Friday, September 2, 2011


The line seemed long, but got longer behind me.  It took me a little over an hour to reach "the room"

What on earth am I talking about?  Today was the PRICE IS RIGHT contestant search.  What was I doing there?  Just what do you think, I was hoping to be a contestant.  Dream on!

But it was a new and unique experience for me.  Also I got to meet George Grey (Gray) - and I am sure you are wondering who the heck is George Grey (Gray) is.  As you have probably noticed I am not sure of the spelling of his last name.

George Gray/Grey is the announcer for PRICE IS RIGHT.  He is the one in charge of calling out -------- --------COME ON DOWN YOU ARE OUR NEXT CONTESTANT ON PRICE IS RIGHT.

Next to Drew Carey, George is the guy.  And I do mean "the guy".  He is really cute, looks just as good in person as on the TV.  Oh to be 100 years younger.

from yesterdays TV interview by KDKA TV Pittsburgh Pa
But let's start at the beginning.

I had printed out the application from the computer, had it all filled out with the necessary info they requested.  When I arrived, I was really glad I had completed the paper work, folks were standing everywhere trying to fill out the papers while not losing their place in line.  I am not sure how some of these "applications" will be deciphered by the ones in charge.

When finally reaching the room, was directed to one of two tables to turn in my paper work and be recorded as being there.  then I was given a name tag with my first name on it and my applicant number. 

Then was directed to a white X on the floor.  Standing on the white X, I was facing a camera man and had a microphone handed to me.  I was instructed to give my full name, contestant number, then had 30 seconds - yes I said SECONDS - to tell why I thought I should be chosen as a contestant for PRICE IS RIGHT.

After all the applications are read, all the videos digested, they will decide on two - yes I said TWO - contestants to be flown to California on such and such a date to be in the audience of one of the live taping, and one - yes I said ONE - of these two would hear the famous words;

SO AND SO (since I don't know who it will be) COME ON DOWN, YOU ARE THE NEXT CONTESTANT ON THE PRICE IS RIGHT.  And said announcer will be none other than George Gray/Grey.

I had just finished my 30 second why I should be chosen and moved away from my spot, when who did I see - George, of course.  He had just finished a TV interview with Brenda Waters of KDKA TV and turned around, and there I was right in front of him.  I held out my hand to shake hands, but instead he gave me a hug, asked what I thought.  He sure didn't know what he was asking.  You know I talk a lot.  Well I did.  

I just looked at him, he looked really good.  Told him that I had watched the show for about 100 years, I was now 110, he laughed and told me I looked pretty well preserved.  I also told him how much I had like Rod Roddy - the announcer for years with Bob Barker - until he passed on.  Told him that since then all the announcers had been pretty "BLAH" until he came along.  He started laughing, saying he was really glad he was not blah, and gave me another hug, wishing me good luck.

He was probably wondering who that fruit-cake was, but I had a good time.  When Jerry asked me last night what I told them in my 30 seconds he listened to me, then said that I went for the sympathy bit.

I just stated I had watched the show since the beginning, always hoping I could one day see a live taping.  But it never happened, I was now --------  years old and this would be my last opportunity.

If you think I am telling my age you are nuts.  That is between me and myself, thank you.

The two winners would be notified in a few weeks.  Don't hold your breath, I have never won anything in my life and can see no reason to start now, but it was a fun day, a new adventure so-to-speak.  You are never too old to have adventures.  

Now I have to grocery shop, clean house, start pre-preparing food for the kids arriving tonight and the cookout on Sunday.  I wonder who I will run into at the grocery store?  Have a good day and God Bless.

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