Wednesday, December 5, 2012

20 DAYS TILL....


That's not very long.  In fact it is a very very short time.

I do have my Christmas cards - but have to get them addressed and in the mail.  Am working on cookies, but a long way to go.  At least I have all the decorating done that I am going to do.

I need to get my Christmas dinner menu made.  Of course turkey and ham are a given.  Along with the mashed potatoes, gravy, and stuffing.  It is the other stuff.  That is where the road-block appears.

I think I will make my old fashioned home-made cheese cake.  It is not like the ones you buy.  This recipe goes back to my Mother's time, and so far has always been a favorite. 

It is one of the recipes that you dirty every mixing bowl you have,, but it is worth every bit of the time it takes to make.  When completed it fills a 9 x 13 pan.  It disappears instantly.  You better hope you are at the beginning of the buffet line..  Or else get yours first, then fill your plate

That is as far as I have gotten.  Of course everyone brings something, we end up with a 7 course banquet.  Maybe even 8 courses.  We have been so blessed.

Am working on the gifts that have to be shipped.  I will pack them in their individual boxes, and hope that none go to the wrong address, then take them to Staples and ship UPS.  That way they are delivered to the door.  I have never had anything lost or broken.

And since this is not getting anything done, I had better get cracking. Holiday dinners are always open house.  If you are alone there is always room for one more at our table.

Enjoy this special time of the year, don't work yourself to death, and God Bless.

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