Tuesday, September 20, 2011

WHY IS NOTHING EASY?.....SEPTEMBER 20 2011..........................................

Do you have an answer?  I'm sure I don't.

It seems that no matter what you do you run into a road block, a stone wall, a mountain, or something.  Even opening a jar is a hassle.  Or is it just me?  Maybe I am inept or some such thing.  But then, again, I hear others lamenting the same thing, so I seem to have company.

So, just what am I ranting and raving about?

I'll have to back-track a little. In the meantime I am sharing a picture I took when in Scotland in the 1980's visiting son Andy who was in the navy and stationed in Dunoon.

For the last 8-10 years I have had the ability to accept credit card payments for pictures that folks are buying at the art festivals.  I was with a company where-as I could go on-line on the computer and submit all charge sales.  Two days later the money would be in my checking account.  I would pay the monthly charge for this service and everything was hunky-dory.  Or so I thought.

Then the government stepped in.  Hunky-dory is not in their vocabulary, let's see what we can to to mess everything up.  They succeeded.

You and your computer had to pass a security process.  This security process was geared to BIG business.  I am a PEANUT business.  I do not have the capability, or the knowledge, or the anything to be able to answer all their questions, and complete their forms on line to be able to be allowed to have the privilege to take credit card payments.  Plus the monthly charge for this capability kept going up.

Throwing in the towel, I call my local bank to see what they could do for me. A meeting was set up for me and their representative.  Meeting went great, I have been set up with their system of in-putting the information through your phone line.  Goodby security questions geared to big business.  This system is geared to small business.  I signed the papers, got all the necessary information and credit card machine, and off I went, happy as a little lark.  UNTIL NOW!

For several years we have had on-going problems with our telephone line, so much static some days you could not carry on a conversation.  Line completely dead.  Call for service.  It takes days before a service person arrives on the scene, and by then the phone is usually working perfectly.  You know the scenario.  Over and over and over again.  And the telephone bill just kept going up and up and up.

We finally had to - you guessed it - throw in the towel.  We went wireless.  So far, it is working great for us.  It is saving me a lot money each month.  But it doesn't work with the credit card machine.  IT needs a land line.  We no longer have a land line.  Stone wall!  Thankfully some of our neighbors (and none are like right next door, we live in the country, neighbors and few and far between) still have land lines, so am borrowing their telephone line for submitting my charges so I get paid for my sales.

Called my rep with the bank to see what can be done.  She is going to get back to me.  In the meantime I hope the neighbors, when they see me coming, don't hide and pretend they are not home.

How is your day?  Hang in there and God Bless.

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