Tuesday, November 8, 2011


November and December.  Busy busy busy.  Can't believe Thanksgiving is 3 weeks and 2 days away. 

Lots to do today.  First thing will be to vote.  I just wish everyone cared enough to get out and vote.  I don't mind the folks that vote complaining, but I really dis-like hearing complaints from the folks that don't bother to vote, then wonder why everything is going to pot. 

Have to track down 3 more turkeys, and 2 hams for Turkey day and Christmas.  Got a deal on a turkey yesterday down at Riesbecks in Wheeling.  Listed for 93 cents per pound, but if you bought 10 of their store brand items, the price dropped to 63 cents.  Wasn't the least bit hard to find 10 store-brand items that I needed, the 16# turkey is in my freezer.  Will need another 16 pounder for Thanksgiving, and two for Christmas. 

Tomorrow will be in Washington, have to make a pit stop at the bank to have money for making change over the weekend in Morgantown. 

Have already got most of the food for my house-sitting grandson (he is 21 years old, very capable to house sit), he arrives Wednesday evening and will be leaving Friday.  Boss man will be home.  Grandson will have company, as two of Jerry's hunting buddies will be here while he is house and dog-sitting.  Will have a houseful, as always. 

The dogs love all the comings and goings.  They just love having company, and we gets lots.  My check spelling program goes absolutely nuts, it really doesn't agree with a lot of my words.  What does it know?

Wednesday will be Bible study in the morning, going to town after and getting grandson settled in for the next couple of days.  Have 3 pictures to be framed, and all the new stuff will be ready to head to Morgantown sometime Thursday. 

Have to remember to get the turkey feathers out of my freezer to take to Morgantown.  Yes, that's right, I have turkey feathers in a big plastic bag in my freezer.  The guys are well trained  They know if they want to keep hunting and keep me in a good humor, they better save the turkey feathers when they bag a turkey.  How many of you out there have feathers in your freezer?

There is a perfectly good explanation.  (Hopefully this will keep you from calling the little men in white and have me committed).  One of my artist friends does embossed engravings, the most awesome pictures you will ever see.  He makes his own paper, and incorporates the feathers, along with flowers, leaves, broom sage, anything organic, you name it, he uses it.  The feathers are boiled and then treated to preserve them.  All the organic materials he uses are treated for preservation.

Here you can see the feathers, turkey and others.  I have this picture hanging in my home.  I wish I could afford about a dozen others, as they are all different, all original, and all fantastic.

This is another one of my favorites - Under the sea.  Maybe when I find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, or my ship comes in, I can have this one also. 

You can see now why we save turkey feathers.  You really need to see his work hanging to realize how beautiful they are.

In the 30 plus years we have been friends and have been doing festivals together, in Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, we have never found anyone else who does this.  As Russ so aptly puts it,  "NO ONE ELSE IS CRAZY ENOUGH TO DO THE AMOUNT OF WORK IT TAKES TO MAKE ONE PICTURE.

And now off to vote.  Write a note to remind myself to take said feather with me to Morgantown.  Write another note to remind me to go to town tomorrow after Bible Study.  Write a whole bunch of notes for Austin for while I am gone.  Then I will probably forget where I put all my notes!

Enjoy the sunshine - GET OUT AND VOTE - and God Bless.

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