Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I GOT A NEW TOY.....JANUARY 10 2012.........

For Christmas, that is.  One one of my presents was a digital picture frame.  I wanted one for the business, now I have one for the business.

The last couple of years I have thought about getting one to use at the festivals .. I could have an on-going slide show of my current work.  Sounded like a good idea, but never quite got around to getting said frame.

So one of my Santas took pity on me, and voila, I have a digital picture frame.  Yesterday I bought a USB Flash Drive (this one takes flash drives, hooray!) and now have to decide what pictures I am going to down load for starters.

Hopefully down the road I will purchase a couple more flash drives, so they can be interchangeable during the day, or whatever.  The above are a couple of my newest ones.

Now if I could just find: 1. A tent that puts itself up, stakes itself down, and attaches it own sides.

2. Display panels that can load and unload themselves, transport themselves to their proper location, and set themselves up.

3.  Display tables that can accomplish the same thing.

4.  Storage bins - ditto.

If these four little things came to pass, why I could do festivals for the next 50 years!  But I am not holding my breath. 

However I have the digital picture frame.  That is a start. Who knows?

Anyone want to sign on as an over-worked under-paid helper.  Am taking applications.

On another note, Russ should be coming down either tomorrow afternoon, or Thursday afternoon after school (he is an art teacher), and we will get some of his festival applications taken care, get the zapplications (all done by computer) completed and in, and take a few new pictures of his most recent work to put on CD's for jurying. 

No one realizes just how much work goes in to just applying for one show, let alone 15 or so.  And that is the easy part.

But we love what we do, don't mind the work as the pluses much outweigh the minuses. 

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone were so blessed that in addition to doing what needs to be done, could find something they love to do to make it all worth while?  What a great world it would be then!

So guess I will close out for today.  Who knows what tomorrow will bring.  Just be glad you don't live in Alaska where one town is buried beneath 20 feet (yes FEET) of snow, and another buried in ice, and more storms approaching.  We absolutely positively have nothing to complain about.  So enjoy and God Bless.

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