Saturday, November 24, 2012



Thirty one to be exact.  So many things to do.  And what a change in the weather.  Thanksgiving Day we sat out on the deck, and toward evening the gang began wandering out to the fire pit.  What a great place to sit, watching the day turn to night.

Yesterday it was cooler, rained in the morning, cleared out in the afternoon.  Today - much colder and snowing.  Yep.  Snowing.  No fire pit sitting today.

The weather is much like life.  It changes minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day.  Nothing ever stays the same.  Sometimes, when we are really having a great day we wish that time would stand still, even just for a little bit.  Wishful thinking.  That is not what life is all about.

Each day is a new page in our book of life.  No two pages are the same.  I can't help but wonder - how can your book be filled with as many pages as mine is, and yet no two pages are the same.  Every day, every hour, every minute is different. 

When you make a mistake, there is no eraser so you can go back and rectify the mistake.  Actions can never be un-done.  Words can never be un-spoken.  What we do and what we say is what we are. 

As each new day dawns, greet that day as a gift.  After all that is what life is - a gift - from God.  Live each day to the fullest, enjoy every little thing, do your best to be your best.

Now I am looking at 31 days until Christmas.  Many things to do.  One of my favorite things is our Christmas Eve service at Church.  The Christmas story, the candles each one of us holds shining brightly, and softly singing  Silent Night.

Enjoy the shopping, the preparations, the beautiful tree, the gifts wrapped so brightly placed  around the tree, the baking of cookies -  many of which you only bake once a year.  Of all of the year, this is the mostest specialist day of all. 

Enjoy the next 31 days, but never forget the reason.  Even though it's not 'politically correct' I still say Merry Christmas.  I still love the Christmas carols, and the Nativity, where permitted. 

I know what Christmas is all about.   But I am also a dreamer, and believe in the magic of the season, the wonder in a child's eyes when he or she first sees a Christmas Tree, sees all the presents, and sees the manger.  The story of Santa Claus, and his reindeer and sleigh, and the mid-night ride.  I still look at the sky before retiring Christmas eve, thinking that maybe, just maybe, this year I will see the sleigh crossing the moon.

This is a magic season - but never forget it is the holiest season of the year. Without the town of Bethlehem, the stable, the manger filled with hay, the shining star, the journey of the wise men, the new born baby, the singing of the angels, we would not be celebrating now.

Enjoy this time of year, craziness and all, but never forget the real reason.  After all, isn't this what it is all about.  God Bless.  

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