Friday, June 28, 2013


ARIZONIANS ... JUNE 28 2013 ...

That's right!  Blame it on them!  It's all their fault!

We had a ball while they were here.  Especially the last week when the weather was perfect.  THEN THEY HAD TO LEAVE!!!!

They flew out this past Tuesday afternoon, it was beautiful.  Then all (you know what) broke loose.

It stormed, lightning, thunder, rain, wind, whatever could be thrown at us was thrown at us.  Don't you just love hearing all about this?

Not only did we have torrential rains, lightning hit one of our trees, starting at the top and traveling all the way down thru the tree into the roots.  What a mess!  It is all Arizona's fault!

This is Friday.  It is still raining.  We are still getting thunder and lightning and rain, rain, more rain.  Forget the yard work.  Forget the garden work.  Forget cutting up what is left of the tree work.  Forget mowing grass.  It is all Arizona's fault!

And forget going to Dubois Pa.  (somewhere north of us, but covered by the Pittsburgh TV stations, so in our viewing area).

As of last night all roads INTO Dubois were closed due to flooding.  That's right, ALL roads.  If you were on your way home, forget it.  If you wanted to go shopping, forget it.  If you had reservations, forget it.  The only way into Dubois was by parachute, and who knew what you might land in.

It's all Arizona's fault!

I think the kids better hop on the next plane to Pittsburgh and bring some of the Arizona sunshine with them.

Last I heard this nasty weather is supposed to last until sometime next week!!!

We're on the hill, but if the valley below floods, we are stuck.

All we have to worry about is the lightning.  And maybe slithering down the hill in one huge mud-slide.

Have a good day and God Bless.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013



Kids flew back to Arizona yesterday.   Seems so strange to have an empty house. No one to sit on the deck with, drinking coffee / tea / whatever. 

Bossman will have to do his own mowing.  I don't have anyone to clean up after me, or go shopping with.  Or just shot the breeze with.  Dogs aren't very good at drinking coffee and shooting the breeze.

Sam and Coco love people, love company and all the extra attention, someone else they can con in to letting them in and out, which they are experts at.

Today they are sleeping.  Completely exhausted.  They will probably sleep for the rest of the week. 

Now for a very sharp change of pace.  That was quite a storm that moved in last evening.  Wind, rain, lightning, thunder.  Lightning struck one of our trees dead-center, quite a boom and vivid red flash when it hit.   

The dogs are afraid of loud noises, and the thunder was really loud.  They were climbing all over us, shaking like crazy.  When the lightning hit, I thought they were going to go thru the roof.

That is another reason they are sleeping today. 

We were needing rain, but not a gusher.  Had more storms during the night that wakened me. Very gloomy today.  Guess we are in for several days of rain.

Kids left to go home at just the right time. 

I am going to spend the day playing catch-up.  Have to get ready for the Cain Art Festival the middle of July. 

So it's welcome back to the real world.  Be safe, stay dry and God Bless. 

Monday, June 24, 2013



Sat down to blog this morning, nothing but a blank mind.  I know I had something in mind when I sat down, but it flew the coop.

I do know one thing.  It is already hot - hot - hot!!!!  Humidity very high.  Feels good inside.  Guess I'll stay inside.

My Phoenix kids vacation is winding down - they fly out tomorrow.  I don't know where the time has gone, but gone it has.

We've had fun.  Done some things.  He loves coming home and playing with Bossmans toys.  He can't have that kind of toys in Phoenix.

He has mowed, hoed, chopped, cut, sprayed, pulled, you name it.  For him it is 'relaxation' compared to the fast-lane life-style in Phoenix. 

Know Bossman will miss him.  Now he has to start 'working' again.  Darn!!!

A few weeks ago after a rain I caught a nice rain-bow over the fire pit.  Right now we could use some rain.

Now I have to get busy with pics for my July festival in Cleveland Heights.  That is always a good and fun festival to do.  From now until the middle of November I will be kept busy. 

Mu youngest grand-daughter just had her 'launch' yesterday at Washington and Jefferson College.  She is the youngest, and now she is an adult.  How fast time flies by. 

The great grand-kids are growing and changing - what happened?  No way I should be that old!

I will tell you one thing, though.  The ONLY time I admit to being OLD is when it will benefit me - senior citizen discounts, restaurant discounts, etc.  If I am old, I am sure going to take advantage of it. 

Otherwise - watch out!  I'll just steam-roll right by you.

Since it is the kids last day here, guess we are all going out to dinner tonight.  Suits me.  Don't have to plan the menu and cook.  Just sit back and be waited on. 

I hope you stay in today where it is cool, the heat is supposed to be miserable.  So take care and God Bless.

Thursday, June 20, 2013



A little bit of background first.  We have 2 bluebird boxes on our fence where we can see them from the house.  Every spring there is a mad race - both bluebirds and tree swallows want to 'rent' these house. 

Usually we manage to have one tree swallow box and one bluebird box.  But not this year.

I guess that is typical - as nothing has been as usual this year.

We have 2 tree swallow boxes.  We also have lots of bluebirds, so they must have found a house in another neighborhood.  Guess as our bird houses are getting older, the bluebirds wanted newer, bigger, better.  Must have found what they wanted.

