Thursday, November 15, 2012


And what do I have to be thankful for?  The question should be -- what do I NOT have to be thankful for?

This has been a strange year.  Very fast, and very strange.  There have been numerous problems that were not anticipated.  Not just for me, but for all my family and friends.  We have all survived, and probably stronger than we were before.

Every day is a gift.  Some days you might not appreciate the 'gift' but there is a reason and a purpose.  We just can't always see it.

My family, and I, have gone through some very trying and frightening days, we have survived, we have said thanks and we are stronger for it.

I have numerous friends and family members, who have, and are, struggling - with health issues, financial issues, and personal issues.

Sometimes the future seems dark and dreary.  We tend to forget that all things - good or bad - will pass, being replaced by new things - good or bad. 

Just remember, always, we are not alone in our triumphs and disasters.  We are just a prayer away from giving thanks, or asking for help.

Many times our 'help' is not what we expected, or even asked for.  But as time passes you realize that the 'non-answer' was actually the right answer.  It just takes time to realize this.

 Life was never meant to be a 'bed of roses'.  But when the roses appear, take time to smell them. 

And, so as Thanksgiving approaches, give thanks for what you have, look forward with anticipation, and live life to the fullest.  Perhaps this will be your last Thanksgiving.  Perhaps there will be many more on the horizon.  We don't know.  We are not supposed to know.  Be thankful for the here and now, whatever that here and  now is, and look ahead, not back.

Yesterday is gone.  Today is now.  Tomorrow is the future.  Always look ahead, not back.

I had a phone call just a short while ago from one of my friends.  We were talking about a couple of accidents, and the death of someone we both were acquainted with.  And the unexpected death of my dentist.

Somehow the conversation got around to taking your own life.  As she so aptly put it - "We are both survivors, we realize that no matter how bad the situation, it will pass.  Everything passes".  How right she is.  Don't worry about today.  It will pass.

Look forward to tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.  God Bless.

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