Monday, December 24, 2012

DECEMBER 24 2012


Didn't I already say that?  Oh well.  That kind of a day.

The presents (the ones I did) are all wrapped, but not all under the tree.   There is no room under the tree.  Haven't figured out yet where I am going to put them. But definitely not under the tree.

The food prep is all done EXCEPT -- have to make the home-made cheesecake.  Take a break. Bake another batch of chocolate chip cookies for Bossman.  The first batch is all gone.  I ate 1 - got to taste test after all.  Take a break. Chop the celery and onions for the stuffing.  Take a break.  Mix up my corn casserole so all I have to do tomorrow is put it in the oven.  Take a break.  This one will probably be a  longer break.

Make my shrimp ball/dip to go with the crackers I bought especially for the shrimp ball/dip.   Take a break.  Wouldn't do to have the crackers and nothing to go with them.  This is supposed to be a shrimp ball, but I find it works better as a dip. 

Cleaned the house on Saturday.  It will have to do.  So I don't have to take a break from cleaning house, I already had that break.  I suppose I could take a break to rest up from all my taking a breaks.  That sounds like a plan.

Christmas Eve evening has a double meaning for me.  First, there is the Candlelight service at Church, celebrating the birth and our reason for Christmas.  After all, that is what this holiday is all about, and that should come first, before anything else.

Then, before I retire, there is the magic of the season, Santa Claus, reindeer, sleighs, gifts, and being the eternal optimist I will check the moon, maybe this will be the year I see Santa and the sleigh crossing the face of the moon.

Then off to bed, hoping I haven't forgotten anything important. 

Everyone please have a safe, happy, blessed Christmas and remember those less fortunate than we are, in so many different ways, and say a prayer for them.  Merry Christmas and God Bless.   

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