But back to the breakfast (don't know about you but lost my appetite for breakfast this morning) buffet.

First thing I saw when I walked into the kitchen were these birds sitting on the railing of our back patio ramp.  They were fluffing their wings and watching.  About that time a tree swallow came flying by and as it passed, the sitting birds grabbed something.

Turns out the sitting birds were young tree swallows.  Mom and Dad had coaxed them from their houses, and they landed there.  Mom and Dad were feeding them as they rested. 

After a few choice morsels they spread their wings and flew off with Mom and Dad.

It amazes me how these birds can fly and snatch their food right out of the air.  

But let me tell you, it is a 'mine field' when you are mowing.  Mowing disturbs the bugs.  The disturbed bugs take off in flight.  The tree swallows are dive-bombing the bugs for dinner.  You are on the mower, they are diving all around you. They don't care.  You feel you need a suit of armor to mow. 

Now the swallows have shoved their young out of the nest.  After a bit of re-arranging they will raise a second family.  Then come fall they will all depart for their winter homes in the south, returning the next spring.

And the battle will begin again as to who gets the bird boxes.  

Have a great day and God Bless. 

Monday, June 17, 2013



Sometimes you just have to shake your head and wonder. 

Kids and a grandkid with her husband flew home from Arizona for the reunion.  Which was Saturday - note I said was. 

Good attendance.  Lots of good food.  Lots of chatter.  Had a Chinese auction which went over very well.  For some.  Of course there had to be one there who, for some strange reason, had most of the winning tickets. 

Got to give her credit though.  She gave away some of her winnings to others who liked said prize.  See - we have a really good bunch of people.

Had great music - something called Silver Sky.  I have yet to discover the silver, or the sky.  We were in a covered area.  Couldn't even see the sky.  But they were a great group,  really enjoyed listening to them.

So did all the other old folks.   Excuse me, I should have said 'senior citizens' to be politically correct.  But when have I ever been P.C.?  I say this because it was mostly the seniors who danced.  And dance they did.

We had a rip-roarin good time.  I did keep my cell phone in my hand, ready to dial 911. 

I was the photographer capturing the moment, so I was probably the only one who could have called 911 if necessary.
It was a great way to spend the afternoon, seeing folks you haven't seen for-ever.  And folks whispering to each other - "who is that"?

We had  taken a lot of old pics with us, and they were a big hit. 

All in all it was a great day.  Perfect weather.  Great food.  A musical group that actually knew what kind of music we liked, even played some Polkas. 

Have a great day - the sun is shining - and God Bless. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013


CAPE COD ODYSSEY continued ... JUNE 16 2013 ....

Finally!  After all these years I get to see MY ISLAND - Martha's Vineyard. 

We drove up the Cape to Woods Hole where we boarded the ferry to the Vineyard.  It is about an hour trip to the Island. 

We had been held up in traffic because of an accident.  We crawled for miles.  We had reservations on the ferry.  We were definitely running late. 

We finally arrived.  Normal procedure is to disembark the bus and board the ferry, the bus would then be loaded below decks.  Not this day.  The last vehicle was just pulling onto the ferry as we arrived.  They waved us right on.  Bus, passengers, all.  Once on board the ferry we were able to leave the bus and climb the stairs to the passenger decks.  Never a dull moment.

At least we didn't miss the boat!

It was a fun day.  We shopped, ate, toured, saw the beach where the original JAWS movie was filmed.  I didn't know it had been filmed at the Vineyard.  The most fun part of the day, for me, were the GINGERBREAD HOUSES.

There is a section of the vineyard where the houses are all gingerbread.  Not the edible kind, the architecture kind.  The houses are VERY VERY expensive, you only own the house, not the land.  There are very strict rules on maintaining your home and property. 

We didn't almost 'miss the boat' upon returning to the Cape.  It was another great day, beautiful weather, good company.

But all good things, and all bad things, come to an end.  Another day to remember. 

Have a good day and God Bless.

Thursday, June 13, 2013



Today we arrived at Plymouth Mass.  So much history.  We toured the waterfront, listened while a park employee told us about the Pilgrims, their first landing, finally arriving here, at what was to become Plymouth.    We saw the memorial to the first pilgrims. 

The only disappointment was that just 2 days before they had moved the Mayflower into dry dock for repairs.  Otherwise a great day.  

He told us of the hardships of the crossing, about the Indian tribe that befriended them, showing them what was safe to eat, about hunting, growing crops.  Many of the pilgrims did not survive their first winter.  The ones that did -- well, it was just hard.

By the end of the 7th year they had established their first American community - Plimoth Plantation.  It was that fall that our first Thanksgiving was celebrated, the colonists and the Indians having dinner and giving thanks together.

Upon leaving Plimoth Plantation, we headed for our hotel and a good dinner, and good night's sleep.  Quite a contrast to what we had just seen to where we now were.  You never stop to think about what they endured just to survive.  Could we do that today?  I don't think so.

