Wednesday, November 23, 2011

WHIMSIES....NOVEMBER 23 2011...............................

Now what am I talking about?  Whimsies.  What are Whimsies?  Well it's like this. 

First Whimsies is my version of whimsical, which according to the dictionary means playful, capricious, comical, funny.  Bet you didn't know that, did you?

Being as this is the day before Thanksgiving, I have a million things, give or take a couple, to do, and here I am sitting at my computer, talking about Whimsies.  Nothin' wrong with me.

As you all know by now, I take pictures.  If you don't know this, where have you been?  My pics are broken down into categories.  If you don't know about this, there are covered bridges, barns, animals - get the drift.

Then there are the pictures that don't have a category.  They are different.  They are strange.  They don't know what they are supposed to be.  So they are Whimsies.

This is Mr. Whimsie.  He belongs to a friend of mine, one of my festival and traveling companions.  He sits in his rocking chair in her dining room. He keeps tabs on everyone and everything that goes on in her house.  He is very important.  He is a scholar.  Just look at his diploma and book.  You can see how important he is.

And these are my Hawaiian whimsies.  Look how happy they are.  Just looking at them you have to smile.  That's one of the things whimsies are about.  Looking important and making you smile.

Why on earth do I take this type of picture.  Because it is fun.  It is different.  And, believe it or not, they do sell.  Sometimes someone just wants something (sure are a lot of some's in this sentence) that will make them smile.

I never know where I will find a whimsie.  Sometimes in the strangest places. 

Now, had better get to work.  Have salads to make today, pumpkin pies to get baked, chairs to get out of storage (we will definitely need them), table extensions put in place - but no house cleaning.  They will have to take what they get, but there will be so many people you won't be able to see the dust.

I hope you like the story of the whimsies.  I hope you have a wonderful fun-filled Thanksgiving with lots of turkey and stuffin'.  I hope you are as blessed with your friends and family as I have been.  I will not be on line tomorrow, after all it is a HOLIDAY!

I really really don't like big business being open on certain holidays - Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  these are holy and/or special days, and everyone should be able to spend those days with family and friends, and not be penalized for skipping work.  I know there are areas that there is no choice - but big business, the almighty dollar - surely they can skip these special days. 

And so with that passing thought, have a wonderful day tomorrow, don't work yourself into a frazzle, savor the time, you are allowed to stuff yourself, and take a nap if needed, you are allowed to laugh, and talk, and reminisce, there is so much to remember.  And so with this passing thought, have a wonderful day and God Bless.

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