Monday, December 31, 2012



And the last day of the year. 

Sounds a little complicated doesn't it.  It really isn't. 

I am a tea drinker.  Every day.  I drink coffee sometimes, but tea is my drink.  Hot tea, usually in the morning, iced tea all day long, all year long.

Well, one of my Christmas gifts was a neat bamboo box with the label on it reading NUMI FLOWERING TEA.  What on earth is flowering tea. 

The directions read as follows:

1. Put one Flowering Tea blossom (there were 6 different blossoms, each a different flavor) in to the glass tea pot (included).

2. Pour boiling water over the tea and steep until the leaves have fully opened (3-4 minutes)

3. Swirl tea to even flavor before serving.

4.  Leaves can be re-steeped 2-3 more times.

I've just got to try this.  But - which flavor do I try first?

There is:  Shooting Star, Sunset Oolong, Golden Jasmine, Dragon Lily, Jasmine Lovers and Lavender Dream.  Which one will it be?

The down side is that  the 6 packets of tea had no labels on them.  So, which is which?

I chose one, hoping that when the process was finished what was in the cup would clue me in.
It is very strange looking.  About the size of a walnut.  The organic flower thingy is wrapped in hand sewn tea leaves, and depending on the flower thingy, the flavor of the tea is different.

I place the tea in the pot.  I boiled some water and filled the pot.  And watched.

When the tea had finished steeping, I removed the tea leaves and flower.  From looking at the  bloomin' tea/flower, I decided it was the  Jasmine Lovers.

The pot just makes one mug of tea.  How's that for being dignified?  Glass tea pot, souvenir mug.  I believe I've mentioned somewhere along the line that my travel souvenirs are mugs.

Anyhoo, glass tea pot, white mug from ICE AT OPRYLAND. 

I can't describe the flavor of the tea.  It was subtle, different, and, actually, very good. Will be interesting to see what the next 5 flavors look and taste like.  Especially the look part.

How many of you can say you have flowering tea, that blooms in hot water? 

Life is full of surprises. 

 Boss man taking me grocery shopping tonight.  I'm not about to leave in my van.   I can get down the hill o.k., just can't get back up.  Not about to walk home.

Have a good New Year's Eve, stay safe, don't do anything foolish, and God Bless.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

WELL !!!!!

IT'S TOMORROW!!!DECEMBER 29 2012 ......

And it is NOT nice.  We have 8 plus inches here on the hill top and still snowing.  This is the time of year I like to stay home.  Sometimes I have to go out, but only in an emergency.

The first pic was last night.  The other three are today.

Last night I was out.  It was not an emergency. Bossman's car was in for maintenance.  I had to take him to Washington to pick it up after he got home from work. (Luckily we have an extra).  Got him there, filled my gas tank, drove home, got as far as our mail boxes and----------------

It had melteld enough during the day and then froze and the driveway was more ice than snow.  My van is helpless in the snow/ice senario.  Some people can afford the spiffy SUV's, all wheel drive, all the bells and whistles.  I have to depend on my little old van.  This time of year it is not dependable.

Anyhow back to last night.  I know Bossman got home before me because of stopping for gas.  Grabbed my cell phone, called him, told him I was stuck by the mail boxes.  "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE STUCK?" was the first thing I heard.  Loud and clear.

Told him again I was stuck.  He always tells me I need to learn how to drive.  He arrives.  In his 4 wheel drive truck.  Parks to the side of the road, tells me to move over he will drive.  And get me home.  He got abut 3 feet further up the drive than I did.  And he knows how to drive.

Backed the van down to a wide spot in the driveway and parked it. Slippin' and sliddin' on the ice, we got me into the truck.  Glad no one was here with a video camera.

Got up this morning and we were buried in snow.  Bossman's friend (he gets tired of seeing his name in print, so will no longer use names) and Bossman took a tractor down, hooked p the van and pulled it up the hill.  It is now in the garage.  Where it is going to stay until our driveway is completely clear. Whenever that is.

Also some of Bossman's hunting buddies came this morning to muzzle loader hunt. They couldn't get up the driveway either, and one of them has 4 wheel drive.  I guess they have joined the "You need to learn how to drive" bunch.

So guess the only trouble I will be getting into is here at home.  Told Bossman he was getting the grocery lists.

Stay in if you can.  Be careful if you have to go out.  The one good thing - it IS beautiful.  God Bless. 

