.  If you don't hear from me tomorrow, you will know I probably blew a circuit or some such thing.  Have a good day and God Bless.

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