Thursday, May 31, 2012


What has happened to this month?  What has happened to this year?

The college kids are out for the summer.  The school kids are either out, or are getting out in the near future.  Seems like they just went back.

Folks are counting down the days until their vacations start, including me.  But I have to "work" first to "earn" some money to have for spending on my vacation.

As soon as I sign off here, will be loading my van so I can head to Troy Ohio.  Am meeting Russ and Kay at our hotel later today, we are looking forward to seeing each other,  has been almost 6 months.  We keep in touch via e-mail and telephone, but not the same as getting together.

Tomorrow's festival set-up begins at 8 a.m.  Takes about 4 plus hours to get everything ready. In whatever "spare" time I have I will be doing some short photo shoots. 

I will be off-line until Monday morning, as it will be late before I get home Sunday night.

Hopefully it will be a fun and productive weekend.  And the weather will not be too hot, too rainy, too windy, too whatever.  As we have no electric for this outdoor festival, we cannot use our fans.   Bummer.  We will probably REALLY REALLY appreciate our a/c in the hotel come evenings.

So, had better sign off and get crackin'.  Nothing does itself.  Darn!  Got to invent a  do-it-yourself van that can load and unload  itself, then a do-it-yourself tent that can put itself up and take itself down.  I have an EZ-up tent, that is only easy to take down.  Putting up is another story.  Good thing there are always some strong, willing, men on site to help.  I put on my little-old-lady face, it works every time.
Everyone have a great weekend and God Bless.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Sounds like a scary story doesn't it.  That was last night, also yesterday afternoon, (which was not night, but was part of the day).  The dogs thought it was a dark and stormy night, in the afternoon, which is what it looked and sounded like.

They do not like lightning and thunder.  They are scared to death of lightning and thunder.  I had to run some errands yesterday morning, was beautiful, hot and sunny.  Same as when I arrived home.  Drove in to the garage.  While unloading stuff and putting said stuff away, I heard the dogs start to prance upstairs.  I thought they were happy I was home.  Wrong!!!

Just as I finished I thought I heard thunder, but thought it was my imagination.  (We have no windows in our garage, none at all, so have no idea what is happening outside).

As soon as I went upstairs and opened the door I was mobbed.  Literally.  Had two dogs all over me, jumping up on me, trying to climb me.  Seriously.  That is what they do.  It was lightning and thundering something awful, rain was pouring down, they were terrified.  That is how quickly this storm moved in.

Every time I tried to sit down, both dogs tried to climb into my lap.  Not good.  Not good at all.  Between the two they weigh in the neighborhood of 100#.  We received .69 inches of rain from that storm.  Sorely needed rain.  Cleaned all the dust off of everything.   Maybe I should have opened all my windows and let it blow the dust off of everything in the house.  When I am working outside, the house goes to pot. Literally.

The storm passed.  The dogs became normal dogs again, not shivering, shaking bundles of nerves.  It was safe for me to sit down.

A second storm moved through later in the evening.  Same scenario, but bossman was home and he was the one they wanted to climb.

By the time I called it a day, we had received just under 1 inch of rain.  Today the dogs are just laying around.  They are completely worn out from the storms of yesterday. 

We had no damage around here, but there were lightning strikes close, as the thunder was shaking the house as the lightning was lighting up the sky.  I did see on the news last night that some areas had wind damage, hail, just nasty stuff.  We were fortunate, again.

As I said - It Was A Dark And Stormy Night.  I hope none of you out there had any damage, that your big brave watch dogs didn't try to climb you, and God Bless.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

STILL HOT...TUESDAY MAY 29 2012.....

Alaska 2008 - can't believe it has been 4 years.  Those glaciers look pretty good right about now.    This was the week in Alaska.  the remainder of the group joined us when we boarded the cruise ship to return to Vancouver.

Hopefully we will get some rain today, and it will cool it off.  We are really dry right now.  The forecast for the weekend is considerably cooler, just in the low 70's.  Sure hope they are right, as the Strawberry festival is an outdoor festival.  Don't need hot weather!

