Monday, November 28, 2011


From one day to the next I never know what I am going to write about.  Sometimes it comes from something I read, or hear, or see, or all three, sometimes more.

Today it comes from, of all places, the sermon that was preached yesterday.  By the way, it was a great sermon, but I don't want to say it too loudly, don't want Pastor D to get a big head.

One portion pertained to Saint Nicholas, who and what he was.  So first thing this morning I went to the Internet Encyclopedia, as I call it, and from what I found there, I am going to share.  Hopefully my sharing will be interesting.

St Nicolas born in 280 AD (that is the THIRD century, by the way) in Asia Minor.  His gifts were given late at night so his identity would remain a secret.  He was eventually named the patron saint of children, sailors, Russia and Greece. Don't ask me how that combination came to be. 

He was a Christian priest, later becoming a Bishop.  He was very wealthy. He traveled extensively, helping people, giving gifts of money and other presents where needed.  He was very private in his giving, not wanting to be seen.

One of the most famous parts of the legend is told about a poor man with three daughters, and no money for their dowry.  One evening the daughters had hung their stocking by the fire to dry (they did do laundry back then) and sometime during the night St. Nick (as he was called) dropped bags of gold in their stockings. Hence the hanging of the stocking on Christmas Eve.

He continued is good works until his death on December 6, 343.  (That's the 4th Century).  From that time on he was honored each year on the date of his death, and it holds true until today.  

Over the years the stories grew, and changed, were enhanced, added to, probably subtracted from.  The name Santa Claus that we use today was derived from the word SINTER KLASS,  the Dutch pronunciation for Saint Nicholas.

There have been many many pictures created throughout the years depicting Saint Nicholas / Santa Claus.  

And so now you have it.  Where did Santa Claus come from?  A Saint, of course.  How did he come to move to the North Pole?  I haven't found that out yet.  But you can be sure there is a legend somewhere, whose foundation is built on something, as all legends, and history, is.

I am going to share three pictures I found on the internet with you.  I found pages and pages of pictures of Saint Nicholas, from early times up to the present, it is amazing how many different ways he is portrayed.  

And finally, we here in Western Washington County have our own Santa Claus, and he, with his wife, attend many many parties as Santa Claus and Mrs Santa.  If you happen to see them, you will realize that our Santa and Mrs Santa look exactly like what you would like Santa to look like.  How neat can that be.  I'm not sure if this sentence is proper English, but, oh well!

So now you know the legend of Santa Claus.  It is as accurate as I can make it based on what has been written and is on-line.  I have learned something new, and perhaps you have also.  Regardless, have a good day and God Bless.

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