Tuesday, November 27, 2012



That's what it is all about.  Being in the right place at the right time.  And who would have ever thought.....

I mentioned yesterday that Mike and Andy got their deer within minutes of each other.  Right place, right time.

After lunch they took the deer to Washington to be processed, wrapped and frozen.  Andy had a large cooler with him, just in case.  Guess the cooler will be full of roasts, steaks, sausage, etc.

They arrived, and by chance my adopted son John was there at the same time with his brother who had gotten a deer.  Right place, right time.

Mike, Andy and John were unloading the deer when WPXI TV Channel 11 van came pulling into the parking lot.  The news caster overheard John telling his brother about Andy coming all the way from Maine to go deer hunting with Mike.  Right place, right time.

News caster's light bulb came on.  He corralled Mike and Andy to interview them about their first day of deer season.  They were on the 5 p.m. newscast.  Their 15 seconds of fame.  About how brother Andy drove all the way from Maine to go hunting with brother  Mike, and how the day played out.  Right place, right time.

Bossman hasn't gotten his deer yet, hasn't even seen a buck that was legal.  He is out again today in the snow hoping for one.  None of the other hunters on the farm yesterday got their deer either. 

Andy is going to take his antlers home to mount, Mike is taking his deer head to a taxidermist.  Talk about two excited hunters.

This was the first time in about 30 years that these two brothers were able to hunt together.

As Andy posted on face book, out of state hunting license $100.00, travel expense $140.00, getting his buck priceless.

Just goes to show, every day can be a surprise.

Every one stay safe, enjoy the day, and God  Bless.


Monday, November 26, 2012



Of what? You might be asking.  Of Deer season, of course.  What else.

The guys are all out somewhere standing around, looking sort of silly, waiting for some dumb deer to come walking by.

It is also Turkey Soup Day.  Like I haven't done any cooking the last few days. 

The home made turkey soup is made and ready.  And quite tasty, if I do say so myself.

The last batch of black bottom cupcakes just came out of the oven.  The lunch meat, cheese, buns, and condiments are in the fridge, just waiting to be laid out.   I am taking a well deserved break now. 


Sorry for the interruption.  Mike ( you all know who Mike is - he lives on the hill across from me, and is my oldest son, and Andy, my second son who got in from Maine yesterday afternoon.

They both went hunting, and just now came in. Mike got a 10 point and Andy got an 8 point.  Talk about a couple of excited guys.  Mike is getting his mounted, Andy getting a plaque for the antlers from his.  They are both going to have the deer processed.  Andy brought a large cooler with him, just in case, and he will be set to take his meat home with him. 

One good thing, everyone that hunts here on the farm uses the meat, otherwise they don't hunt here.


I know there will be at least two happy hunters eating soup and cupcakes.  Wonder what kind of hunting stories will be  bandied about during lunch..We always have lots to laugh about.

Guess my break is over.  Better get cracking and get the soup heating up, table set, etc etc etc.  Everyone, especially you hunters, stay safe and God bless.


Saturday, November 24, 2012



Thirty one to be exact.  So many things to do.  And what a change in the weather.  Thanksgiving Day we sat out on the deck, and toward evening the gang began wandering out to the fire pit.  What a great place to sit, watching the day turn to night.

Yesterday it was cooler, rained in the morning, cleared out in the afternoon.  Today - much colder and snowing.  Yep.  Snowing.  No fire pit sitting today.

The weather is much like life.  It changes minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day.  Nothing ever stays the same.  Sometimes, when we are really having a great day we wish that time would stand still, even just for a little bit.  Wishful thinking.  That is not what life is all about.

Each day is a new page in our book of life.  No two pages are the same.  I can't help but wonder - how can your book be filled with as many pages as mine is, and yet no two pages are the same.  Every day, every hour, every minute is different. 

When you make a mistake, there is no eraser so you can go back and rectify the mistake.  Actions can never be un-done.  Words can never be un-spoken.  What we do and what we say is what we are. 