Don't need any humongous storms or heavy rain or lots of wind.  Not fun when you are in a tent.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

First holiday of the season has come and gone.  Next is 4th of July. Six weeks after that is Labor Day, and the summer has come and gone.  Maybe not the heat, but the freedom.  From school.  For the kids, as most of them will have returned to school before the holiday. 

All summer shows, from this coming weekend until the last two weekends in October, are outdoor shows, and with the exception of Oglebayfest,  and Y Bridge, I have to put up my tent.  Not fun.  Not at all.  That is when I wonder why I am doing this. 

Y Bridge puts up beautiful big tents, and Oglebayfest gives you the option of your own tent or in one of theirs.  That is a no-brainer.  I will chose theirs any time, any where, even if it means a few dollars more for your entry fee.  If I am counting right, that means I will have to erect my tent 5 more times.  Yes, I am definitely nuts.

But I am a friendly nut.  At least I think so.  Two weeks from today and counting.  Ireland here I come.  So much to look forward to, then it is time, then it is over, and then it seems it never happened.  Going to be a very busy month.

On top of all that is going on, Dave and Linda fly in from Arizona for their month here with us.  They arrive two weeks from today.  I will be flying out and they will be flying in.  But they will be here until July 3rd, so will get to spend some time with them when I get home. 

Dave and Linda are both country kids and Dave loves to come home and help Jerry around the farm.  You can't be a farmer in Phoenix.  I know Bossman will keep them well-fed, well-entertained, well-busy, you name it, they will be doing it.

Guess I had better sign off, as there is much to do before I leave Thursday for Troy Ohio.  Try to stay cool, don't over-do, and God Bless. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Some of our KIDS OF SUMMER

Really hot.  At least bossman thought so when he finished grilling burgers and dogs yesterday for our cookout.  He looked about as red as a beet.  I think he was very well done.

Had a good, relaxing day, family and friends.  there were a few of both missing, due to circumstances, but we had a nice group, lots of good food, just a good day.

I guess I am going to be wearing a new hat.  In addition to all my other hats.  Double Edge Press has asked me to do book reviews for them.  In fact Rebecca had her three new releases with her.  The covers were exceptional.  Everyone here really liked them.  She has left one of the books with me to read, then to review.  She wants the review to be in my blog.

So you know what you will be getting down the road.  A book review.  If, after she reads what I have  written and I am not fired, there will, in all probability be more.

She also mentioned yesterday that my journal 36 YEARS LATER, is selling in the U.K. Why on earth someone in the U.K. would want to read a country journal of some American hick living in hicksville is - I guess you could say - strange.  Also my first journal BITS AND PIECES, is selling in the U.S.  I can understand that. 

My busiest month of the year is just around the corner.  Have to spend the remainder of this week getting ready for the Strawberry festival in Troy Ohio, June 01-02-03.  Then the following weekend will be in Granville Ohio for the Art and Wine Festival June 09-10.  Will return Sunday night, pack my suitcases Monday, to leave for the airport Tuesday morning for my next adventure.

My blogs will be very few for the month of June.  But just you wait, I will make it up with tales and pics of my adventures.  I know you can hardly wait!!!  Perhaps someday I will act like a normal person, doing normal things, but right now just don't have the time to be normal.

So, to all my friends out there, try to stay as cool as possible during the strange heat-wave we have been having, enjoy your friends and family if you are having your get-togethers today, count your blessings, as they are many, and God Bless.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

RHUBARB...SATURDAY MAY 26 2012......
Sam and Coco look pretty good right now.

And then there is Rhubarb.  I am sure you all know what rhubarb is.  If not, I am not going into a long winded explanation.  Just that, in my book, there are two kinds of rhubarb - the pucker- up-your mouth kind, and the -  I-want- another kind.

When you cook rhubarb, doesn't matter how much sugar you use, it is still pucker-up-your-mouth eating.

When you make rhubarb cake - it is definitely the I-want-another-piece kind of eating.

I have had my rhubarb cake recipe for longer than I can remember, don't know anymore who gave it to me.  I just know that every Memorial Day cookout for years and years we have had rhubarb cake. 