Friday, December 28, 2012



Our weather forecast is another major storm heading for us - again.  Could get up to 4 more inches of snow. 

Had to laugh yesterday.  Some of our friends were saying they thought it would be neat to sled ride down our driveway. I don't think most sleds are made to make 90 degree turns every little bit.    The driveway turns, the sleds, or whatever go straight. 

Would be fun to video this from a vantage point where you could get the expressions on the faces when they launched into space, landing who knows where, possibly sailing right through the trees and over the bushes and landing on the driveway below as it twists and turns.  Maybe we could be on the TV show FUNNIEST VIDEOS.

Only problem is - I don't know of a good vantage point.  No video.  No TV show.  No prize money.  Darn.

Right now am winding down from the Holidays, trying to catch up with myself.  We will have a quiet New Years day dinner, and then the long, slow, haul starts.  Life has been so hectic for a couple of months, then New Years, and nothing going on.

The weather is usually bad, not conducive to doing things.  Don't even have the desire to go  shopping.  This is usually the time when I get back to projects that have been put on hold.

Biggest problem - which project do I want to tackle.  Darned if I know.  There are many sitting there, just waiting. 

I'll probably figure it out, somewhere down the line.  If I don't, I don't.  I may even come up with a brand new project.  Who knows. 

Nancy and I have committed to a bus trip in June to Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard.  Also am hoping to get to Arizona in April.  Will depend on the travel plans the kids in Arizona have.

Also starting to send in show applications. Will see where that goes.  I am not quite ready to retire from retirement yet. 

Be sure you have all the necessities, in case the bad weather really materializes, be thankful for what you have and God Bless.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


WINDING DOWN ... DECEMBER 27 2012 ....

Can't happen soon enough.  This has been one mostly miserable year, and today not much better.

Don't get me wrong, there were lots of good times, good friends, good trips, good weather, good everything.   But the bad were REALLY bad. And for some reason it is the bad that seems to stick out the most.

Today was rough.  Had to attend a funeral.  Funerals are bad enough. But, the weather was awful.  Yesterday we had - and I am NOT  exaggerating - snow, sleet, and rain all at the same time.  How do I know this?  I ran a quick errand to the store to stock up on butter, milk, bread, bacon, and eggs.  While I was driving to the store I had all three things happening at once.

Snow was coming down pretty hard.  The sleet was bouncing off the windshield while it was snowing, and during all this rain drops were splattering, also on the windshield.

On top of that the wind was blowing.  One really miserable day.  Kept that up most of the day.  Today there is snow, ice, and cold weather all over the place.

Graveside services could not be held because of the weather conditions, so they were held inside the Church, and the entire service was very nice.

I guess more nasty stuff is moving in.

Christmas Day was great.  Lots of good company, good food, good laughter, good everything.  Sam and Coco even got a new toy each.  First thing Sam did was grab both hers and Coco's in her mouth at the same time.  Finally got her to release Coco's for him. 

But Sam was taking no chances.  If she was not walking around with her toy in her mouth she was laying on it so Coco, or anyone else for that matter, could not get it.  That's Sam.  What is hers is hers.  And what is everyone else's is also hers.  I must say, she is a piece of work and a half.

Only 4 days left in 2012.  Everyone please pray that 2013 is a better year. Otherwise we are looking at a really really really nasty new year.

So, being an eternal ooptimist, I am ooptimistic that 2013 will be a better year.  If I can remember to type 2013 instead of 2012. 

At least I don't drink diet coke with my Milk Duds.

God Bless everyone and look on the bright side.  We are still functioning.  Sort of. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

DECEMBER 24 2012


Didn't I already say that?  Oh well.  That kind of a day.

The presents (the ones I did) are all wrapped, but not all under the tree.   There is no room under the tree.  Haven't figured out yet where I am going to put them. But definitely not under the tree.

The food prep is all done EXCEPT -- have to make the home-made cheesecake.  Take a break. Bake another batch of chocolate chip cookies for Bossman.  The first batch is all gone.  I ate 1 - got to taste test after all.  Take a break. Chop the celery and onions for the stuffing.  Take a break.  Mix up my corn casserole so all I have to do tomorrow is put it in the oven.  Take a break.  This one will probably be a  longer break.