As each new day dawns, greet that day as a gift.  After all that is what life is - a gift - from God.  Live each day to the fullest, enjoy every little thing, do your best to be your best.

Now I am looking at 31 days until Christmas.  Many things to do.  One of my favorite things is our Christmas Eve service at Church.  The Christmas story, the candles each one of us holds shining brightly, and softly singing  Silent Night.

Enjoy the shopping, the preparations, the beautiful tree, the gifts wrapped so brightly placed  around the tree, the baking of cookies -  many of which you only bake once a year.  Of all of the year, this is the mostest specialist day of all. 

Enjoy the next 31 days, but never forget the reason.  Even though it's not 'politically correct' I still say Merry Christmas.  I still love the Christmas carols, and the Nativity, where permitted. 

I know what Christmas is all about.   But I am also a dreamer, and believe in the magic of the season, the wonder in a child's eyes when he or she first sees a Christmas Tree, sees all the presents, and sees the manger.  The story of Santa Claus, and his reindeer and sleigh, and the mid-night ride.  I still look at the sky before retiring Christmas eve, thinking that maybe, just maybe, this year I will see the sleigh crossing the moon.

This is a magic season - but never forget it is the holiest season of the year. Without the town of Bethlehem, the stable, the manger filled with hay, the shining star, the journey of the wise men, the new born baby, the singing of the angels, we would not be celebrating now.

Enjoy this time of year, craziness and all, but never forget the real reason.  After all, isn't this what it is all about.  God Bless.  

Friday, November 23, 2012


THANKSGIVING ... NOVEMBER 23 2012 ......

If I could have ordered up a 'perfect' day, I could not have had a better day than we did yesterday

The house was full of family, eating, friends, eating, laughter, eating, watching football, eating, sitting around the fire in the fire pit and, oh yes, eating.

We were, and are, greatly blessed.

We demolished two deep-fried turkeys, half a baked ham, and all the stuff that goes with it.  I just barely have enough left-overs for supper tonight.

'Adopted son' John, a close friend of son Michael, even cleaned up the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher for me.  Then daughter Rebecca and granddaughter Shelby took over with the final clean-up.  All the stuff that did not go into the dishwasher.

I am not facing a mountain of dirty dishes this morning. 

So what are my projects for today.  Put away all the clean stuff.  Cook the two turkey carcases for broth to make my turkey noodle soup for the Monday hunters.  Get guest room ready for son Andy (who lives in Maine) who is driving down over the weekend to go hunting with the rest of the family. 

Get the Christmas tree out, and ready.  Crash.  Big time. 

What a wonderful way to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving in this manner.  So very much to be thankful for.

I was going to stop here, but a posting on face book caught my attention.  With nothing better to do...yeah, right....I thought I would share it with you.  Your laugh for the day.

If you are shopping, stay safe.  If you are home, you are the smart ones.  And a big THANK YOU for all the wonderful Thanksgiving posts on facebook.  Take care, be happy, be thankful, and God Bless.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


THANKSGIVING!!! ... NOVEMBER 21 2012 .....

Hard to believe.  Where did this year go?  You were right, Mom.  Every year the time goes faster.  If I live 20 more years, I will wake up on January 01 2032 and go to bed on December 31 2032.  Scary thought.  In more ways than one.

I sure hate to think what I will look like in 20 more years.  Today is bad enough. 

Don't know how I got on this subject?  The Mind is a very strange thing. 

Got my house cleaned - as good as it is going to be. 

Will be starting on the salad and pies in a short time.  That will finish up my pre-prep pre-prep.  Tomorrow the real prep begins.

This is Bossman's last day to work.  He will be on vacation until December 10.  Watch out, dogs!  He will be here all day every day for over two weeks! 

The saving grace is that Monday thru Friday he will be out hunting - unless he decides to come in - all day every day.

Those days I will be on vacation.  Just cooking for me, and feeding the dogs, and my cat.  Never know what time the guys will be done for the day.  It depends on whether they got anything or not.  They are all pretty much on their own.

They are grown men, after all.  They might not act like it, but age-wise they are.