Since rhubarb is a seasonal veggie, unless you buy the frozen, you only get it in the spring.

I DID learn a long time ago, you never never never tell anyone the name of rhubarb cake until after they have eaten it, with a big glob of cool whip on top.  Once they have eaten one piece, they discover that one piece is definitely not enough.  Seconds, sometimes thirds.

If they know in advance it is rhubarb cake, they absolutely refuse to even taste it.  I guess it is a mind thing.

Anyhow, rhubarb cake is on the menu for our cookout tomorrow.  Along with a lot of other goodies.  In fact most of today will be spent in food prep for tomorrow. 

Travel safely, grill safely, stay where it is cool, and God Bless.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Yesterday.  I am attaching three pics of different sections and/or flower beds, finished, ready for viewing.

The above was my "shady" flower bed until lightning hit, and killed, the little crab-apple tree.  Now it is my "dead tree" flower bed.

These are some of my lillies blooming behind the machine shed.  I Irises are just about done.

This is my three tier bed, looking down on it from the patio.

Today I have a couple of little things that need done,  then the remainder of the mulch will be put in buckets and stored for touch-ups during the summer.

Tomorrow will spend the day prepping food for our cookout on Sunday.  Also have to start working on what I am going to take picture-wise to Troy Ohio's Strawberry Festival.  I will be leaving here Thursday.  Set-up begins at 8 a.m. Friday morning and I am not going to drive 3 plus hours, THEN start setting up.  Nope.  Nada.  Will spend the night and be fresh and rearin' to go come Friday morning.

This is my first time to Troy, so will be an interesting, I hope, new experience.  By Sunday evening I will know what it is all about.  And whether I would consider applying next year.

So many if's.  Seem as if life is made up of if's.
If I do this, if I don't do this, if it rains, if it is hot, if it is cold, if it is windy, if it is - and on and on and on.  What would we do with the word "IF"?

And so while you are pondering the word IF and trying to see how many times you will use that one little word just today, if you decide to keep track, I am sure you will be amazed.  Who would believe?  And with that thought in mind, have a wonderful day and God Bless.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

HOORAY!!!!THURSDAY MAY 24 2012......

Bet you can't guess.  Something you would never imagine.  Think long and hard on this.

My flower beds are finished, done, mulched, weeded, looking great!

I have a little mulch left over, have a few little areas I want to spruce up a little bit more, but for the most part am finished.  The little bit of left-over mulch will be put in the big buckets and stored out of the way (somewhere outside) to use as the summer progresses for touch-up purposes.

I wonder how many buckets I filled with mulch (6 at a tme) lifted them into the trailer, removed them from the trailer and dumped them on the flower beds, spreading it as I went along and starting all over again.

I know it was more than a couple of dozen.  11 yards of mulch looks like a much mulch mountain, and I get to play at moving every bit of it.  Whew!

But it only happens once a year.  The flower beds to look good.  Haven't taken any pics yet, but hope to share some with you tomorrow.

Now this evening after supper have to go and get flowers for the cemetery.  That is becoming a lost art, along with so many other lost art things.  But Jerry and I still go over Memorial Day weekend and plant the flowers on 4 graves.   It is just what we do.

So until tomorrow, have to get cracking here.  Hope you are enjoying the good weather and God Bless.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

YES THERE's A REASON.....WEDNESDAY MAY 23 2012........

These phone booths were outside of an Indian gift shop during my travels in Arizona
Why I'm running late today.  Started moving mulch, and wanted to work out in the morning when it was cooler, as the weather predictions for the remainder of the week are hot, hot, and hot.

Got a lot done outside, not anything inside.  Guess it can wait another day.  Or another. Or whatever.

It's funny, when I am outside working - most of my outside jobs are run-of-the-mill - meaning you don't have to be a rocket scientist to do them.  So your mind kind of wanders. You think of something you want to do, or say, but when the time comes to do it or say it, you have forgotten it.

I remember thinking of something I wanted to write about this afternoon, but when I came in and sat down at the computer I had forgotten whatever it was.

Must not have been important, or earth-shattering, or necessary. If it was, we are in trouble.

