Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Hooray!  Tree is up!  Didn't even break a sweat.
How can that be?  There is another story.

Tom and I were married a little over 30 years.  He was a very special person.  Had to be to put up with me.  Anyhoo, one Christmas, probably about 18 years ago now, was putting up the tree.  For some reason I was always the one elected.  Still am.

After Tom passed on this beautiful portrait of him was painted for me by my artist friend Georgia Dangel of Sardis Ohio
 It was artificial, had used it for years, and that one particular year as fast as I would insert the branches into the trunk, they would fall back out, or turn upside down.  Knowing me, I am complaining about that "stupid" tree, and other  phrases.  My patience is not the greatest.  I remember saying "that's it", throwing in the towel.  Tom asked what was I doing.  I was stuffing the stupid tree into a trash bag, that is what I was doing.

Poor man.  He got this horrified look on his face, (as back then didn't get around to the decorating as early as I should have) and said "It's almost Christmas!  What are we going to do about a tree?".

I informed him that we were going to go tree shopping, get your hat.  Poor guy, he never knew what was going to happen next.  So off we went.  Of course by that time the pickings were pretty slim.  We went here and there and back again.  Finally in some little hardware store, I don't even remember the name now, I found the PERFECT tree. 

Tree went home with us.  Got all the ornaments and lights on said tree.  It looked beautiful.  Tom just sat there, he really didn't know what to say, so decided to say nothing.  We had always had a tall tree, sitting on the floor.  Now it is a short tree sitting on a table. 

But the best part of this entire story is:  I never un-decorate my tree.  I have a big green round trash receptacle.  At the end of the season, I unplug said tree, set it in said receptacle, cover the top with a big green trash bag and set it in the storage area, where all the decorations are stored.

Now, is that smart or what?  I don't mind having the job of getting the tree ready for Christmas anymore.

Only thing left now is the manger scene.  I need Jerry to help me with that.  Not that it is big or anything, it is not, but it is the Thomas Kinkaid that he bought piece by piece and the last thing I need to do is drop a piece and break it.  And my fingers don't work as well as they used to, so I have all the boxes out and ready, he is on vacation this week, so said he would help get it set up.

We can't decorate outside as up here on our hill we get so much wind, that anything we set out blows away.  Even the heavy wooden deck furniture will be blown over, it hasn't blown away yet, but there is always a first time.

So enjoy your decorating, you know what to do if you get really really unhappy with your tree (I am being polite), and God Bless.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

HOW EXCITING!!!...NOVEMBER 29 2011.........

My publisher made my day yesterday.  She e-mailed me her design for the cover of my third, and final, volume of IF ONLY I COULD TALK.  I thought it was awesome, so just have to share it with you.

She has designed all five of my covers (3 talk books and 2 journals about life in the slow? lane) and each one seems to be better than the last. 

The book is being uploaded to the printer today or Wednesday, and I should have my supply by the end of next week, or the middle of the week following, in plenty of time to fill the orders that are coming in for Christmas.

I have to say, over the past 6 years the writing of these three TALK books has been the most fun ever. But, like everything else, you can only do so many of one thing, then it is time to move on.

In a previous blog I had mentioned sharing a few more of my pictures taken during the bus trip to Pittsburgh and Hartwood Acres.   I didn't take pictures at Hartwood, as we were on a moving bus, but did take a lot while in Pittsburgh and at the Cathedral of Learning.

The first picture was of some of the baskets in the International Craft Gallery.  They had some really strange stuff in there.

The second is Nancy making one of her many purchases.  The third is one of the stained glass windows in the Cathedral of Learning, and the fourth is of Heinz Chapel.  A little bit of everything.

Today is decorate for Christmas.  Running just a couple of day late this year.  Will keep you posted as time goes on.  In the meantime, have fun shopping, wrapping, decorating, crashing, and God Bless.I

Monday, November 28, 2011


From one day to the next I never know what I am going to write about.  Sometimes it comes from something I read, or hear, or see, or all three, sometimes more.

Today it comes from, of all places, the sermon that was preached yesterday.  By the way, it was a great sermon, but I don't want to say it too loudly, don't want Pastor D to get a big head.

One portion pertained to Saint Nicholas, who and what he was.  So first thing this morning I went to the Internet Encyclopedia, as I call it, and from what I found there, I am going to share.  Hopefully my sharing will be interesting.

St Nicolas born in 280 AD (that is the THIRD century, by the way) in Asia Minor.  His gifts were given late at night so his identity would remain a secret.  He was eventually named the patron saint of children, sailors, Russia and Greece. Don't ask me how that combination came to be. 

He was a Christian priest, later becoming a Bishop.  He was very wealthy. He traveled extensively, helping people, giving gifts of money and other presents where needed.  He was very private in his giving, not wanting to be seen.

One of the most famous parts of the legend is told about a poor man with three daughters, and no money for their dowry.  One evening the daughters had hung their stocking by the fire to dry (they did do laundry back then) and sometime during the night St. Nick (as he was called) dropped bags of gold in their stockings. Hence the hanging of the stocking on Christmas Eve.

He continued is good works until his death on December 6, 343.  (That's the 4th Century).  From that time on he was honored each year on the date of his death, and it holds true until today.  

Over the years the stories grew, and changed, were enhanced, added to, probably subtracted from.  The name Santa Claus that we use today was derived from the word SINTER KLASS,  the Dutch pronunciation for Saint Nicholas.

There have been many many pictures created throughout the years depicting Saint Nicholas / Santa Claus.  

And so now you have it.  Where did Santa Claus come from?  A Saint, of course.  How did he come to move to the North Pole?  I haven't found that out yet.  But you can be sure there is a legend somewhere, whose foundation is built on something, as all legends, and history, is.