Make my shrimp ball/dip to go with the crackers I bought especially for the shrimp ball/dip.   Take a break.  Wouldn't do to have the crackers and nothing to go with them.  This is supposed to be a shrimp ball, but I find it works better as a dip. 

Cleaned the house on Saturday.  It will have to do.  So I don't have to take a break from cleaning house, I already had that break.  I suppose I could take a break to rest up from all my taking a breaks.  That sounds like a plan.

Christmas Eve evening has a double meaning for me.  First, there is the Candlelight service at Church, celebrating the birth and our reason for Christmas.  After all, that is what this holiday is all about, and that should come first, before anything else.

Then, before I retire, there is the magic of the season, Santa Claus, reindeer, sleighs, gifts, and being the eternal optimist I will check the moon, maybe this will be the year I see Santa and the sleigh crossing the face of the moon.

Then off to bed, hoping I haven't forgotten anything important. 

Everyone please have a safe, happy, blessed Christmas and remember those less fortunate than we are, in so many different ways, and say a prayer for them.  Merry Christmas and God Bless.   

Sunday, December 23, 2012


IN MY YARD ... DECEMBER 23 2012 ...
Yep.  That's what it looks like.  Everywhere I look there is sparkle, and each sparkle has a different rainbow color.  Only God can make a snow flake.

The sun is bright.  It is cold but not windy.  A perfect winter day. 

I think Bossman must be sick.  He has gone Christmas shopping.  So, what is sick about that?  He usually goes around 4 p.m. on Christmas Eve.  That is not until tomorrow.  Do you suppose the Mayan Apocalypse affected his mind?

I just hope he doesn't buy any strange sized/shaped thingies and then wants me to help him wrap.  I will be VERY VERY BUSY with something else.  I don't know what, but I will be very busy at it.

On a sad note, I do ask everyone to please keep one local family in your prayers.  Yesterday was a very difficult day, your prayers will be appreciated, and God knows who you are praying for.

I am planing on going to Church.  If I can get out of the garage.  Bossman said should be a breeze.  Just push the opener, the door should open.  Then just back out.

Then comes the fun part.  Go back into the garage, push the opener, which will close the door and as the door is going down run toward the door and grab the  rope handle hanging down and disengage said door.  The puller-backer thingie will go back, supposedly, but the door will stay down, supposedly.  I wonder what else strange is going to happen.  There are still 8 days left in this year.  A lot can happen in 8 days.

If you don't hear from me for a while it is because I am trapped in the garage. Probably under the door that decided, on a whim, to stay down when I was under it.

Hate to even think what the Steelers are going to do today.  They are having the same kind of year that I am having.  But I think mine is a little bit worse.  They are at least getting paid!

Have a good day and God Bless.

Friday, December 21, 2012



Finished my gift wrapping yesterday as I didn't want unwrapped presents floating around in space.  I felt better last night when Brian Williams (NBC) announced that Australia was 12 hours ahead of us, so it was already December 21 there, and since they had just spoken to someone there, and they were still there, that we will probably all be still here.

Wonder how many more times I can use the word 'there'?

Bossman working at home today.  When he takes a break I will ask him to please open my garage door for me so I can go do my last minute shopping (food) for the holiday.  Going to have around 15 for dinner, need to get stuff if I am going to have enough to feed 15, and still stuff left over for grazing the rest of the day.

Now for a word of wisdom.  Don't, and I do mean don't, buy a very strange odd shaped gift for someone without taking into consideration just how are you going to wrap that gift.  I did.  Big mistake.  Big problem.  I don't need big problems.

Anyhoo I bought this gift - about 5 feet (yes you read that right) long and anywhere from 1 inch to 11 inches in height, and this 'thing' needed to be wrapped. 

But then you have to remember how brilliant I am. 

1.  Had to retrieve this gift from under the dresser where it was hidden.  Since if I get down on my hands and knees I am there permanently, that was out.  What with a lot of maneuvering and a long handled back scratcher (the kind with fingers) I was able to retrieve said gift.  Now what?

2.  Have a double/queen bed in the spare room. The gift reached from the foot board almost to the head board.  O.K., now what.

3.  Light bulb came on.  Retrieved several days worth of old newspapers waiting to be recycled.  Spread them out on the bed, taping them together, until they covered the entire bed.  Sure did use a lot of tape.