And so, you ask, what will I be doing?  Anything I want to do.  Or not do. Or in-between do.

I will also be on vacation.

Well, had better get started on today's agenda.  Will not be blogging tomorrow - it IS a holiday after all.  I hope every one has a safe, fun, full-filling (in more ways than one) wonderful Thanksgiving.  Don't forget to GIVE THANKS and GOD BLESS.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012



My menu is made.  My final grocery run is completed.  I have the two dips prepared for dipping pretzels, and the cranberry/orange relish made.  It will keep forever in the fridge.

Two things marked off. Oh yes, the grocery run makes three things marked off.

Now for today.  First thing on the agenda is CLEAN HOUSE.  Not my favorite thing to do, but every so often I DO have to shovel it out.

Don't know what my second thing will be, as of yet.  The first thing will probably take all day.

Tomorrow - make the pretzel salad, the candied yams, and start chopping the celery and onions for the stuffing.    Make the pumpkin pies.  Remember to get the Cool Whip out of the freezer.

Then - THE DAY.....  Bossman will deep fry the two turkeys.  I will put the ham in the oven to bake.  Throw together the stuffing, make the mashed potatoes and gravy, place the yams in the oven to re-heat, and get the buns ready to go.

Don't forget the noodles in the ham broth.  Yummmmmmm.

There will be numerous other dishes arriving at the house along with family and friends.  We always have soooo much food, soooo much laughter, and soooo much over-eating.  Love every minute of it.

I don't think I have forgotten anything.  At least I hope not.  Dinner is at 1 p.m.  Our door is open.  After dinner we will continue to nibble the rest of the day into the evening. Estimating there will be about  16 of us, give or take a few. 

Lots of food, laughter, football, laughter, nibbling, laughter, and cleaning up - no laughter.

Clean up is not all that difficult.  Every one pitches in and does their share.  By the time the last folks have left, looking at the kitchen you would never know that there had been food everywhere.  And the day will be just a memory.

One very important thought though.  Take time to remember all who have gone before, families that are facing tragedy and death at the present time, and all who are not as blessed as we are.

Say a prayer. Never take what we have for granted.  It can change in the blink of an eye.  We never know how, when, where, or why. Take care and God  Bless.


Sunday, November 18, 2012


'N THAT ... NOVEMBER 18 2012 ....

Let's see - where do I start?

I guess the dogs.  Yesterday afternoon they were four legged zombies. Literally.Completely worn out.  Bossman said they had a ball, running through the underbrush, barking like crazy, ears flopping.

They weren't running and barking yesterday afternoon.  They were not moving yesterday afternoon.  Today they are much better, but not balls of fire yet.

What next?  I know,the Christmas tree.  I found my new one yesterday.   Have it at home, set up in the spare room.  Complete with lights. 

Will probably put it up next weekend.  I usually do the tree that weekend, so I can enjoy it for more than just a few days.  So will figure out where to put it, then put it, then decorate it with the ornaments I am keeping.  Hopefully it will look good.  Hopefully. 

This one is quite different.   It is long-needle compared to the short-needle I have had.  It is also very slightly frosted, which I did not have before.  Yes, it is quite different.

Steelers play tonight without Big Ben.  Wonder how that game will go. Of all the teams to play tonight, the Raiders are it.  I have really bad vibes about this game.  I may not be able to stay up and watch the entire game. 

Let's see, what else?  Oh yes, have to get my recipes organized for my Turkey Day meal.  Will do last minute shopping Monday, then clean house on Tuesday, the Wednesday spend the day preparing all the food that can be prepared in advance.

I'm tired already, and haven't even started the real work yet. 

We have an open door on the holidays, and year 'round so to speak.  Anyone we know of, or our family knows of, or our friends know of  that has no family close is always welcome at our table.  We never know for sure how many will be here for the holidays, and that is what makes all the preparation worth while.  

Well, better get moving.  Will be time to leave for Church before I know it.  Have a good day and God Bless. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012


THE BARKING??? NOVEMBER 17 2012 ....

You should be able to. No it's not me.  It is Sam and Coco.  