I am going to share three pictures I found on the internet with you.  I found pages and pages of pictures of Saint Nicholas, from early times up to the present, it is amazing how many different ways he is portrayed.  

And finally, we here in Western Washington County have our own Santa Claus, and he, with his wife, attend many many parties as Santa Claus and Mrs Santa.  If you happen to see them, you will realize that our Santa and Mrs Santa look exactly like what you would like Santa to look like.  How neat can that be.  I'm not sure if this sentence is proper English, but, oh well!

So now you know the legend of Santa Claus.  It is as accurate as I can make it based on what has been written and is on-line.  I have learned something new, and perhaps you have also.  Regardless, have a good day and God Bless.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

STRIPPIN' ALL THE WAY....NOVEMBER 27 2011............

NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!  The bus trip yesterday to Pittsburgh and Hartwood Acres was another great day.  Left Washington 9 a.m.  Hit the strip district in Pittsburgh 10 a.m.  Shopped, shopped and shopped.  I have been through the district, but have never been in the district.  We had a ball.

We decided about 11 a.m. it had been a lonnng time since breakfast,  we were close to PRIMANTI's ( you know the most famous restaurant in Pittsburgh), we had never been there, so it was a no-brainer.  We got seated immediately.  It was an experience.  It was different.  It was fun.  the food was good.  And when we left people were lined up out the door and down the street to get in.  We done good.

We left the strip about 2 p.m. arriving at the Cathedral of Learning on the Pitt Campus in Pgh.  What an awesome building from the outside.  Also awesome inside.  We were on a guided tour, learned the history of the Cathedral, and of the individual classrooms.  Each classroom represents a different country.  I believe they said that 27 were completed, two more will be completed in early 2012.  I also saw Heinz Chapel, where a wedding party was just exiting the Church.  What a beautiful building.

From the Cathedral we went to Hartwood and Eat'n Park for supper.  then we drove to Hartwood Acres and toured the three plus miles of Christmas lights.  They were definitely worth the trip.

On the way back, thanks to our really great bus driver, Mark, we returned through downtown Pittsburgh to see the decorations there.  Saw the ice skating rink, full of skaters and the BIG Christmas tree.  He also (I don't know it if was legal or not) parked in a bus stop area where we could depart the bus and walk up to the Manger scene.  How very beautiful it was.  Pics will follow down the road.

Upon leaving to return to Washington, Mark told us that the only reason the Manger scene was there was that the business (Don't ask me their name today) donated a portion of their land for the exclusive use for the manger scene, and the carpenter's union constructed and erected said scene.  How sad it has come to that, that the symbol of Christmas cannot be displayed unless some private property owner donates the land.  Where have we lost the way?

Anyhow arrived back in Washington a little after 9 p.m.  Was a very busy, very good day. 

Another bus load of great folks, no complainers, everyone on time, new friends again, folks that you will, in all probability, not see again until another bus trip.  And, hopefully, there will always be another bus trip looming on the horizon to look forward to.

Now off to Church, then have to make a food run to the Highlands to get necessary ingredients for turkey soup for Monday, stuff for sandwiches and something to make for desert.  The STEELER NIGHT!  They sure better win!

Enough for now.  Have a good Sunday and God Bless.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

HAVE YOU SURVIVED?....NOVEMBER 26 2011..................

Black Friday is over for another year.  I am glad I was at home.  Sure did read, and hear on the news, strange goings-on, people pepper spraying, sleeping on the sidewalks, shopping all night, until they literally dropped - and that is fun?????

We finished most of the left-overs for supper last night.  There wasn't much left.  I have 3 very large containers of turkey broth in my fridge for soup.  Half of it will be used Monday for Turkey soup day, and this year for the very first time, the other half will be used for the second Monday Turkey soup day.  Have never had to do that before.  Guess there is a first time for everything.

There will only be about 8-10 folks this coming Monday hunting, because of the bow hunters getting their bucks early.  So when doe season comes in the end of the week, there will be a houseful the second Monday.  They sure better not decide they want to make Monday #2 a tradition.  I think I will rebel.

After I have posted this, Nancy F and I are off on a one day bus trip.  We will do the strip in Pittsburgh, one of the Cathedrals decked out for Christmas, and in the evening Hartwood Acres and the Christmas lights.  Won't be too late getting home, should be fun.  I always like to see the Christmas lights in different locations.

Then it is get ready for Christmas in earnest.  Finish wrapping presents, get a box packed for Arizona and another one for Maine, get them to Staples to have them UPS'd to their homes.  Much better than them having to pick the packages up at the Post Office.

So will close for now.  Enjoy your old traditions, experiment and start some new traditions.  You never know what might happen.  Keep safe and God Bless.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Thanksgiving first.  It was a wonderful day.  House full of people.
 Tables full of food.  Laughter, talking, football, telephone calls from the families too far away to attend. 

First guests arrived 10 a.m, last guests left 10 p.m., everyone pitches in and helps, everything was ready right at 1 p.m., are we good or what?

This morning I feel like I have been hit by a cement truck and run over by a steam roller.  But I wouldn't trade it for anything.

BLACK FRIDAY!  I have never shopped on Black Friday, saw no reason to start today. 

Anyway by Black Friday I already have my Christmas shopping done, and partially wrapped.  No kidding.  I start in January, making my Christmas list.  Still no kidding.  I have my list on my computer as to who I am buying for, with blank spaces waiting to be filled in.  I don't just have this year's list (2011), but 2010, 2009, 2008, etc. so I don't inadvertently buy the same person the same gift year after year.  That would be a great big no no!

