Sunday, May 13, 2012

MULCH and FLOWERS and MOTHER'S DAY....MAY 13 2012...

First the mulch, the pile is slowly diminishing, have gotten a lot done in the last couple of days.  It is hard to believe how much the mulch can do for a plain old flower bed, just makes everything pop.

Still have a ways to go, but am gaining on it.  Of course the fact it is going to rain today will slow things down, but probably I need the break.

Second the flowers - a very special old fashioned iris.  This iris belonged to Jerry's Grandmother.  It has to be at least 75 years old.  It has been moved and transplanted and moved and transplanted, I don't really know how many times.  And it just keeps blooming every spring.

 Last spring we decided to divide the plant, and took three sections to the West Alexander cemetery, where Jerry' Grandmother and Grandfather, his Aunt Leota and her husband (she was his Dad's sister) and my husband Tom, who was Jerry's Dad) are all buried.   Hope you got that all straight.

Anyhoo we planted an Iris on each of their graves.  This spring the Iris is in full bloom. 
For some reason, even tho a lot of today's hybrid irises will live so long, and gradually die out, this little Iris is like the little train that could, it just keeps chugging along, blooming year after year after year.

And third - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all future, present and past Mothers.  No one works as hard as a Mother, and is given so little credit.  How many times have you heard "she is JUST a housewife and stay-at-home Mom.  Like she has nothing to do. 

Walk in her shoes for a week.  Juggle her schedule for a week.  Cope with the every-day emergencies, large and small, clean, cook, run errands, sooth hurts, both real and imagined, teach, do laundry, and yard work, serve on committees, transport kids to and from school and other activities, and you will realize, she is one of the busiest people on the face of the earth.

There is no such thing as JUST A HOUSEWIFE, or JUST A STAY-AT-HOME MOM. 

All Mothers are special, regardless of if they are stay-at-home, or have to work to help support their family.  Even when working at a full time REAL job, they also have their full-time STAY-AT-HOME job to cope with also. 

So on this special day take the time to honor your Mom, tell her thank you, remember the good times, and the bad, but most of all, remember MOM.  And God Bless.


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