Monday, December 31, 2012



And the last day of the year. 

Sounds a little complicated doesn't it.  It really isn't. 

I am a tea drinker.  Every day.  I drink coffee sometimes, but tea is my drink.  Hot tea, usually in the morning, iced tea all day long, all year long.

Well, one of my Christmas gifts was a neat bamboo box with the label on it reading NUMI FLOWERING TEA.  What on earth is flowering tea. 

The directions read as follows:

1. Put one Flowering Tea blossom (there were 6 different blossoms, each a different flavor) in to the glass tea pot (included).

2. Pour boiling water over the tea and steep until the leaves have fully opened (3-4 minutes)

3. Swirl tea to even flavor before serving.

4.  Leaves can be re-steeped 2-3 more times.

I've just got to try this.  But - which flavor do I try first?

There is:  Shooting Star, Sunset Oolong, Golden Jasmine, Dragon Lily, Jasmine Lovers and Lavender Dream.  Which one will it be?

The down side is that  the 6 packets of tea had no labels on them.  So, which is which?

I chose one, hoping that when the process was finished what was in the cup would clue me in.
It is very strange looking.  About the size of a walnut.  The organic flower thingy is wrapped in hand sewn tea leaves, and depending on the flower thingy, the flavor of the tea is different.

I place the tea in the pot.  I boiled some water and filled the pot.  And watched.

When the tea had finished steeping, I removed the tea leaves and flower.  From looking at the  bloomin' tea/flower, I decided it was the  Jasmine Lovers.

The pot just makes one mug of tea.  How's that for being dignified?  Glass tea pot, souvenir mug.  I believe I've mentioned somewhere along the line that my travel souvenirs are mugs.

Anyhoo, glass tea pot, white mug from ICE AT OPRYLAND. 

I can't describe the flavor of the tea.  It was subtle, different, and, actually, very good. Will be interesting to see what the next 5 flavors look and taste like.  Especially the look part.

How many of you can say you have flowering tea, that blooms in hot water? 

Life is full of surprises. 

 Boss man taking me grocery shopping tonight.  I'm not about to leave in my van.   I can get down the hill o.k., just can't get back up.  Not about to walk home.

Have a good New Year's Eve, stay safe, don't do anything foolish, and God Bless.

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