So my list has been waiting, and as I would run across something I thought so and so would like, I purchase it, hide it (hoping I remember where) and wait until November.  By the day after Thanksgiving my list has been completed - my shopping is done!  The wrapping has started!

Today will be a busy day.  Have to cook down the turkey carcases to get broth for my Turkey noodle soup I serve on Monday, the first day of deer season, using guns, not bows, not for the soup for the hunting.  For years on the first day we have the soup, sandwiches, and brownies or cupcakes or some such thing for the hunters, and as time has gone by, their families also.  Can have anywhere from 5 - 6 to 10 - 20.  It is another tradition.

Also it is this weekend, usually starting later today, that I get out my trusty Christmas tree, and other decorations and get ready.  This is one of my favorite parts of Christmas as I love seeing the pretty wrapped presents around the tree.  It looks really nice.  Then Christmas Day.  It looks like a disaster area.

Ice skating at Nestlenook Farms in New Hampshire.  What a fabulous place to visit in winter.  Andy and his family and I spent a day there several years ago.  Remind me later.  Have some stories to tell about that day.

So had better quit my rambling and get busy.  Another truckload of memories.  Andy (the Mainer) reported they had 10 inches of snow on the ground.  Better them and us.  For us over-eaters, it is finally starting to settle down some.  For you crazy shoppers, be safe.  And for everyone, the blessings of the season, and God Bless each and everyone of you.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

WHIMSIES....NOVEMBER 23 2011...............................

Now what am I talking about?  Whimsies.  What are Whimsies?  Well it's like this. 

First Whimsies is my version of whimsical, which according to the dictionary means playful, capricious, comical, funny.  Bet you didn't know that, did you?

Being as this is the day before Thanksgiving, I have a million things, give or take a couple, to do, and here I am sitting at my computer, talking about Whimsies.  Nothin' wrong with me.

As you all know by now, I take pictures.  If you don't know this, where have you been?  My pics are broken down into categories.  If you don't know about this, there are covered bridges, barns, animals - get the drift.

Then there are the pictures that don't have a category.  They are different.  They are strange.  They don't know what they are supposed to be.  So they are Whimsies.

This is Mr. Whimsie.  He belongs to a friend of mine, one of my festival and traveling companions.  He sits in his rocking chair in her dining room. He keeps tabs on everyone and everything that goes on in her house.  He is very important.  He is a scholar.  Just look at his diploma and book.  You can see how important he is.

And these are my Hawaiian whimsies.  Look how happy they are.  Just looking at them you have to smile.  That's one of the things whimsies are about.  Looking important and making you smile.

Why on earth do I take this type of picture.  Because it is fun.  It is different.  And, believe it or not, they do sell.  Sometimes someone just wants something (sure are a lot of some's in this sentence) that will make them smile.

I never know where I will find a whimsie.  Sometimes in the strangest places. 

Now, had better get to work.  Have salads to make today, pumpkin pies to get baked, chairs to get out of storage (we will definitely need them), table extensions put in place - but no house cleaning.  They will have to take what they get, but there will be so many people you won't be able to see the dust.

I hope you like the story of the whimsies.  I hope you have a wonderful fun-filled Thanksgiving with lots of turkey and stuffin'.  I hope you are as blessed with your friends and family as I have been.  I will not be on line tomorrow, after all it is a HOLIDAY!

I really really don't like big business being open on certain holidays - Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  these are holy and/or special days, and everyone should be able to spend those days with family and friends, and not be penalized for skipping work.  I know there are areas that there is no choice - but big business, the almighty dollar - surely they can skip these special days. 

And so with that passing thought, have a wonderful day tomorrow, don't work yourself into a frazzle, savor the time, you are allowed to stuff yourself, and take a nap if needed, you are allowed to laugh, and talk, and reminisce, there is so much to remember.  And so with this passing thought, have a wonderful day and God Bless.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

CASTLES and STUFF....NOVEMBER 22 2011......................

Usually the stuff refers to witches and dragons and moats and battles.  I don't do the usual.  Surprise!

Today is History 101 again.  Don't groan, mostly my history is fun history, not (I hope) boring history.

GILLETTE CASTLE.  How many of you know about this castle.  No, it is not in England, or Scotland, or any where like that.  It is a good old US castle, in New England (well, I guess that is close to the England above), Connecticut to be exact.

What are we doing with a castle in Connecticut.  Well, it is actually a fascinating story, and I am going to tell you all about it today.  Lucky you.

About three, or so, years ago a friend had to go to Connecticut on business.  As she was driving, asked me if I would like to go along for company.  Did I say no?  I said "when do we leave?"

She was to be there a week, so we left on a weekend, checked into our hotel in - Hartford I believe - scoped out where she had to go every day.  There were others there from other areas of the country, so she hooked up with one of them to ride back and forth to where they had to go every day, and that left me with her car.  Wow!  I had a whole 5 days to explore.

So every day after she left, I would start, finding covered bridges, state parks, just fun things.  At the end of the day I would return to the hotel and we, and her other friends, would meet up for supper and do whatever we wanted to do during the evening.  But I am rambling.

My best discovery was of Gillette Castle, as seen above.  See, we really do have castles here in the good USA.

In the mid 1800's a baby was born and he was William Gillette - not of the razor blade family - and when he became an adult he became an author, playwright, and actor.  So what does that have to do with castles and stuff?

It was as an actor he was our very first Sherlock Holmes in the old black and white Sherlock Holmes series of movies.  If you look closely you will see the sign has Sherlock Holmes' hat and pipe on it.

William Gillette wanted a medieval castle to live in.  He also had the money to get what he wanted.  It took 7 years, after he purchased his property, to have Connecticut Stone (only Connecticut) hauled in, and the castle built.

The location of his property is East Haddam Connecticut, on a hilltop overlooking the valley and river below.