Not just barking.  Running from window to window, howling, barking, panting, running.  

Rabbit season is in.  They are rabbit dogs. Put the two together and you will see what I mean.

 Bossman just came in to get them.  They were jumping around him so madly he couldn't get their leashes on.  Have to use the leashes until they get to where they want the dogs to start their run.  And, boy, will the run!

They love to chase the bunnies.  They bark and run and bark and run and on and on.  Sam lets Coco go first.   He is built like a tank.  Doesn't matter what he can run right through it, bushes, small trees, briars (and we have lots of them) monkey vines (we have a lot of them also), doesn't matter.  He plows through.

Then comes dainty lady-like trouble maker Sam, running as fast as she can, tongue hanging out, ears flopping, grinning from ear to ear.

Bet you didn't know dogs could grin. Well, they can.

Coco is so fast that sometimes he outruns the rabbit and has to circle back to pick up the trail again. 

They will be back no later than noon, probably before, barely walking, heads hanging, tails drooping, completely worn out.  And they have loved every minute of it. 

They will go to their indoor kennels (the doors are always open) and crash.  Won't see them the rest of the day.  Will hear them though.  Dogs do dream.  And as they sleep they will be dreaming of the chase and quietly give a little 'woof', or a 'whimper' as they are dreaming of the hunt.

For a couple of days they will be like rag dolls, completely worn out and tired.    Come next Saturday, they will start all over again.

They are, after all, Beagles, and bred to hunt rabbits. 

Right now it is so blessedly quiet here in the house.  I cannot adequately tell just using words  how much noise they can make.

This is their life.  This is what they are bred for.   Very rarely do the guys come back with a rabbit, it is all about the chase and seeing the dogs run.

I don't know how many more years they will be able to run the rabbits.  They were born 2 weeks apart, and are now 8-1/2 years old.  Middle aged by our standards.  The hardest part of having pets is that they age so fast. They become so much a part of the family.

Well, better get cracking.  Have things to do and errands to run.  The finish carpenters are supposed to be here the first of the weekt to finish up the cosmetic work.  "Supposed to be".  We will see.

Enjoy this beautiful, though chilly, weather and God Bless.

Friday, November 16, 2012



So, what am I downsizing?  Three guesses.

Nope - it's not me.  Although I have tried downsizing me for years, nothing seems to happen.  Guess I'll just stay the same size I am, hopefully, and not up-size.

Nope - its not my car.  My van runs, gets me there and gets me back.  Also holds all my stuff I need for festivals, and since I have already started applying for next year, well, I need my van.

Nope - its not my house stuff.  I downsized all that when the remodeling started.  So far I have had no use for the stuff I discarded.

Well, you've had your three guesses.  Should I clue you in?

I am downsizing my Christmas tree.  I have had this smaller table top tree for quite a few years.  Before the remodeling, we had french doors from the living room to the dining room.  I could close the doors, making the perfect place for my tree, decorations and presents.

No more.  No doors.  Whoops!  Now what?

Smaller tree.  I am looking.  Already have a home for the larger small tree.  I better find a smaller small tree or guess what --- I will be tree-less.

I am not good with change.  Takes too much thought and effort.  I don't need all this extra thought and effort.

So wish me luck in my tree search.  It will be interesting to see what I come up with. 

Enjoy your day and God Bless.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


And what do I have to be thankful for?  The question should be -- what do I NOT have to be thankful for?

This has been a strange year.  Very fast, and very strange.  There have been numerous problems that were not anticipated.  Not just for me, but for all my family and friends.  We have all survived, and probably stronger than we were before.

Every day is a gift.  Some days you might not appreciate the 'gift' but there is a reason and a purpose.  We just can't always see it.

My family, and I, have gone through some very trying and frightening days, we have survived, we have said thanks and we are stronger for it.

I have numerous friends and family members, who have, and are, struggling - with health issues, financial issues, and personal issues.

Sometimes the future seems dark and dreary.  We tend to forget that all things - good or bad - will pass, being replaced by new things - good or bad. 