 In my spare time have been looking into the Maine - New Brunswick - Nova Scotia - and Prince Edward Island trip planned for September.

I could not believe how many hotels are already full, how many touristy things are sold out.  I figured after Labor Day things would calm down. Obviously not in Canada.

So I have gotten a pretty good itinerary together, made all hotel reservations (not always in the town I wanted, but close) and two tours scheduled. 

If I do say so myself, it looks like a pretty good week for us. 

Well, getting late, had better get supper started for bossman when he gets home from work.  Whatever time that will be.  I never know.  But I try.  Give me points for that.

I don't know if it is going to rain tonight or tomorrow or not, haven't heard any weather forecasts, except for the hot part.  Guess I'll wait and see.

I hope your are having a good day, stay cool, and God Bless.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I really do have a good excuse for being slow today.  Had some errands to run first thing this morning, then got hair cut, got home and returned calls from folks who had left messages.  Hence, running late, slow, behind, whatever.

My 3 additional yards of mulch supposed to be here later this afternoon.  Goody!!!

Took some pictures last evening.  Cloud pictures.  Or pictures of clouds.  Or whatever.

The cloud formations were pretty awesome.  Will try to share some with you.

Rain forecast for later today.  So far we have had sun, no sun, sun, no sun, just bounces back and forth.  Kind of like me I guess.  Is that what I do - bounce back and forth?  Some areas had heavy rain last evening, we had sun.  Seemed funny to look out at our weather and then see on the TV the pouring rain and flooding streets not too far from us.

Yard all mowed (thanks to bossman) looks really good.  Hopefully will get the last mulch down by Friday.  Then start preparing food for Sunday's cookout.  The place should look pretty good.

My next festival is June 01-02-03 in Troy Ohio.  It is their annual Strawberry Festival.  This is the first year Russ and I have applied, and we both got accepted, and, lucky for us, they put us side by side.  (When applying we always ask to be together as we help each other).  Will be a new experience for us.  Hope it is good.  If not, we will not apply again next year.  Always looking for some new areas.

Well, better sign off.  Hope your Tuesday is good, you don't get flooded, all is well with your world, and God Bless.

Monday, May 21, 2012

IT's MONDAY AGAIN ... MAY 21 2012.......

Busy, busy, busy -- where to start?

First I have to call Harold Yensen and order 3 additional yards of mulch. 

Second have to sit down and make out my menu for the Memorial Day cookout we will be having on Sunday May 27th. Right now the guest list stands at 20.  Don't know what tomorrow will bring. 

Third have to go grocery shopping to buy all the stuff I need to make all the stuff to eat.

Fourth .. do the paper work involved when I do a festival.  Got to keep the government happy. Either that or skip the country. 

Fifth .. send my entry fee check, short bio, and newspaper info to Cambridge Ohio Salt Fork Arts Festival committee, as I have received notification that I have been accepted again this year.  I have done this festival for many years, but have to apply each year with samples of my work and be juried.  As the jurors usually change from year to year you never know for sure until you receive either the acceptance or rejection letter.  Both Russ and I are in again.

Sixth - I know there is a sixth somewhere in here, but can't seem to put my finger on it. 

Oh well!  Perhaps it will become first tomorrow.

Had a fun time in Morgantown, met up with a lady that I did festivals with in the early 1980's (does that date me or what)  As time went by, she went one way I went another.  We were both at Morgantown.  Can you believe?

She had stopped doing festivals quite some time ago, but now that her granddaughter is an adult, and has become involved in the festivals, she is traveling with her. And she has started water-color painting again, along with helping make her granddaughter's jewelry.  How neat is that?

Guess I had better get cracking.  Will close with one of my new pictures - I hope you like it.

Whatever you are planning for Memorial Day weekend, I hope you have a wonderful times, don't eat too much, be safe, and God Bless.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

IT's HAPPENED AGAIN....MAY 17 2012......

The rainbow across our yard last evening after the rain.  You can see where, on the right side, the rainbow goes down past the trees, to where the "pot of gold" is waiting.  Dang.  Missed it again.
Just when you wonder what you are going to blog about today, it is an e-mail galore day.