His castle had many, at the time, unorthodox features, such as rolling furniture, electric, each switch plate individually designed, parties, you name it, he had it.  Really far ahead of the times.

Upon his death the property was abandoned for some years, then the State of Connecticut purchased the property, and it is now a State Park.
If you are ever in that part of Connecticut, be sure to visit.  The grounds are open year 'round, but the Castle is only open Memorial Day thru Labor Day.

I do have a word of warning, though.  The castle IS haunted, by none other than Sherlock himself.  (I do believe that Mr. Gillette really thought he was Sherlock).Things to bump in the night, furniture moves by itself, all sorts of good stuff.  It has even been reported that the faint odor of pipe tobacco can be smelled on occasion - you know that Sherlock always had a pipe in his mouth.

I do have to say that of the 5 days I had to explore, this was the best day of all, and if you ever get to Connecticut, be sure to visit the Castle.  You will thoroughly enjoy the buildings and the grounds.

Just remember, the Castle IS haunted.  So enjoy this journey into the past, I hope you liked this history lesson, and God Bless.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Another year winding down.  Another new year looming on the horizon. And there are so very many things to be done in the next few weeks.

Today clean the house and keep fingers crossed it stays clean.  Who knows?  Tomorrow have an early morning appointment, the will begin pre-food preparation for Thursday.  We have not winterized our deck as of yet as the forecast for Thursday is sunny and relatively warm.  There will be folks on the deck, the smokers if no one else, and they will have a place to sit. 

This is the deck before the landscaping was done.  you can see we have a lot of room.

On Thanksgiving morning friends and family usually begin arriving by 11 a.m., even though we do not eat until 1 p.m.  And the party begins!
It is usually around 8 p.m. before the last guests leave, we have eaten our way through, seemingly, tons of food throughout the day.  We have much to be thankful for. 

Our dinners are always buffet style, as there are far too many for a sit-down dinner.  Tradition is that just before the mad rush for the food (and at our house it is a mad rush) we all gather together in the dining room, forming a circle, holding hands, and thanks is given for all that we are, all that we have, and prayers are offered up for those less fortunate, sick, and alone. 

I always say we have a revolving door on our house, as we never know for sure who all will be here, how many, we have friends that will bring a friend or member of their family, as that person is alone on the holiday, family that will bring a friend, and we eat and talk and laugh, and eat some more.

Jerry and whoever arrives first will deep fry the turkeys (2 of them) while I and others are in the kitchen getting everything organized.  At the end of the day when clean-up begins, the younger ones take over and do the major clean-up for me.  Everyone helps in one way or another. 

I so look forward to the holidays, and the cook-outs, any excuse for a get-together.  I hate to think of the time that I will no longer be able to undertake all this.  But, hopefully, it is still a lonnnnnng way down the road.  In the meantime, I do what I do, my friends and family help, and we have these times together.  

My cup runneth over.  May your Thanksgiving be as blessed as ours, never forget to say "Thank you", and God Bless.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


We have the barn cats.  Three to be exact.  Used to be seven, but are now down to three.  They come to the patio every morning to be fed, will wait for hours if necessary.  The one I call Gray (because she is all gray) is friendly at chow time, rubs on my legs, tries to trip me, lets me pet her, but other times - no way Jose!

The other two are all black.  Perfect Halloween cats.  Neither of them is friendly, they only come close to be fed, then they don't even know you exist. 

Then this past week I received a picture from a family member.  Lives in Pennsylvania.  I sure hope I don't wake up some morning and find this cat on my patio waiting to be fed. 

This cat is just a little larger than I want to face.

I guess they are around, as we get reports every so often of a bobcat being seen.  Makes you wonder what else is lurking around out there that you don't know about.  Makes you wonder if you want to let your dogs out or not.  Makes you wonder if you want to go out or not. 

Got all my errands run yesterday, pictures delivered, even bought oysters for Jerry for oyster soup (stew), whatever.  I'll scrounge up something else for me, as oysters are one of the few things I just don't like.

No Steeler game this afternoon.  Maybe they heard about the wildlife in western Pennsylvania and decided to stay indoors this weekend.  So keep your eyes peeled.  If you see a great big pussy cat, don't call "here kitty, here kitty", just keep your mouth shut, slowly return to wherever you were, and pretend you don't really see a big pussy cat.  It could turn into the commercial where the woman is calling here kitty, and it is a bobcat waltzing into the house.

So on this note will close for today.  Take care, beware of large kitties, and God Bless.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Our farm is old, as old as the world.  Our house is not - only about 16 years old, so why do I hear strange voices, strange sounds, and things that go bump in the night.

One thought is that at one time Indians roamed, and possibly lived, on our hill top.  We have found arrow heads on the property.  Perhaps their spirits are trying to tell me something.

I have mentioned several times of hearing faint sounds, like very very far off voices.  And I have been startled with sounds like something falling.  I just get laughed at.  I will hear running water, but nothing is leaking.  My imagination is running away with me.  It is old age setting in, my mind is playing tricks, etc., etc., etc.

But yesterday morning things changed.  It was Jerry's day to work at home, he is up early and on line doing whatever it is that he does.  I don't get up that early, but I usually stay up later at night.  However my sleeping habits are not what this is all about. 

I finally got to talk with Jerry while we had our lunch.  He asked me very seriously if I heard a loud thump earlier in the morning (before I was up, not after).  I told him no, why?  He said he heard this loud thump like something falling, and the dogs ran to the door looking out.

Nothing.  Nada.  Now who is hearing things?  The sky hadn't fallen, no trees had blown over, all the outdoor furniture was where it belonged, no strange objects lying around.  So, what was the loud thump.  And this time it was not me.  It was him AND the dogs.  Now who is getting old?  Who is hearing things?  Whose mind is playing tricks? 