4.  Had a roll of Christmas paper, the extra long one, that when laying on the bed was long enough to go from one side to the other.  Good  

5.  Laid the wrapping paper on the bed, unrolled and unrolled, until the bed was covered then cut it to size.  Sure one big hunk of wrapping paper.

6.  Laid wrapping paper aside.  Placed gift on the newspapers.  Wrapped the newspapers around and around the gift.  Sure did use a lot of tape.

7.  Remove gift from bed.  Spread out cut wrapping paper on the bed.  Placed newspaper wrapped gift on the Christmas paper.

8.  Wrapped the Christmas paper around and around the gift.  Sure did use a lot of tape.

9.  If anyone ever sees me looking at an odd sized odd shaped thing for a gift, please just consider the source.  And inform the sales clerk that under NO circumstances are they to sell me that odd sized odd shaped thing.

10.  Needless to say this is a very well wrapped, gift, yards and yards of paper, and miles and miles of tape, is still on said bed.  Hope I remember to take it out on Christmas morning. 

And how is your day going?  Stay warm and God bless.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


RIGHT or WRONG? ... DECEMBER 20 2012 ....

My plans for tomorrow have not changed.  Only problem, every time I make plans something happens.  Therefore I have no plans for tomorrow. 

Bossman got a new garage door opener yesterday for me.  He hopes to get it installed over the weekend.  Hope he kept the sales slip.  Wonder if you can get refunds on December 22nd?  We may not need the garage door opener after all.

Yesterday had a ring neck pheasant in our front yard, checking things out.  Got this pic of him.  I saw a lady pheasant on our property a couple of weeks ago.  Maybe he was trying to find her address.

Batten down the hatches.  Supposed to be a duzy of a storm heading in tonight for tomorrow.  As I said, maybe I won't need a garage door opener.

Now, enough of the non-sense, but that seems to be what I do best.

I am enclosing the following poem.  You may have read it, maybe not.  But I wanted to share.  This poem was also read at the closing of the Dr. Phil TV show yesterday.  A very moving ending.

T'was 22 days before Christmas, around 9:38
When 20  beautiful children stormed thru heaven's gate.
Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air,
They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
They were filled with such joy they didn't know what to say,
They remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
"Where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse,
"This is heaven" declared a small boy. We're spending Christmas in God's House.
When what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their Savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same,
Then He opened his arms and He called them by name.
And in that moment there was joy, that only heaven can bring,
Those children all flew into the arms of their King.
And as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
One small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
And as if He could read all the questions she had,
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of Mom and Dad".
Then he looked down on earth, the world far below,
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe...
Then He closed his eyes and He outstretched out his hand,
"Let My power and presence re-enter this land,
May this country be delivered from the hands of fools,
I"m taking back my Nation,  I'm taking back my schools".
Then he and the children stood up without a sound,
"Come now my children, let me show you around".
Excitement filled the space, some skipped, and some ran,
All displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
And I heard him proclaim as he walked out of sight,
"In the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT".

Wednesday, December 19, 2012



First of all Bossman is off of the 'painter hook'.  He didn't know the painter was coming either.  Panhandle was supposed to call and set up an appointment.  Guess they decided an appointment wasn't necessary, good old crazy lady would be there.

If I wasn't crazy before, I am now, and it is not just the painter. 

A few days ago told Bossman my garage door wasn't working properly.  It would go up, then when it was supposed to go down it would, then right back up again.  Took several trys to get it to stay down.

Bossman said there was probably a rock, or dirt, or some such thing on the garage floor that triggered the emergency feature that would not let the door close if there was something in the way.  Duh!!!  Didn't matter that I had checked for that.  Period.

Well, you know what went on yesterday.  Full day lost for anything productive, when kitchen and dining room  full of painters stuff.  Did get to meet my sister, had a nice relaxing dinner, gift exchange and good gossip session.  Goood ending to a bad day.  Little did I know.

Came home, pushed the button, garage door went right up.  Drove  into the garage. hit the button, door went down, came up.  Hit the button, door went down, came up.  Hit the button door went down came up.

Just about then saw Bossman.  He wanted to know what I was doing.  He just happened to be downstairs at the right time.  Told him I was trying to shut my garage door, that "hasn't been working right".  He just shook his head, went to the opening, cleaned up the floor (that had nothing on it) and wiped off the bottom of the garage door (that had nothing on it).  Then told me to hit the button.