And just what is that, pray tell?  Seemed as if every e-mail I opened this morning had something funny, good, or worth-while.  All rolled into one day.  And then there was a notice (a couple of them in fact) on face-book yesterday, same old same old problem with Verizon). 

Where do I start?  I guess with the e-mails.

First one I opened was from friend friend and exhibitor friend letting me know he was, is, and probably will ever be, in never-never land with me.  He liked the one about the mulch much -  much mulch stuff.  I had to laugh.

The second one was a yummy one.  It was about a 3-2-1 cake - little individual cakes at a moments notice.  I am definitely going to give this one a try.  Sounds great.  I thought about  including it in today's blog, but thought I would save it until another time.  If any one is desperate enough let me know.  Will post it sooner rather than later.

The third one was about the first thing folks will see in Rio de Janero when the Olympics are held there.  It is their awesome water-fall tower  producing enough energy to cover the entire area for the Olympics and then some.  The Olympic Light will also be a-top this tower.

And now for Verizon.  Several neighbors posted on facebook their phones were out.  When Verizon finally fixed them so there was "nothing wrong with them" they had a phone, but also lots of static.  Might as well be without a phone.  Can't say enough good things about my wireless system.  It is too bad some of these neighbors live in the "dead zones" where wireless won't work.

Finished spreading my 8 yards of mulch yesterday, and, believe it or not, will be ordering another 3 yards the first of the week.  I can't order it now, as I am leaving for Morgantown early in the morning for their spring art and craft festival, my first of the year.  

Will be loading my van tonight.  Don't have time to think about mulch until Monday at the earliest.  Today will try to catch up on inside stuff, finish framing a few new pics for the weekend, make sure bossman has extra milk in the down stairs fridge, and leave him a note to make sure he feeds my outdoor cats. If I make sure he has the extra milk, I know he will feel guilty if he does not feed the cats. 

The weather forecast for the entire weekend is awesome.  Take advantage of the good, forget the bad, enjoy each day as it comes, and God Bless.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

ALMOST....MAY 16 2012........
This is one of my favorite MP Barn pics, taken in Franklin Co Ohio several years ago.  It was one of those spur-of-the-moment pics that became a favorite.

Covers a lot of things.  Almost ready.  Almost morning.  Almost time for bed.  Almost time to leave.  Almost time to get up.  Almost time to eat.  In this instance it is ALMOST DONE.  That's right, almost done.  I will finish my mulching this afternoon.  Just a small amount left.

The downside - I will probably have to get a little bit more.  I used up all 8 yards, still have some areas not covered.  Unbelievable.  That is what happens, I guess, when you miss a year of mulching (didn't get mulch last year due to weather conditions) you need twice as much the next year.  Thought I had it covered.  Thought wrong.

Will just pick up a few bags until I am finished.

One thing though - I should be in really good shape (that's also debatable) for loading and unloading the van and setting up and tearing down for the festivals.  After shoveling and dumping and spreading 8 yards of mulch, without collapsing or throwing in the towel is quite an accomplishment.

And what was bossman's comment?  "I told you, you were not ordering enough mulch.  Do you ever listen to me? No!"

Why should I start listening now?  I know what I am doing!  I like to give him something more to comment on.  If I started listening he would know for sure there was something wrong.  And since I am perfect just the way I am why should I change?

Now that you have quit laughing, and picked yourselves up off the floor, enjoy the sunshine and God Bless.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

DID ANYONE NOTICE.....MAY 15 2012......

No - this is not in my yard, I took this picture last year when we were at Cass Railroad

That yesterday - which was Monday - I posted the date as May 15 - which is today - which is Tuesday?

I guess I could tell you anything and you would believe it.  Either that or no one reads my blog, or you are all in never-never land along with me.

I never did state that  I was normal, what's your excuse?

Sometimes I think never-never land is better, you can do and say and think whatever you want to do and say and think, and everyone else is in complete agreement, whether you are right or wrong.

Boy, was that a mouth full!

But, back to the real world and the real life and all the real whatevers.