Otherwise everything is normal.  As soon as I finish here I am going to stop by the Church to see what goodies I find at their bazaar.  Then to the Post Office for stamps.  Time to mail out my flyers re my third and final photography book to the folks who have asked to be notified.  Then on to Washington to meet with the lady who had ordered pictures from me at Morgantown.  They are ready for pick-up.  The following is one of the pictures.  It looks great done up into the 16x20 size, if I do say so myself.

I wonder what weird things will go bump in the night tonight?  Will it be voices, water, objects, perhaps ghosts, possibly goblins, or perhaps just imagination?  I'll let you ponder these questions while I am running my errands and God Bless.

Friday, November 18, 2011


When I decided to start blogging in February I had no clue what to do, how to do it, whether anyone would read it, would they like it, questions, questions, questions.

Now it is 9 months later.  I am still amazed at the number of people reading my blog, but the most amazing one of all whose blog I am reading is Sandy of Sandysays.

What is so odd about that.  Well, I guess it is odd because Sandy is a dog.  You read it right.  Sandy is a dog.  Sandy's owner, who he calls the geezer, is one of the authors that has been published by Double Edge Press.  Sandy seems to run the household. 

But the blog I just read was a sad sort of blog.  It had to do with the passing of one of Sandy's companions, a cat named Missy.  Sandy likes cats.  Cats like Sandy.  They are all one big furry friendly family. I don't mean the people are furry, at least I don't think so, I am referring to the four legged family. Geezer's wife is taking it hard, as Missy was her companion, just as Sandy is Geezer's companion.

I know where Sandy is coming from.  I have had pets all my life, dogs and cats, and it is never easy to lose one.  They become so much a part of the family, and of you, and they leave one huge empty spot when they pass on.

But now to the real stuff.  Geezer's name is actually author D. L. Havlin.  His book is A PLACE NO ONE SHOULD GO and is being given good reviews, and his book signings have been very successful.

This picture is Rebecca - daughter, publisher, author - with husband Neal on the left and D. L. Havlin on the right.  This was during the Florida Writers Conference held in Orlando in October.

And this is the cover of his book - designed by, who else, Rebecca.  As you can see she is a multi-talented someone - sort of a one woman army.

But back to the beginning.  Sandysays - that each and everyone of you should read the geezer's book.  And if Sandy says it, it is true.  So don't be left behind, it would be very disappointing to Sandy.

And if you want to learn more about what Sandy says, just log on to his blog.  I know he would love it.  What dog wouldn't?

Have a great day and God Bless.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


No, I am not crazy.  It may sound like it, but I am perfectly normal - well that's debatable - but I think I am normal.

Now back to the unicorns.  I have always loved the legend of the unicorn.  In ancient times the Unicorn was said to be the guardians of the forests.  They ran and played, and just had a good time.  Then at the time of the great flood, they were having too much fun and missed the boat, so to speak.  If you want to learn more about unicorns, there is a website ALL ABOUT UNICORNS.

Anyhow back to today.  Some time back, well a long time back, some of the more popular pictures that I sold was during the Carousel Horse period.  Tom and I visited many amusement parks, specifically to photograph the carousels and the beautiful carousel horses.

It was during this period that I was introduced to a gentleman named John Garton, who was a veterinarian by trade, a carver of carousel horses by choice.  He lived in Wellsburg West Virginia.  He created many beautiful carousel horses in his basement.

I was fortunate enough to meet him, and ended up doing an article on John and his carousel horses which appeared in West Virginia magazine and Country magazine.

John sold his horses to collectors all over the country.  He and his horses appeared at some of the major festivals that I also participated in.  Where am I going with this?

As far as I am concerned the most awesome horse that he created was the Unicorn.  I fell in love with this particular carousel horse.  A lot of other folks did also.  Although they could not afford to buy the actual carved horse (they sold in the thousand's of dollars), they COULD afford to buy my picture. 

The carousel horse phase passed, as almost all these phases pass.  BUT, hanging in my home is my picture of the Carousel Unicorn, looking down on me and protecting me.  Also in my Volume 1 of my IF ONLY I COULD TALK series of books. this particular carousel horse tells his story.  He tells how he came to be, and what his purpose in life is.

John has since moved south, I don't know if he is still carving carousel horses or not, but I am one of the lucky ones.  Not only did I get to meet and talk with John, I had the privilege of photographing some of the most beautiful carousel horses ever created. 

So I will leave you now, with this story and hope that you all have some little quirk, or legend, or story, fantasy as it may be, that keeps  you on an even keel and God Bless.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

YOU JUST NEVER KNOW......NOVEMBER 16 2011.........

When you are going to find that one picture.  Sometimes when you are least expecting it.  Happens to me all the time.  Luckily I usually have a camera with me.  I have learned. 

Last November when at Morgantown  I stayed with my friend Peggy.  She is Vicki's Mom, we have known each other for quite some time.

On Sunday morning last year as we were leaving to return to the festival and then head for home after, there was fog over Maple Lake.  I snapped a couple of pics.  This one went in the business.

This November when at Morgantown  I stayed with Peggy again.  Once again on Sunday morning as we were leaving to return to the festival and then head for home, there was no fog.  But amazing reflections.  I snapped a couple of pics, well maybe more than a couple.  This time I am putting three in the business for 2012.

Next November when at Morgantown, will I be staying with Peggy?  Will there be a picture opportunity once again on Sunday?  Not that I am thinking ahead or anything, just wondering.