Garage door went down.  Garage door came right back up.   We went through this scenario for almost half an hour, him standing inside my car (of course with the door open) so he could reach the opener, making adjustments.  Hit the button.  Same thing.   More adjustment.  Hit the button.  Same thing.  He finally admitted that the garage door opener had gone bad.  Duh!!!

He did something, got the garage door closed.  Permanently.  My car is in the garage, the door won't open, I am grounded for who knows how long.  Like I don't have anything to do that means leaving the house.  Sure hope he remembers he is now in charge of picking up the mail and newspaper on his way home from work.

I don't have the strength, and these doors don't have anything on them remotely resembling handles, so there is no way I can open the door.

Guess I could start  the car and back out real fast, taking the door with me.  But I don't think that would go over so well with Bossman.  So am grounded. And didn't even do anything nasty to deserve being grounded.

And how is  your day?

Hope it is better than mine.  I have both the painter here inside, and the landscapers here outside.  Will be another non-productive day.  Sure am getting tired of playing solitaire.  

Be glad you're not here and God Bless.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012



Is this wishing my life away?  No. It's just that this has been such a - the only word I can think of right now - nasty - year.  In every way.

Seems as though very litttle has gone right.  Somewhere along the way I have lost my rose-colored glasses.  Sure wish I could find them again.  Today is just another example.

My sister who lives in Martins Ferry Ohio and I take one day close to Christmas when we get together, go out to eat, have our gift exchange, just enjoy ourselves.  We are both very busy, we are both retired, and we both, well, we're busy.

In November we compared notes, and found that we were both free today.  Tuesday.  December 18th.  Otherwise one or the other of us was booked (not in jail, but just busy).

We still have 'cosmetic' work to be done on the new kitchen, etc.  Bossman been trying to get this scheduled.  He even asked me if I was going to be here, and if not, what days would I be gone.  Told him I would be available to stay home, if necessary, every day EXCEPT Tuesday, December 18th.  What is hard to understand EXCEPT?

Last I heard, he was waiting for a return phone call to schedule  the two things that needed done - the electrician to finish wiring the outlet in the back of the island, and the painter to put the second coat of paint on our dining room walls, and poly coat the mouldings that hadn't been poly'ed yet.

Last I heard.  Crazy me.  I actually thought I would get to meet my sister today.  Ha Ha Ha!!!

I have all her presents wrapped and ready to to.  Kept today free of all necessities because it was going to be a fun day.  Boy, am I nuts or what?

Five minutes (5) before I was going to leave to run a couple of errands before meeting at 11:30 for lunch and stuff, guess what.  The painter is knocking on my door.  This is Tuesday.  I am supposed to be gone.  Boy was I wrong!

Painter told me it would be an all day job.  Of course.  Called Ruth.  She asked what else was new.  That is the way it has been.  This is her only free day.  It WAS my only free day.  

So we made our plan.  I will call her the minute the painter leaves, and we are going to go out on the town tonight.  We are going to celebrate Christmas.  We are going to eat.  We are going to have our gift exchange.  I am not leaving a note for Bossman telling him where I am and why.  Let him figure it out.  For all he knows I ran off with the painter.

And how was / is your day? Merry Christmas and God Bless. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012



My TV was out until yesterday afternoon.  The dish had been bumped by the landscapers and threw it off course.  Bud was here as promised, re-positioned the dish, and the TV was back.

I was better off without the TV.

Yesterday's tragedy is un-imaginable.  I sat and watched, and listened, and, yes, cried.  How could this be?

I can't begin to imagine trying to cope. 

I'm proud of all my facebook friends, the kind words, the out-pouring of love and compassion they all have for folks they did not know.  Knowing doesn't matter.  Careing does. 

I don't know if we will ever really understand what triggered yesterday's tragedy.  Probably not. 

I can't imagine being one of the first responders.  They will never forget, and their lives, also, will be changed forever. 

As the days pass we will recover from the shock, go about our lives and try to live normally. But I wonder, what is normal?

Please remember to keep every one who has faced a tragedy, whatever it may be, in your prayers.  They have a long way to go, and will never regain what was once normal.  Be grateful, and God Bless. 

Friday, December 14, 2012


YOU OPEN THE MAIL!!! ... DECEMBER 14 2012...

Health-wise I am functional.  At least I am up right, doing what needs to be done, and feeling pretty good. 

