Friday, September 16, 2011


Another year has gone by.  It is Covered Bridge Festival time again.  Today is the hardest part - set up.

This is my last festival of the year where I have to put up my tent.  That is one part I don't miss at all.  Luckily there are always other vendors who are more than willing to help with the tent.  For the remainder of the year will be inside buildings, or inside large tents that the festival committee erects.

I have an EZ-UP.  Supposedly one person can do it.  I have yet to find that ONE person.  Three - four is more like it.  But taking down - definitely ONE person CAN do it, in no time at all.  I think it should be called an EZ-DOWN tent.

But I am straying, which seems normal for me.  When I sign off here it will be time to load the van, deciding what pictures will go with me for this weekend.  Of course there will be covered bridge pictures.  What is a covered bridge festival without covered bridge pictures. 

This is the Erskine Bridge in West Finley Township, about 1 mile from where I live.

This is the Bailey Bridge in Amwell Township.

Anyhow, back to the gist of this blog.  I will not be blogging tomorrow or Sunday as I will be leaving early for Mingo Creek Park, where I am set up.  The festival opens at 10:00 a.m. every morning, closing at 5:00 p.m. in the evening.  I have to be at my spot, and have my car parked in the designated area by 9:00 a.m. each morning, as no vehicles are allowed in the festival site after 9 a.m.

The weather forecast is for cool but sunny weather.  So come out to the park, enjoy a day by a covered bridge, sample the food, and support the vendors. 

Have a great weekend and God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you about the EZ least 3 people. Hope you have a good time!