Just remember, always, we are not alone in our triumphs and disasters.  We are just a prayer away from giving thanks, or asking for help.

Many times our 'help' is not what we expected, or even asked for.  But as time passes you realize that the 'non-answer' was actually the right answer.  It just takes time to realize this.

 Life was never meant to be a 'bed of roses'.  But when the roses appear, take time to smell them. 

And, so as Thanksgiving approaches, give thanks for what you have, look forward with anticipation, and live life to the fullest.  Perhaps this will be your last Thanksgiving.  Perhaps there will be many more on the horizon.  We don't know.  We are not supposed to know.  Be thankful for the here and now, whatever that here and  now is, and look ahead, not back.

Yesterday is gone.  Today is now.  Tomorrow is the future.  Always look ahead, not back.

I had a phone call just a short while ago from one of my friends.  We were talking about a couple of accidents, and the death of someone we both were acquainted with.  And the unexpected death of my dentist.

Somehow the conversation got around to taking your own life.  As she so aptly put it - "We are both survivors, we realize that no matter how bad the situation, it will pass.  Everything passes".  How right she is.  Don't worry about today.  It will pass.

Look forward to tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.  God Bless.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


AGAIN...NOVEMBER 14 2012 ....

Why, oh why, can't we celebrate the holidays when it is time for the holidays. 

Christmas is already on the main stage.  I love Christmas, but at Christmas time, not before Thanksgiving. 

Thanksgiving is being shoved out the door, Christmas is becoming more and more commercialized, we are losing the TRUE meaning of these two major holidays.

Now they are moving Black Friday into Thanksgiving Day.  What is wrong with people in general.  You have plenty of time to do your shopping.  Black Friday is bad enough, what a zoo.  But Thanksgiving Day!!!! 

We, as a country on the whole, have lost the true meaning of our holidays.  It is a sad thing to see. 

Thanksgiving is special.  It is a day to give Thanks - thanks for our country - thanks for our families - thanks for our freedoms - thanks to God for looking out for us - thanks for our military for protecting us - thanks that we are just alive and with family and friends.

Can't we, as a whole, celebrate a holiday without shopping being the main goal?   Are we so brain-washed that all we can think is shopping till we drop, regardless of what day it is.

I am afraid that we have fallen so deep into the 'hole' that has been dug for us that we will never find our way out.

Have a good day and God Bless.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012



One of my close friends has family and also property in Preston County.   As of this past weekend they still had no power and were buried by the snow. And we complain about little inconveniences.

We are enjoying beautiful, well sometimes not quite so beautiful, early winter weather.  We can come and go as we please.  We can watch our TV's, play on our computers, get in and out of our garages.  How easy it is to take this for granted.

Along another line, I have my tentative menu for Thanksgiving dinner. Went shopping today and brought home a van full of stuff for said dinner. Can't believe it is just 9 days away. 

Also have completed my 2013 calendar of shows and/or trips I would like to do.  Already have two applications out for jurying purposes. Am expecting another application within the next couple of weeks.  Am also planning my annual trip to Phoenix in the spring, and a trip to Maine in the fall.  These are just for starters.

I am sure there will be other things come along.
Steelers won by the skin of their teeth.  Worried about  the next game.

Other than that nothing new.  Keep safe and God Bless.

Monday, November 12, 2012

I'M BACK ---

LUCKY YOU!!! NOVEMBER 12 2012....

Had a good weekend at Morgantown.  The best part was getting together with my vendor friends for the last time this year, as this was my final festival.  Also I met several new vendors, and there was that instant 'click'.  We are hoping to see each other next year.

I am already sending out applications for next year's festivals.  Will be making some major changes - want to reduce the number of shows where I have to put up my tent, and increase the number that are held either in the festival's tents, or in the buildings.  It should make for an interesting year.  First, though, I have to get accepted into the new festivals.

On a sad note, I learned this morning of the death of my dentist.  I have been with him since he set up practice.   When Tom - my husband - was living this man bent over backwards to see to his dental problems and needs.  Above and beyond. I was scheduled to go in for my 6 month check-up next week.  I feel as if I were up the creek without a paddle.  I know I will never find another who is as caring and compassionate as he was.