My neurological appointment is a go.  UPMC called yesterday afternoon and I am scheduled in Pittsburgh January 10 at 9 a.m.  Hopefully they will find the problem.  Because there is definitely a problem. 

Watched the tv at noon yesterday for the news.  Then about 4 p..m. usually turn it back on for the evening news.  No TV.  We have 2 boxes, 4 TV's and nada.  Called.  Repairman coming this afternoon, said it sounds like a problem with our dish.

Which wouldn't surprise me.  The landscapers are back, are now building the retaining wall in the front.  Back hoe, bob cat, all kinds of stuff, and right under our satellite dish.  Bet you know what we are thinking.  If you don't, lucky you.

And, of course it was Thursday night - and, of course, football.   Bossman not happy.  Bosslady not happy either.  But then I opened the mail.  One of my friends sent me a letter, and I feel I just have to share it.  Perhaps you have seen it, perhaps not, but any how, here goes.

A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art.  They had everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael.  They would often sit together and admire the great works of art  Then the Vietnam conflict broke out, the son went to war.  He was very courageous and died in battle while rescuing another soldier.  The father was notified and grieved deeply for his only son.
About a month later, just before Christmas, there was a knock at the door.  A young man stood at the door with a large package in his hands.  He said, "Sir, you don't know me but I am the soldier for whom your son gave his life.  He saved many lives that day, and he was carrying me to safety when a bullet struck him in the heart and he died instantly.  He often talked about you, and your love for art".  The young man held out the package.  "I know this isn't much.  I'm not really a great artist, but I think your son would have wanted you to have this".
The father opened the package. It was a portrait of his son, painted by the young man.  He stared in awe at the way the soldier had captured the personality of his son.  The father was so drawn to the eyes that his own eyes welled up with tears.
He thanked the young man and offered to pay him for the picture.  "Oh, no sir  I could never repay what your son did for me.  It's a gift".  The father hung the portrait over his mantle.  Every time visitors came to his home he took them to see the portrait of his son before he showed them any of the other great works he had collected.
The man died a few months later.  There was to be a great auction of his paintings.  Many influential people gathered, excited over seeing the great paintings and having an opportunity to purchase one for their collections.  On the platform sat the painting of the son.  The auctioneer pounded his gavel.  "We will start the bidding with this picture of the son.   Who will bid for this picture?"
There was silence.  Then a voice   shouted that we want to see the famous paintings.  Skip this one.  But the auctioneer persisted.  Will someone bid for this painting?  Who will start the bidding? $100. $200.  Another voice shouted angrily we didn't come to see this painting we came to see the Van Goghs, the Rembrandts. Get on with the real bids.
Finally a voice came from the very back of the room.  It was the longtime gardener of the man and his son.  "I'll give $10.00 for the painting".  Being a poor man, it was all he could afford.
We have $10.00.  Who will bid $20.00?  The crowd became angry, they didn't want the picture of the son. They wanted the more worthy investments for their collections. 
The auctioneer pounded the gavel.  Going once.  Going twice.  Sold for $10.00.
A man in the second row shouted to get on with the collection.  The auctioneer laid down his gavel.
"I'm sorry, the auction is over.  When I was called to conduct this auction, I was told of a secret stipulation in the will.  I was not allowed to reveal that stipulation until this time.  Only the painting of the son would be auctioned.  Whoever bought that painting would inherit the entire estate, including the paintings.  The man who took the son gets everything".
God gave his son 2,000 years ago to die on the cross.  Much like the auctioneer, his message today is:  "The Son, the Son, who'll take the Son?"
Because, you see, whoever takes the Son gets everything.
Think long and hard about this.  God Bess.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012



Yesterday dark and dreary. Today bright sunshine.  Yes, there is frost on the pumpkin, but the sun is shining.  No complaints from this house.

Another thing to think about.  THIS IS 12 -12-12.  The 12th day of the 12th month of the year 2012.  Just stop and think a moment.  This will NEVER happen again, unless we change the calendar and add a 13th month, etc.  Next year, 2013, we can have a day - the 13th - a year 2013 - but never a 13th month.

Of course we could re-number the months. 

January #13.  February #14.  March #15. and so on. Then in January we could have the 13th day of the 13th month of the year 2013.  How many words ago did I lose you?

