Friday, February 17, 2012

SHARING....FEBRUARY 17 2012......

There are things, sometimes, that you just have to share.  When I received, and read, this comment yesterday I laughed until I cried.  Doesn't take much to make my day does it?

And so just what was it that made my day, made me laugh until I hurt, then made me wonder - what kind of person does she think I am? 

In reply to my comment yesterday about Jerry inheriting me, I was told that the most she inherited was a cat - and that I was WAY more entertaining than a cat.  I loved it.  I do love cats.  And dogs.  And birds.  And - I could go on and on.

But cats are soooo entertaining, chasing mice that you try to convince yourself that really don't live in your house, jumping from table to counter top, to the floor.  Washing themselves with their tongues.  Never have a shower stall to clean.  Walking around with head held high, very haughty, also very naughty. They chase dust balls, the ones that you try to keep hidden from view.

They immediately recognize the one person visiting that absolutely positively does not like cats.  That is the person the cat makes a beeline to, rubbing, purring, even jumping up beside them.  They try (the people)  to be polite, you can see they would rather strangle the cat, and kitty sits there purring and smiling. 

And now - if I am way more entertaining than a cat, I wonder what exactly I am.  I don't chase dust balls, I hide them.  I do take a shower, my tongue isn't long enough.  I guess some would say I am haughty, some would say I am naughty, but I sure do have a good time.

One of the perks, and best parts of blogging, are the comments. I love them, all of them.   I love laughing, that is what keeps you young, and I would know, and the comments make me laugh.  Keep up the good work.

Life is.............


How can anyone on this earth possibly say that a mere human is more entertaining than me - a perfectly great cat?

Humans aren't entertaining, they are just there to make sure we have enough to eat, fresh water, open the door, shut the door, and otherwise just leave us alone.  We cats don't need computers, tv's, cars, all that "necessary junk" that humans have to entertain themselves. 

Sure, we chase dust balls.  That is what they are there for.  And the mice.  Maybe the humans think they are cute, but they really are a nuisance. And why have furniture, counter tops and stuff if not to jump on.  I wonder what it would look like for this particular human to be jumping up on to couner tops?

Well, I'll get out of here and leave you to your conversations and mis-guided ideas of what is important.  Just one thing - remember my cousin - the Bedroom, Bathroom and Staircase police cat - I can become one of those very easily.

---never boring.  Actually life is what you make it - the choice is yours.   I chose to be that ditzy lady that manages to have a good time, regardless of circumstances.  Just ignore the cat.  He is just jealous because he can't do all the things that I do.

Have a gret day and God Bless.

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