Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I was just minding my own business, deciding in what order I would do what I have to do today.  Then the dogs started - barking, whining, barking.  What a racket.  Then I heard it.  They heard it first.  Then it was my turn.

Today is the day the corn on our farm is to be harvested.  The tractor, corn-picker and wagon were getting ready to get down to business. 

And, no, the dogs never carry on about farm machinery.  They are used to it.  It is a normal every-day experience.  BUT - the dogs do carry on when another DOG, of all things, invades their domain.  Tim's dog loves to follow him from field to field, walking along as he does what-ever it is that he is doing that day, weather plowing, planting, or harvesting.  The dog is there.

And of course that is a GREAT BIG NO-NO where our dogs are concerned. 

Here is Tim with the tractor, corn picker and wagon.  He will go 'round and 'round, cutting and chopping the corn.  The cows will be eating good this winter!

By the end of the day our hill of corn will be no more.  I don't believe Tim is planting corn on this hill-side next spring, as he rotates crops every couple of years.  Guess I will wait 'till spring to see what is what.

He may get another cutting of hay off of this hill-side this fall, then again maybe not.  His first cuttings were so good he was running out of space to store the hay for winter.  He may just let it go. 

Now - what does my day look like.  Darned if I know.  My list is long, my ambition is short, supposed to be rain moving in later today, into tomorrow, but the forecast is good for the weekend.  That is the important part.

Have at least two more days of cleaning up flower beds.  (No I don't work all day at this - that was 100 years ago, not now as I am, so they say, slower than molasses) but I got 2 beds cleaned up yesterday.  Only have 5 more to go.  If it rains this afternoon, I guess I will clean house.  Then again, maybe I will make apple crisp.  Then, again, if it is raining, I will sit down with a good book.  Then again, who knows what might come along that isn't on my list.

What I do know, though, is that fall is coming so very fast.  What I don't know is - where did this year go?  It was just January, now it is the middle of September.  The trees are beginning to show color.  More to come.  One blessing I have here on the farm is - I DON'T HAVE TO RAKE LEAVES FROM 5 MAPLE TREES THAT ALL FELL INTO THE YARD at my previous home.

We have no trees right up close to the house, and the leaves that do fall all get blown away - have I told you we have lots of wind up here on the mountain top?  If I have, just chalk it up to age. 

Guess I had better quit rambling, and get busy at something.  Have a good day and God Bless.

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