Also heard on the news of a wedding taking place today (12-12-12)  Everything is a 12.  Number of attendants, number of words to be spoken during the taking of the vows.  Number of tables for reception.  Number of guests per table.  I could go on and on and on. I'll bet  that  family is on the verge of a massive melt-down.

Either that or they were already melted down and just acting normal.

Two weeks from today it will be finished for another year. The clean-up will begin, the end of year sales will begin, and life will go on. 

Every New Years we pray that the new year will be better than the old one just ending.  It never seems to work out that way, but we are the eternal optimists.  It must be going to be better, It couldn't possibly get any worse. 

I think I would rather be a disappointed optimist than a dreary old pessimist.  Which would you rather be?

Have a good day and God Bless.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


AND DREARY DAY ... DECEMBER 11 2012 ....

Just a bare trace of snow, and a little bit of ice.  Everything is gray.  No spot of color any where to be seen.  I'm glad I Went to Staples yesterday and shipped the presents that needed to be shipped.  I also shipped the picture a customer had ordered for her husband for Christmas.

They had seen this particular picture hanging in my display at the Washington Co Fairgrounds Christmas festival.  She could not find my card.  So she called Family Festivals (the promoters of this show), told them she needed my telephone number.

It just so happened I had e-mailed them that same day about next years festivals.  Talk about perfect timing. 

This customer got my number, gave me a call, I had the picture in stock, and it went UPS yesterday.   Delivery scheduled for today. 

I also have all my gifts for locals wrapped, but not under the tree because there is no room under the tree.  Guess I'll stack them with my bears, who, by the way, are my Christmas card this year.  I'm  a little low on creativity right now.

As you have probably figured out, yesterday was a good day.  Today also starting out good, so will be back to baking cookies.  I have 8 tins I have to fill for Christmas gifts.

The only cookies Bossman likes are chocolate chip.  He keeps asking when I am going to bake them.  Told him they would be last.  If I bake them too soon they will be gone before Christmas, and then he would probably think I should bake him another batch.  Right!

Needless to say no one else gets chocolate chip cookies in their tins.

Also want to get started on my menu for Christmas dinner.    

This is the only time of the year that I make my shrimp cheese ball to eat with crackers, and my candied walnuts.  I usually have to make a double, sometimes a triple recipe of the nuts, as they go so fast. 

Other than all the above, I really have nothing to do.  If my head stays on straight, I will be going on a one day bus trip on Saturday with daughter-in-law Tammie to the Columbus zoo decorated for Christmas.  Should be a wonderful photo-op.  Of course for me everything is a photo-op.

Time's a wastin'.  Better get crackin'.  Don't drive yourself crazy and God Bless.

Monday, December 10, 2012


ARE THE BEST...DECEMBER 10 2012 ....

A word, a smile, a gesture.  Worth more than money can buy.

As you all know regular deer season ended Saturday.  Our farm was quite busy.  The youngest hunter was in her mid-teens   The oldest was 84.  And all the ages in-between.

They came and went for two weeks.  There were times we had 4 or 5 ATV's in our shop/shed.  5 or 6 pickups in the driveway.  Even a trailer or two.  There were dirty utensils in my dishwasher every night.  This was their home away from home for two weeks.  Some nights they  went to their real homes.  Other nights they crashed in our downstairs family room, sleeping on the futon, the recliner, the cot, and their sleeping bags.  They watched TV, took their showers, had a ball.

They have contributed a lot - a no longer being used refrigerator now in the shop.  Also a micro wave, a coffee maker, chairs, even a heater to keep the temp comfortable when it is cold outside.  They all gather in the shop for their for lunch.  Everyone brings something - crock pots full of stuff.  some nights after cleaning up they all go to the highlands for supper.  They are having a ball..

 They use our smaller shed for hanging their deer. Bob cats got in there one year and did a number on one of the deer. They cut and wrap and freeze the meat to be eaten during the winter.  You probably wonder - doesn't this bother me?

No.  For one thing I never know they are around unless I happen to be down stairs when someone comes in to wash up or use the rest room.  They never fail to be polite.  I try to stay out of their way.

Saturday night, after dark.  They had cleaned up all the trash that accumulated during the season to dispose of it. ATV's were loaded in to pick ups or trailers.  Another season was ending.

I was at the computer.  I heard footsteps coming up from the family room.  There were the hunters.  They wanted to see Bossman's new kitchen.  They also wanted to thank me - of all people, me - for 'putting' up with them, making them feel welcome, giving them a comfortable place to call home away from home.