My mulch pile has gone waaayyy down.  If all goes well should be finished by late tomorrow.  It is really hard to imagine how much mulch (mulch much) can make a difference.

No, I have not been drinking this morning, except for oj and tea.  Just one of those days. 

I "let" bossman have the mower last evening to work on the yard.  Told him I was being considerate, but in reality, I was tired. Didn't think I could fill one more bucket with mulch, so he got to use HIS mower to mow HIS yard.  Lucky him.

Well, enough rambling for today.  Sitting here playing on the computer is not getting mulch hauled.  Or anything else done.

I think there is supposed to be sun after the fog lifts, so enjoy your day and God Bless. 

Monday, May 14, 2012


Maybe I should say "grays", as it is just gray outside.  Not actually raining, just gray, gloomy, grungy.  Just you could say it is the "three g's"

Need to haul mulch, not sure weather to get everything out and get started or not.  Needs to be done.  But not in the rain. What is done looks really good, makes the rest look really nasty.  I only have until Thursday to finish as I leave for Morgantown early Friday morning for the first festival of the year.  Getting my feet wet, sort of, after almost 6 months off.

 Even the dogs are lazy today.  Don't say as how I blame them.  

One funny thing, I went grocery shopping yesterday afternoon - I didn't have time before because of the mulching - so decided since it was raining a good time for a food run.

Got home, had 4 missed messages from son Andy in Maine and 1 missed message from daughter in Scenery Hill (for you who don't know, Scenery Hill is just about  40 minute drive from me).  Returned Andy's call first, for some reason folks get bent out of shape when I am supposed to be home and am not.  I guess he even called daughter Rebecca in S.H. to see if she knew where I was.  Which she didn't.

Called her next, everyone now knows I am alive, well, not lost, just buying food.  

But I know I am the lucky one.  My kids do try to keep tabs on me, always call, visit whenever possible, and keep me posted on their comings and goings.  It was a good Mother's Day, with dinner out, cards and phone calls.

I remember, when growing up, my Grandmother, and my friends Grandmothers, were all little old ladies, usually sitting in a rocking chair, or some such thing, stay-at-home folks doing stay-at-home things.  I guess I just don't fit the pattern. 

Or maybe I am re-arranging the way Grandmothers are supposed to act.  I know my way is lots more fun than the used-to-be way.

So enjoy your gloomy gray grungy day, think positive thoughts, try to keep your kids off balance, and God Bless. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

MULCH and FLOWERS and MOTHER'S DAY....MAY 13 2012...

First the mulch, the pile is slowly diminishing, have gotten a lot done in the last couple of days.  It is hard to believe how much the mulch can do for a plain old flower bed, just makes everything pop.

Still have a ways to go, but am gaining on it.  Of course the fact it is going to rain today will slow things down, but probably I need the break.

Second the flowers - a very special old fashioned iris.  This iris belonged to Jerry's Grandmother.  It has to be at least 75 years old.  It has been moved and transplanted and moved and transplanted, I don't really know how many times.  And it just keeps blooming every spring.

 Last spring we decided to divide the plant, and took three sections to the West Alexander cemetery, where Jerry' Grandmother and Grandfather, his Aunt Leota and her husband (she was his Dad's sister) and my husband Tom, who was Jerry's Dad) are all buried.   Hope you got that all straight.

Anyhoo we planted an Iris on each of their graves.  This spring the Iris is in full bloom. 
For some reason, even tho a lot of today's hybrid irises will live so long, and gradually die out, this little Iris is like the little train that could, it just keeps chugging along, blooming year after year after year.

And third - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all future, present and past Mothers.  No one works as hard as a Mother, and is given so little credit.  How many times have you heard "she is JUST a housewife and stay-at-home Mom.  Like she has nothing to do. 

Walk in her shoes for a week.  Juggle her schedule for a week.  Cope with the every-day emergencies, large and small, clean, cook, run errands, sooth hurts, both real and imagined, teach, do laundry, and yard work, serve on committees, transport kids to and from school and other activities, and you will realize, she is one of the busiest people on the face of the earth.

There is no such thing as JUST A HOUSEWIFE, or JUST A STAY-AT-HOME MOM. 