So many of my better pictures have happened spur of the moment, in the most unlikely settings at the most unlikely times.  I guess that is what makes what I do so much fun.  I never know from one year to the next, one month to the next, one week to the next, and even one day to the next. I can think that I have my time organized, planned, know what I am going to do, then I walk out a door, or turn a corner.  All the organization and planning just disappears.

And so I decided to give you a sneak preview of the first three new pictures for the business.  They are of the same lake as last year, all done on a Sunday morning in November, using the same camera.....

How do you like the comparison from last year to this year?  It is the same lake, but is it really the same lake?  It is the same time of year, but is it really the same time of year? 

You just never realize how much can be the same, but yet completely different.  Just like life.  No day is ever the same, no hour is ever the same, nor a second.  There is constant change, sometimes noticeable, sometimes not, but the change is there.

You don't realize how much YOU have changed until you run across a picture taken a year ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago, and you look at the picture and look in the mirror and you wonder - what happened?  Where did I go? And where will I be tomorrow?  Next week? Next year? 

And so while you are pondering all this deep stuff, just remember to take each day as it comes, enjoy it to the fullest, and God Bless.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

PRIORITIES....NOVEMBER 15 2011.....................

First I have to put my priorities in priority order.  Sound complicated?  It is complicated.  I have more priorities right now than I have fingers and toes combined.

Spent most of yesterday running, and playing phone tag.  You call, I am running.  I call, you are out.  You call, I am running again.  Get the picture.

My answering machine has joined the ranks of word spell and security.  Nothing (and also no one) in my house knows what is going on. 

But first and foremost I have to print 2 pictures today to be matted to a 16 x 20 for customer pick-up.  I can only carry about 6 - 8 16x20's with me because of space, and this particular customer found two of the 11x14's she wanted bigger.  So bigger we go.

Once I have them printed the pictures must dry over-night.  Then final touches can begin.  I have done a series on the barns in Ohio that have had quilt patterns painted on them - a touristy thing.  But it is fun to drive down a road and lo and behold there sits a neat looking barn with a great quilt pattern painted on it.

The following 2 pictures are of each end of the spectrum.  The type of barn and quilt pattern goes from one extreme to the other, and everything in-between.

And so the first thing on my list, once I am finished here, it to print the two pictures. 

Then I have the following to do, but don't know in what order:  unpack suicase, make grocery list, clean out downstairs fridge to make room for Thanksgiving over-flow, decide what to have for supper (I haven't cooked for Jerry since a week ago yesterday), he was gone, I was gone, etc.

Do laundry, clean house, let dogs out, let dogs in, etc. etc., I don't know how they survive when they are alone without an automatic door-opener named "Martha" for them.  they sure know how to push the buttons.  In be-tween finalize my menu for next week (next week?), help get patio and deck furniture ready for winter, figure out where I hid my winter coat, boots and gloves - I don't wear hats - that I keep in the car all winter, just in case.  Anyone out there looking for work?

I also have to get the flyers ready to put in my Church bulletin for two Sundays for pre-orders of my third IF ONLY I COULD TALK book.  Also have a mailing list of about 60 people (out-of-towners) who asked to be notified when the third book is released, which should be mid-December.  If anyone would like a book, just e-mail me, or send me your e-mail address on face book.  They are 8-1/2 x 11 soft cover table top style books, containing 20 stories in each, with pictures, and all stories are told from the subjects view-point, which, or course, is quite different from my view-point.

Right now I think I have covered just about everything, however I just know that as soon as I post this blog, 27 different things will jump into my mind.  They will just have to wait until later.

Until then, hang on to your merry-go-rounds and God Bless.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Yes, it is Monday morning.  And tired I am.  It was a verrrrry busy weekend in Morgantown, Friday and Saturday was like being in a zoo, so many people you could not move.  Sunday was a little slower - probably because of the Steeler game - and they won!!!

It is always exciting setting up for a festival (which I did on Thursday), looking forward.  Then the last day arrives.  You are facing the tear down, packing up, and trip home.  You are tired.  But you have a happy face.

I spent the weekend every day among so many friends, but on Sunday had to say goodby for the year, and some of them I won't see again until next fall.  Stayed with good friend Peggy at her home near Bridgeport WV, had wonderful evenings together, Peggy, me, Russ, Kay and Vicki.

Sales were excellent.  Have several orders I have to print and mat and ship/deliver, depending on location. 

I also would like to compliment Dave and Debbie Stoner, the promoters of the FAMILY FESTIVALS.  I have been with them since the very first festival they promoted in Uniontown Pa, about 100 years ago, seems like.  They have been nothing but courteous, helpful, and kind, a joy to work with them. I am looking forward to receiving next years applications so I don't get left behind.

Now it is onward and upward, getting ready for Thanksgiving.  This year is winding down so fast it makes my head spin.  I can't believe we are at another Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner.  I could never understand as a kid how the big people always said how fast time went!  Now I am one of the big people, and time flies, literally.

Am already planning my festival schedule for 2012, have tentative plans to go to Phoenix in April to visit family out there, and to Maine and Nova Scotia in September to visit family and all drive up the coast and cross into Nova Scotia.  Am also looking into some bus trips to take with friends, always looking for new things to see and photograph.  Sure is fun, most of the time, being retired and footloose and fancyfree.  The only bad part is realizing that I am getting older.  What a bummer.  I have too much to do, too many places to go and too many friends and family to touch base with.  No time for this getting old bit.

One last thing - I want to share with you the No. 1 selling picture for this entire year.  I photographed this tree in April while in Arizona, decided how I wanted to present it, and can't keep it in stock.

 For the last two years my Chihuly prints have been No. 1.  They are now No. 2.  Will be interesting to see what becomes No 1 next time around. 