A lot to think about.  One little funny thing.  While we were on the bus our tour guide mentioned that Mass was famous for their cranberry bogs.  (Ocean Spray).  The time to visit the bogs is in the fall during the harvest.  Many years ago when Tom was still living and we attended on of his army reunions (an annual event in a different city each year) we were at Plymouth.  He and I took the time to drive to the bogs, and saw the miles of water with the bright red berries floating on top.

The bogs are flooded in the fall, the ripe berries float to the surface and are harvested with large wooden rakes.  Quite a sight.

Any how back to our tour guide.   She was quite wonderful by the way.  I have been with her before and she always makes a trip special for everyone on the bus.

She gave the history of the bogs, and told of the times there were trips in the fall and they visited the bogs.  She said the only disappointment is - they have NEVER seen the two guys that do the Ocean Spray commercial on TV.

I hope all survived last nights storm and are well.  Stay safe and God Bless.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


SOME CALL IT GOSSIP!! ... JUNE 11 2013 ..

This is the second piece of "history" I wanted to remember to tell you.  While I still remember.  I think I remember. Oh,well!!

When we toured Hyanis and Hyannisport we had a local tour guide who told us all the history as we traveled.  She was in her 70's (just a kid yet) and knew it all. 

Quite a few years ago she was working in the local Visitors Bureau.  One morning this young couple came in.  They were visiting from California and really wanted to see the Kennedy Compound in Hyannisport. They mentioned that someone had told them that they would be able to see it from the beach.  Was that true?

Our tour guide told them it was true.  She told them how far down the beach they should walk.  When they came to this sand dune they should turn there and walk away from the water.  Once past the dune they would see the compound.  So off they went.

Several hours later they returned, hot, sweaty, and grinning from ear to ear.

Turns out that as they passed the dune coming into sight of the compound, they saw Rose Kennedy sitting in the sun, with her attendant by her side.  (We would call her a nurse, but "attendant" sounds more genteel).  Not knowing what to do, the young couple just waved.

AS the story goes, Rose returned their wave and motioned them to come on up.  They did.  Rose talked to them, told stories about the goins ons at the compound, then invited them to go with her and they could see the house.  

As they were getting ready to leave Rose asked them if they would like to have their picture taken with her.  No brainer.  The attendant took said picture.  (This was still the age of film, processing, etc.,etc).  

Several weeks later the Visitors Center received an envelope.  In said envelope was a print - the picture of the young couple with Rose Kennedy.  I guess to this day that picture is framed and hanging in their facility.

Our tour guide told us that Rose was very friendly and outgoing, and that everyone on the Cape loved her.  Later on we saw the Church that the Kennedy's all attended, and the pew that is still reserved for them, as they still attend this Church when they are on the Cape.

I just thought you might like this little piece of history.  Whether or not if you liked or dis-liked the Kennedys, I thought this was a wonderful story of the 'human side' of a well-know, very influential family.


Monday, June 10, 2013



Arrived back home late Saturday afternoon after a great trip, lots of history, lots of stories, lots of food, lots of fun and a great group of folks to travel with.

While my mind is still working properly (well, as properly as it can) I want to share a couple pieces of history and not so much history as a tale.  Tales are always the best.  Later on I will go into more depth and share pics.  Once I have them organized and edited.

Our first day was spent at Plymouth Mass and, of course, the ROCK.  After the rock we visited Plimoth Plantation. 

Did you know - the first landing the Pilgrims made at - what is known today as - Provincetown, the very tippy top of Cape Cod.  Upon spying land, they anchored and a landing party came ashore, to scope out the area.

All they found was sand, miles and miles of sand. There was no way they could settle there and raise any crops.  And so they re-boarded the Mayflower and continued their journey along the coast.

Their second stop is what is now known as Plymouth.  The Mayflower anchored off-shore and the Pilgrims came ashore.  Plymouth Rock is actually just what the name says - a big flat rock.  The arriving Pilgrims stepped out of their dinghy (a little boat bringing a few at a time) on to this rock, then onto the shore.   The Pilgrims had arrived!!!

But it was not until 7 years later (1627) that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated with the friendly Indians.  It took seven years of hard labor to build their first community, which is now known as Plimoth Plantation.

What an unique experience, to visit the plantation, see the thatched roof huts, the gardens, the livestock, and the view.  There are folks on the plantation dressed as they had in 1627, working, and welcoming us, their guests.  They knew nothing of today's world, were still living in 1627, talking old English, explaining what they were doing, blank expressions on their faces if you mentioned cars, or TV's or computers or such. 

It's sort of sad how the Pilgrims landing, Plymouth Rock, and the first Thanksgiving has all run together as happening  in 1620.  There was 7 years of hard work, sickness, birth and death, building, and learning.  I can't begin to imagine what they went thru.

How desperate they must have been for a better life.  How determined to keep going.  How grateful they were that the Indians proved to be friendly, and taught them about their new home.  How sad how it all ended years later.   Friends became bitter enemies.  

You leave Plimoth Plantation and Plymouth with an entirely new perspective, and respect, for the hardworking men and women, willing to face who knows what to make a better life for themselves.  And we complain.

Have a good day and God Bless.