The Steelers play tonight.  The weather forecast is not good.  High winds, falling temps, and rain.  Glad I watch in my living room and not at the stadium.

Started my tentative menu for Thanksgiving today.  Can't believe it only a little over two weeks away.  I KNOW I am not ageing that fast.  So how can time go by so fast?

And, so, please keep my dentist and his family in your prayers and God Bless.

Thursday, November 8, 2012



Then I realized it was frost.  Lots and lots of frost.  Looked like snow there was so much frost.

The sun is shining brightly, won't take much time to get rid of said frost.  I guess winter is all but here, I am not ready,but what can I do.  Just take it I guess.

Got to finish up last minute things.  Will be leaving in a while for Morgantown and the last art festival of the year.  Hard to believe another year is winding down.

Guess you know I will be off-line until, hopefully, Monday morning.  Wonder what kind of stories I will have to tell?  Maybe lots, maybe none.  It is always a surprise.

I guess that is normal.  Life is full of surprises.

Good surprises - hearing from a friend you haven't heard from for a while.  No bills in the mail.  Nothing in the house is mal-functioning.  No flat tires on the car. The ghost seems to be taking a break.  Life is - almost  normal.

Bad surprises - checking account does not balance.  Go grocery shopping and forget your grocery list.  A dog who spits out her pills.  A doctor's appointment you forgot and got charged for being a no-show. 

In the bad surprise department I could go on and on and on and.......

I have my ham and 2 turkeys for Thanksgiving.  Also have my tentative menu.  Will probably add and/or subtract as the days go by.

I still need two turkeys for Christmas, and another ham.  This is the only time of year we have turkey. 

As you can see I have nothing earth-shattering, to say today.  Blank mind. 

Looking forward to meeting up with vendor friends, for some of them this will be the last time we get together until spring.  For others, we do manage to do a few things together between this last weekend and spring's first weekend.

I hope  you are staying warm.  Please pray for all the east coast folks that are not.  And pray for our country.  As Abraham Lincoln stated, and this is not an exact quote, but you get the gist, We will not be destroyed from the outside, we will destroy ourselves.
Pray that this does not happen and God Bless. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


HAS SPOKEN ... NOVEMBER 07 2012 ....

Hashing and re-hashing the election results will change nothing.  The majority has spoken.  After all, isn't that what it is all about - the majority?

We are all given the right to vote for the candidate of our choice.  Maybe your candidate of choice did not win, but you did you duty.

If you DID NOT vote, how dare you complain.  If you DID vote, complaining will change nothing.

We who voted did so for the candidate we felt would be right for the job.  That does not mean we WERE right, we just felt we were right.  Figure that one out.

What's done is done.  If you don't like the results, you will have to live with it for the next four years.  If you do like the results, you will have to live with it for the next four years. 

That is why we have elections.  Not everyone will like the same candidate for more reasons than I can begin to list.  It is a personal privilege to go to the polls. Just stop and think for a moment.  Where would we be if we did not have that privilege.  There are folks out there dying from fighting for the right to vote.  And we complain!

This election is over.  All we can do now is pray.  Complaining will do nothing.  Prayer can do everything.

Look forward, not back. Accept what is.  Perhaps in four years things will be different.  There will be an entirely new group of candidates.  And we start all over again, just as we have in the past.

Stay safe and God Bless.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


THE DAY ... NOVEMBER 06 2012 ....

In just a little while I will get on my trusty broomstick and fly off to the polls. 

How lucky I am that I live in a country where I CAN vote without fear.  How lucky I can arrive on a broomstick and no body cares.  I might get funny looks, but it goes with the territory.

Enough for the funny stuff. 

This is going to be a rough election.  I pray that the right decision is made.  But that can only happen if everyone, and I do mean everyone, gets out and votes today, one way or another.

It is a beautiful day here.  Sunshine and very little wind, just a slight breeze.

Now for the fun part. 