So had better sign off for now.  Have the van to unload, errands to run, things to do - always things to do.  Have a great day and God Bless.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

MY POOR DOGS......NOVEMBER 10 2011......................

Poor little critters.  They don't know what to expect next.  You would think they would be used to it by now.    I know sometimes you question all the comings and goings at our place.  I know I question it.  We are lucky in one sense of the word, the previous owners had quite a good security system for the premises.  Some we probably would never have thought of.

I think security is right up there with word spell.  Neither one has any idea what we do or why.  We keep everything hoppin'.

Austin arrived yesterday afternoon, will be here until late Friday.  Billy, Homer, probably Tim, will all be arriving early Friday morning.  Our revolving door will be spinning madly, guys coming and going, Jerry trying to oversee all the activity, the dogs trying to be involved,  no one knows where anyone else is.

Sounds crazy.  But is normal for us.  The house is never empty, and most times is over-flowing.  Bells ring, buzzers go off, dogs bark, cats run, ATV's everywhere, trucks parked here and there, I am lucky I can get out of the garage.

I will miss out on some of the fun as this weekend is my last festival for the year, then I will be that little old woman staying home, and getting in everyone else's way.  That's the most fun of all.  I can really act old and stupid and forgetful, and all the other quirks, but only when it suits me.  Jerry says it is normal, but no one else has a problem with me.  I play my part well.  Gets me out of some of the work.

So will be off -line until Monday.  I'm sure Jerry can keep things running, smoothly???, while I am away.  I will probably come home to a dishwasher overflowing with dirty dishes, also the sink.  Jerry trys, but sometimes I think he is overwhelmed.  That's my department.  How dare I be away?

I wouldn't have it any other way.  Count-down going very fast for Turkey day.  Still need 3 turkeys and 2 hams.  And I'll only have 9 - yes I said 9 - days. If push comes to shove, I can send the guys off turkey hunting.  But only if push comes to shove.

So sit back and relax while I try to catch my breath, and God Bless.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

HAVE YOU EVER SEEN......???? NOVEMBER 09 2011........

Before I answer this question, will have to give a little background.

As I stated yesterday, went to vote.  Not like you go to the corner, do your voting and head for home.  I live in the country.  Way way out in the country.  Drive several miles to the voting precinct, which is in the township building, which is out in the country.  Way way out in the country.  The road is typical country, narrow 2 lane, winding and twisting, up and down, and around and around.

So now for the question:  Have you ever seen hairy hay?  You know what hay is, don't you.  Out our way most of the hay, after cutting, raking, and drying, is baled - big round bales.  Really big.  These bales are then moved from the field close to the barn, some of it gets in the barn, but they are just too big for most barns.  They and lined up in a row and usually covered.

The ones I passed today were still in the field.  Hay is usually brown, like dried grass, which it mostly is.  Saw the hay bales.  Stopped.  Backed up and looked again.  These bales had hair, green hair, really green hair.

And, of course I took a picture.  Strange isn't it, that I would take a picture.  I never do anything like that.

It turns out that, probably because of all the rain and stuff we have had, and now several days of sunshine, the hay bales sprouted grass.  Green grass.  Very fine grass.   Looks like green hair growing out of the top of the bales.

I also passed a very strange-looking silo.  And of course picture time.  I saw several other things that I could take pictures of.  And I have been over this road many times, but every time there is something new or different to see.

And so yesterday I voted, took pictures of hairy hay and a strange silo.
Who has more fun than I do?  

So there you have it.  In a nut shell.  Proof positive that I am really nuts, but I don't get bored, nor depressed, and it sure gives me plenty to talk about.  So watch out, if you see Hairy Hay, you are not crazy, there is such a thing.

So laugh a little at me, and God Bless.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


November and December.  Busy busy busy.  Can't believe Thanksgiving is 3 weeks and 2 days away. 

Lots to do today.  First thing will be to vote.  I just wish everyone cared enough to get out and vote.  I don't mind the folks that vote complaining, but I really dis-like hearing complaints from the folks that don't bother to vote, then wonder why everything is going to pot. 

Have to track down 3 more turkeys, and 2 hams for Turkey day and Christmas.  Got a deal on a turkey yesterday down at Riesbecks in Wheeling.  Listed for 93 cents per pound, but if you bought 10 of their store brand items, the price dropped to 63 cents.  Wasn't the least bit hard to find 10 store-brand items that I needed, the 16# turkey is in my freezer.  Will need another 16 pounder for Thanksgiving, and two for Christmas. 

Tomorrow will be in Washington, have to make a pit stop at the bank to have money for making change over the weekend in Morgantown. 

Have already got most of the food for my house-sitting grandson (he is 21 years old, very capable to house sit), he arrives Wednesday evening and will be leaving Friday.  Boss man will be home.  Grandson will have company, as two of Jerry's hunting buddies will be here while he is house and dog-sitting.  Will have a houseful, as always. 

The dogs love all the comings and goings.  They just love having company, and we gets lots.  My check spelling program goes absolutely nuts, it really doesn't agree with a lot of my words.  What does it know?

Wednesday will be Bible study in the morning, going to town after and getting grandson settled in for the next couple of days.  Have 3 pictures to be framed, and all the new stuff will be ready to head to Morgantown sometime Thursday. 

Have to remember to get the turkey feathers out of my freezer to take to Morgantown.  Yes, that's right, I have turkey feathers in a big plastic bag in my freezer.  The guys are well trained  They know if they want to keep hunting and keep me in a good humor, they better save the turkey feathers when they bag a turkey.  How many of you out there have feathers in your freezer?

