Monday, October 17, 2011

MONDAYS and BLAH ..... OCTOBER 17 2011

Why is this so true?  I guess because the weekend is over for another week, and it is back to work, back to school, back to what-ever. 

I have no earth-shattering news.  I have 4 new pictures to frame for this coming weekend's festival, otherwise my inventory is as good as it will be.

I do have a major job this afternoon, providing the weather holds.  It rained again last night.  What is new about that?  The major job is removing all my impatiens from my flower beds.  No, we haven't had frost yet.  That in itself is very unusual because we usually have a heavy frost in September sometime, which kills all the annual flowers.  Then it warms up and gets beautiful again.

Past the middle of October.  No frost.  why remove the flowers?  Because of the wind.  Sounds a little crazy, doesn't it.  What does wind have to do with removing flowers.

I guess I will tell you, whether you want to know or not.  The wind blew Friday and Saturday.  Blew hard.  Blew really hard.  It blew SO hard that it stripped most of the leaves and flowers from my impatiens.  Today I have only green stems with an occasional flower in the flower beds.  Very few leaves.  Very few flowers.

This is how it looked a few days ago.  The next picture is a close-up of my impatiens in bloom.

You can see how nice they looked.  Now, this is today..............

Pretty pitiful-looking aren't they?  So this is clean out the flower bed day, just leaving the perennial shrubs and stuff that winter well.

All in all this has been a very unusual, strange year.  Nothing weather-wise has been normal.  Makes me almost afraid to think of what winter will bring.  

Sun is shining right now, so enjoy that strange bright light all around you and God Bless.

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