Tuesday, October 30, 2012



When I went to bed it was pretty tricky.  Wind howling in the fireplace, rain hitting so hard it sounded like hail. 

This morning all was relatively calm.  No power outage, no flooding here on the hill, rain just a drizzle. Of course if we get flooded on the hill you are all in deep trouble (water that is).

Even the straw on the yard where the landscapers planted the grass seed after completing the fire pit and sidewalk out front stayed put. 

You should have seen the machine with monster teeth that was used to remove all the many piles of dirt and debris.  Sure wouldn't want that taking a bite out of me.  After all was nice and smooth, they put down the seed and straw.    Only the back to go, and that will probably be on hold until we dry out a bit.

I don't know why I thought any job would be done on time.  Yes, the landscapers were really  good young men, worked hard, did what they were supposed to do, and a good job at that.  Guess the weather man didn't want me to  get too complacent.

Couldn't be bothered just sending rain.  Had to send a hurricane. We've had over 2 inches so far.  It will take days to dry out enough  to finish the sidewalk in the back of the house.  

I am not complaining.  Watching the news we have had nothing to complain about.  We all need to pray for the millions without power, homes flooded,  belongings lost.  The damage must be horrendous. What is a sidewalk compared to that?  

I just have to laugh though.  Our ghost seems to be alive and well.  

Right now it looks as though the kids will be able to fly out of Pittsburgh on time tomorrow.  I don't know where the time has gone.  Seems they just arrived, and they are getting ready to leave.  Mike and Tammie stopped by last night (in  all the rain) to have one last visit before they left.  And also - THE MOST IMPORTANT PART - talk about their August trip back to Alaska to go fishing . 

The women are going this time - not to fish - to shop - what else?  Boy, the stories I will hear when they return. 

But that is down the road a ways.  Lots going on between now and then.  Already getting applications for next year's festivals, have some hard decisions to make - what do I really want to do.  Am going to replace some I have done for some time with new ones.  Unknown territory.  New photo ops.  Should be interesting.

I hope you all got through the storm with no major damage, count your blessings, and God Bless.

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