There is a perfectly good explanation.  (Hopefully this will keep you from calling the little men in white and have me committed).  One of my artist friends does embossed engravings, the most awesome pictures you will ever see.  He makes his own paper, and incorporates the feathers, along with flowers, leaves, broom sage, anything organic, you name it, he uses it.  The feathers are boiled and then treated to preserve them.  All the organic materials he uses are treated for preservation.

Here you can see the feathers, turkey and others.  I have this picture hanging in my home.  I wish I could afford about a dozen others, as they are all different, all original, and all fantastic.

This is another one of my favorites - Under the sea.  Maybe when I find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, or my ship comes in, I can have this one also. 

You can see now why we save turkey feathers.  You really need to see his work hanging to realize how beautiful they are.

In the 30 plus years we have been friends and have been doing festivals together, in Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, we have never found anyone else who does this.  As Russ so aptly puts it,  "NO ONE ELSE IS CRAZY ENOUGH TO DO THE AMOUNT OF WORK IT TAKES TO MAKE ONE PICTURE.

And now off to vote.  Write a note to remind myself to take said feather with me to Morgantown.  Write another note to remind me to go to town tomorrow after Bible Study.  Write a whole bunch of notes for Austin for while I am gone.  Then I will probably forget where I put all my notes!

Enjoy the sunshine - GET OUT AND VOTE - and God Bless.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Silly question.  Like you really have a choice.  Problem is - I don't have a clue as to what to write about today.  So have decided on a story, not told BY me, but told TO me by the subject.  So here is the story, in the subject's own words:


The first thing I remember is wakening up in the middle of a river.  The river was the Hudson, the place the Hudson Valley.  I was an island surrounded by water, and I was created during the ice age.  I guess that was a long long time ago.

The first people I remember were Native American Indians.  They weren't always the friendliest of folks, I did get a kick out of watching them but then along came a man named Henry Hudson in 1609, who supposedly discovered this river and it was named after him.  How he could be the discoverer when the Indians were already here is very confusing to me.

The first name I had, and it was spelled in several different ways such as Polopel, Polipel, Pollipel, Pollopel, Polypus, just to name a few.  Legend has it that when I was inhabited by the Indians, I was used primarily as a defensive outpost, and I was supposedly haunted.

As Dutch exploration expanded, I grew as well. There are other legends about me - of the Heer of Dunderberg with his mysterious goblins.  Dutch sailors were terrified by the eerie howling winds, the echoing claps of thunder, massive bolts of lightning, and I laughed to myself.  What do they know.  Because of where I am located this the way it was but it was all blamed on the Heer of Dunderberg.  What kind of name is Dunderberg?

In 1777 during the Revolution I was used to ward off the British and then in 1781 I heard they were going to build a military prison and munitions storage facility, whatever a facility is.  I just know things were happening, making my island head spin.

I waited and waited and waited.  Nothing much happened.  Then for a long time I was abandoned, don't know the how or why.  Guess these folks just couldn't make up their minds. I did have some visitors, folks visiting by boat to picnic and swim.  What a nuisance.  I liked my peace and quiet.  But were they peaceful and quiet?  Of course not.  Loud and rowdy.  Some fishermen even constructed sheds on me.  Sheds yet, with smelly fish in them.  What is the world coming to?

Somewhere down the road I was bought by a man named Bannerman and he re-named me, so I am now known as Bannerman Island.  This Bannerman guy had traveled a lot, and decided to build his own version of what the buildings on me should look like.  Bannerman Castle was built, along with several other wooden structures and up on the hill his home.

Bannerman home on the hill
As Mr. Bannerman was a business man, he used the castle as storage for the goods he bought and sold, including an arsenal filled with explosives.  As the Castle was the first thing anyone saw, from land or from the water, he wanted it to be unique, a landmark so to speak.   Here I thought I was the landmark.

Upon Mr. Bannerman's death the business and arsenal passed to his wife Helen and sons Frank and David.  Goods were shipped to and received from me.  In 1920 there was a major explosion when the powder house part of the Castle exploded.  The force of the explosion was so great it sent a section of the castle wall on to the New York Central RR tracks, on the mainland, and also blew sections of the castle as far up the hill as the residence. 

I was finally abandoned, leaving me with ruins.  Then an unexplained fire erupted, burning all the wooden buildings remaining, and now I only have the ruins of the castle and the residence, as they were built of brick and stone.

Here is my castle today.  I am so proud of it.

Time passed.  Weeds took over, vines began covering everything.  No one visited me.  I watched the trains on the mainland go by, watched the boats on the river go by, but I was alone.  And lonely.  And so I sat here in the middle of the river and waited, for something, I don't know what, but I waited. 

Then one day things began to happen.  People came again, but this time not to play, but to work.  They began cleaning me up, making me look a little less haggard.  Repairs began to be slowly made.  I overheard a conversation saying that someone named Rockefeller had bought me, and turned me over to the Hudson Valley Historical something or other.

I am no longer lonely.  From early spring until late fall, boats arrive several times a day, bringing folks who want to see Bannerman Castle and Island, and my, how many pictures they take of me and my Castle.  I don't think there is another island anywhere that has its own Castle.

I have weathered many storms, thousands of years dating back to the early Indians, seen so much and lived through so much history.

Little by little I am being cleaned up, restored.  My Castle may never be the same as it was, but what remains is being protected.  My Castle!

I hope you have enjoyed the Island's story.  This is what I do.  Take pictures and tell stories.  If you enjoy this type of story, check out my three volumes of IF ONLY I COULD TALK books, available through my web-site and and me directly - the third and final volume is being released in mid-December.

Bannerman Island's story will not be in any of the books, as I have completed the series, but you can print it out if you care to share it with anyone, or direct them to my blog.

Maybe tomorrow I will have something to talk about, maybe not.  Time will tell.  In the meantime enjoy and God Bless.