You know we have two dogs, Samantha (Sam) and Coco.  If you have read my IF ONLY I COULD TALK books you have heard from Sam first-hand.  She is my trouble-maker.   Today was/is no exception.

Went to the vet yesterday for medication for the dogs.  Coco is the largest, so his dose was one large pill.  Sam is smaller so her dose was one and one-half smaller pill.

Bossman had told me that last time they ate the pills like candy.  So I figured today would be a breeze.  Yeah!   Right!

So here I go with the pills.  Coco grabbed his and had it down lickity-split.  Sam was a bit hesitant, but took hers.   I waited a bit then offered her the half pill.  Guess what.  She spit the whole pill out.  Wet but whole.  Before I could react Coco had grabbed and swallowed her pill. Sam took the half pill I offered, chewed it up and spit it out.

See what I mean about trouble-maker.  So on the phone with the vet.  Coco had a double dose and Sam had none.

Vets office just laughed.  They know Sam.  I was told Coco would be o.k., he could probably eat a whole package and it wouldn't hurt him.  I will be stopping by today to get another pill and a half for Sam.

Have already told Bossman he IS giving Sam her pill.  I resign.

I am really getting tired of being out-witted by a dog.

Enjoy your day, DON'T FORGET TO VOTE, and God Bless.

Monday, November 5, 2012


TOMORROW ... NOVEMBER 05 2012 ...

And just what is that all about.  It will be election day.  Maybe the political non-stop phone calls will cease.  Maybe not.  Seems there is always some kind of election coming up.  Me, I'm tired of elections, phone calls, name calling, mud-slinging, whatever.

The odd thing, though, much of the mud-slinging has been done by different organizations, not the candidates at all.  As if the candidates don't do enough, we have to have other - whatevers - butting in.  Reminds  me of when we were kids, and after a rain would see how much mud we could sling at each other.

But enough. 

Today must run errands, for me, for Bossman, and for the dogs.  And finish matting pictures for this coming weekend at Morgantown.  And get my last order into the post office to ship priority mail.  And make my menu for Thanksgiving. And clean up the house.  And - I could go on and on.

Oh, I forgot, have to run errands for the cat - he is running low on food.

Don't take this the wrong way.  I am thankful that I CAN run all these errands.  I guess that will be my Day 5 what I am thankful for. 

Working on a new picture.  Have done a small series on, what I call 'The Old Oak Tree'.

This tree grows along our driveway.  It is old.  It is beat up.  It has seen a lot.  It lost a major limb this past summer during one of our storms.  But still it stands there, leaning to one side to reach the sun. I call it determination.  No matter what nature hands to this tree, it still hangs in there, making the best of a bad situation. 

My Old Oak Tree can be an inspiration to all of us, that no matter how bad things seem, there is always something to look forward to, even if it is only leaning to one side to see the sun.

Look to the sun, the moon, the stars, the heavens, and let the beauty you see all around you refresh you and keep you going.  God Bless.  

Sunday, November 4, 2012


OF CHILDHOOD ... NOVEMBER 04 2012 ....

Funny how things develop.   I did remember about the clocks, changed all the ones I could reach.  Bossman has to do the remainder.

Didn't have a clue about what I would write about today.  Once again e-mail came to my rescue.

This e-mail was about Irving Berlin, who wrote the song GOD BLESS AMERICA and the woman who first sang this on her radio show - Kate Smith.

The song was written during WW I, but not publicaly sung until the early 1940's WW II.

When I was growing up I spent time with my Aunt.  We listened to Kate Smith sing every single day at noon as we ate lunch, so I know what a powerful voice she had.

What is even more strange, at the urging of my daughter-in-law Tammie I have begun book #6, about the way it was growing up in the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's.  Does that date me or what.

Anyhow this new book, tentatively titled THAT'S THE WAY IT WAS, one of my memories is of listening to Kate Smith every day at noon with my Aunt.  And now, today, this e-mail.

I don't believe in chance.  I believe there is a reason for everything that happens.  Sometimes good, sometimes bad.  Why is it that at this particular time in my life I decided to write another book, and I received this e-mail, which is very much one of my memories.