I was told that there were not that many folks around that would share what we had with them, they could never thank Bossman or me enough for our hospitality.  And then a kiss on the cheek and a hug, they went on their way, to tell their stories of the ones that got away, of the ones that didn't get away, and the great two weeks they had had.  

I did nothing but put their dirty utensils in the dishwasher.  But they made me feel like a queen.  A kiss, a hug, a kind word.  Worth more than a million dollars.

I count my blessings every day.  I hope you do the same and God Bless.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


CHRISTMAS ... DECEMBER 08 2012 ...

Am looking forward to a new year - which is not that far off now. And in looking forward was also looking backward.  To the year coming to a close, and some of the good times.  Of which there were many

One of my more fun weekends was the one in which my friends Judy and Ted spent the weekend with me.  On Friday night we attended the wedding of a mutual friend's daughter.

That left Saturday and Sunday.  We ran around.  We took pictures.  We ate out. We had a great time.  I was looking at some of our pictures - thought this would be a great time to share some of them.

We visited McConnell's Mill State Park, Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water and Kentuck Knob.  We had a great time.

These 3 pics were at McConnell's Mill.  As you can see, Judy is well into photography.   She is very good.  She is also an artist.  I love her paintings.

The next pics were on or way to Fallingwater.  Since no photography is allowed at FLW's homes, had to by-pass those photos.

And last, this was the last pic taken on our way home.

I hope down the road we have another chance to take some time and do another photo shoot.

Good friends.  Good times.  Good memories.  What more can you ask for.  Hang onto these three things and you will never be lonely.  God Bless.

Friday, December 7, 2012


CHRISTMAS ... DECEMBER 07 2012 ....

December 07, 1941 - Remember Pearl Harbor?  I do.  It changed everything. 

December 07 2012 - 71  years later.  Things are still changing. Some for the better, a lot for the worse.  Where have we gone wrong?

THAT's THE WAY IT WAS - the title of my new book that I have just completed.  Hopefully it will be available sometime in 2013.

I remember how our lives changed.  I remember the strange things that went on that I didn't understand until many years later. 

My husband served in that war.  He was with the 251st Station Hospital unit.  He was in the South Pacific.  He was on board the ship outside of Japan when General MacArthur signed the peace treaty.  He was in Japan until his discharge.  He was changed.  We were all changed.

But all the memories are not bad.  For many years, until his health began to fail, he and I attended the 251st Station Hospital annual reunion.  What a great weekend that was.  We attended every reunion except one.  A different family hosted this reunion, in a city near where they lived.

We planned part of our vacation time for this reunion.  We visited,and learned about, many cities and areas that we would not have visited otherwise.  They talked of the funny things that happened, the good memories they had.  They never discussed the actual war, the fighting, the horror stories. That had been blocked out for ever.  We all  just enjoyed being together for a weekend, the families and friends.

Tom and I were lucky enough to host two of the reunions, the first in Wheeling WV, near where we live.  We had arranged for a  bus tour of the area.  I could not believe the amount of history that our tour guide gave us that I had forgotten about, or did not know about. 

Most folks arrived at the destination on Thursday, Friday was meet and greet, and eat and stuff.  Saturday was the special day, the tour, or whatever our hosts had planned.  Saturday night was the banquet,  complete with entertainment, and Sunday  we  all parted company, anxiously waiting for the next reunion.

The second reunion we hosted, several years later, was in Washington Pa.  Tom's health had began to fail, and as it turned out it was the last reunion we were able to attend.

One of the high-lights of this reunion was that the local newspaper, The Observer-Reporter, sent  a reporter and photographer to interview the service men, and learn about them, their time in the service, and the enjoyment of the reunions.  They did a wonderful job of reporting in the newspaper.

There are no more reunions.  The folks, part of the Greatest Generation, are gone now.  So much history is gone.  So many stories still un-told.

December 7 - the holidays are in full swing.  But I never see this date on the calendar that I don't pause, and remember, all those many years ago, how our lives changed forever.  There aren't many of us left that actually were alive at that time.  Soon we will all be gone, and it will be just another page in the book of history.

I wonder - what will future generations think of this time in our history.  Or will they just shrug it off.

Please say a prayer for the 'Greatest Generation' and God Bless.