I have shared this video of Kate Smith on my facebook page today.  I hope you will enjoy it.

Be good and God Bless.

Saturday, November 3, 2012



I think it is Saturday.  For some reason have completely lost track of time. 

If it is Saturday, then I have to remember to turn the clocks back tonight.  If I remember.

If it is Saturday, then tomorrow is Sunday.

Sunday - the New York Marathon.  How stupid to buy hundreds of generators to run a Marathon when hundreds of thousands people are without electricity, or homes for that matter.  I sure was glad when I heard last night that the Marathon had been cancelled. 

I love football, as you all know. I also would have thought the powers that be in the football kingdom would have postponed this particular game, if something like that is possible.  Because the hotels are without power, the football team has to fly in to New Jersey Sunday morning, play the game late Sunday afternoon, and fly home Sunday night.  No one knows what the fans who follow the Steelers all over the country will do.  They are predicting that the stadium will have very few fans in attendance.  Will be interesting to see what happens.

At least it is not raining, right now.  Was bright earlier, now clouding over.  What is the old saying - rain, rain, go away - or some such thing?

Well, enough sounding off for today.  I really should be doing something constructive.  If I can figure out what constructive thing I know how to do.  In the meantime keep our Country and our Neighbors, wherever they may be, that are without homes in our prayers and God Bless. 


Friday, November 2, 2012


SOAP BOX, SORTA ... NOVEMBER 02 2012 ....

I don't usually do 'soap box'.   I normally have better sense.  This is definitely not one of my 'better sense' days.

Four days until election.  Phone never stops ringing wanting me to vote.  I vote.  I have voted since I was 21 - that was the legal age way back then.  Not sure what the legal age is today.  At least I know I am legal,  really really legal.

Four years ago when I voted, I did not vote for Obama.  I just didn't feel that the time was right.  Just my opinion.   But when the final votes were counted I could not help but feel proud.  Proud that the American people, given their history, were able to vote for, and elect, a Black President. 

Never, in my lifetime, did I ever imagine that we would freely elect a Black President.  America has come a long way.

Now it is 4 years later.  America has slid backwards for four years.  None of the election promises were kept.  My great grandkids will still be paying on our national debt, probably their kids and grandkids also.

Many fences with our allies have been broken.  It will be a long hard road to mend all these fences.  

The last four years of the presidency has been one unending party and vacation time.  The money spent on frivolousness is incalculable. 

Bet you never imagined that I knew some big words. They might not be real words, but sound pretty good to me.

Four days.  America is teetering on the precipice.  Will we fall, or will we recover?  It is up to you, the American people.  God willing we will do the right thing.

Think long and hard before you cast your vote.  Regardless of how you vote, just vote.  That i what America is all about. Tuesday night is going to be a very long night.  I just pray the result is the right one.  Vote, and God Bless. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


ONE UGLY DAY ... NOVEMBER 01 2012 ....

It is cold - mid 30's.  It is raining.  What is new about that?  It is gloomy.  Did I say it is cold?

I am glad I don't have any festivals this week-end.  What ugly weather to set up, or do anything else.  Hopefully for Morgantown next week-end the weather will be a little more 'friendly'.  Days like today are definitely NOT friendly.

If not for getting a hair cut - so I look a little less like a mad woman - I would not leave the premises.

Dogs don't even want out.  When I give them no choice, they are  scratching on the door almost before I get  it closed.  Sam told me since she is not getting a hair cut why should she go out.  Coco just does what-ever.

I can just see this is shaping up to be one great day.

Do you realize that Thanksgiving is three weeks from today.  Three weeks!  I am definitely NOT ready.

BLACK FRIDAY is three weeks and one day. 

Well, I guess that is enough gloom and doom for one day.  It could be much much worse.  I can't even begin to imagine what those affected by the storm are going through. 

So on that final note, I think we should be doing a lot of praying - saying "Thank You" for sparing us, and asking for "help" for those trying to cope. Take care and God Bless.