All Mothers are special, regardless of if they are stay-at-home, or have to work to help support their family.  Even when working at a full time REAL job, they also have their full-time STAY-AT-HOME job to cope with also. 

So on this special day take the time to honor your Mom, tell her thank you, remember the good times, and the bad, but most of all, remember MOM.  And God Bless.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

WELL!!! ... MAY 12 2012.....

Bossman had to "borrow" the mower from me last night to finish mowing the yard.  It was starting to look like a hayfield. 

I had used the mower all day yesterday, except when meeting Nancy for lunch, hauling and spreading mulch.  My flower beds are starting to look as if some actually cares. 

So since I had no mower to use, took the push mower and mowed along all the flower beds.

So guess what!  Bossman actually told me that if I really wanted to mow, to go ahead, but STAY AWAY FROM THE TREES!!!!!  He should be telling the trees to quit jumping out in front of me, but oh well, he is a man after all.

The way everything has grown so far this spring, he just doesn't have time to use the big tractor with the bush hog, and the mower for the yard at the same time.  He is definitely running behind.  Between that and intermittently traveling for work, the yard work is definitely getting ahead of him.

If all goes well, depending on the weather, the mulch should be all on the flower beds before I go to Morgantown next Friday morning.  As soon as I finish here I'll be outside hauling, as bossman and his friends are turkey hunting this morning.  I get first dibs on the mower.

So enjoy your sunny Saturday, don't work too hard and God Bless.

Friday, May 11, 2012


Written in a normal way.  No colored letters.  No colored background.  Pretty boring isn't it.  But I have to pretend to be normal once in a while or I would be committed for sure.

My mulch delivery was delayed from Tuesday until yesterday because of the rain.  Ever since we have lived on our hill-top we (me) have it delivered as we (me) use a lot.  That's what a lot of flower beds can do for you.

And so for the last 6 years Harold (the owner of the landscape supply business I have bought from for years (we used to pick up the mulch in our pickup truck) has made the delivery.  He always calls me Young Lady - no wonder I like him.  As he is an older gentleman, he makes some of the deliveries, and he told me yesterday he always liked coming here because "you have such a nice place and are such a nice young lady".  Too bad he is married - his wife is lovely, and even bought a picture from me at Oglebay last year.

And so the mulching began yesterday.  You don't realize how bad the flower beds really looked until you start putting down the mulch.  I worked until dark last night.

Won't get back to it today until this afternoon as I am meeting Nancy at noon for lunch and to deliver her Ireland information to her.  It is hard to believe that from next Tuesday, May 15, it will only be four weeks until we fly out of Pittsburgh.

Memorial Day will be a memory.  I will have three festivals under my belt, hopefully that will be my spending/fun money on our trip. 

I will be at Morgantown WV May 18-19, Troy Ohio June 1-2-3, and Granville Ohio June 8-9-10.  Also grandson Coleman graduates from high school on June 7th. 

The above will pretty much finish off the month of June.  I plan on having all the mulch where it is supposed to be before I leave for Morgantown.

And you think you are busy.  Today a beautiful calm sunny day.  Who could ask for anything more.  Have a great day and God Bless. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Beautiful out this morning - will actually get some work done outside.  Hopefully.  If I don't forget what it is that I am supposed to do.  Or in what order they are supposed to be done.

Poor brain - over-worked and under-paid, or some such thing. 

Today is the final (thank goodness) installment of my trip to Arizona.  Just in time to start  getting ready for the next big adventure.

This portion will cover the Japanese Gardens, Chinese Cultural district, and some miscellaneous pics taken here and there.

The Japanese Gardens were a soothing, lovely, calming morning.  You could just sit on a bench and enjoy the solitude, or walk along the paths.  Or take lots of pictures.  Now who would want to do that?

We were hoping to visit the tea room for tea, but it was not open when we were there.  They only open the tea room once a month, or if they are booked for a party or reception or some such thing.  Our timing this year was not the best.

Since we got no tea, and it was too early for lunch we visited the Chinese cultural district, walking the garden and - what else - taking pictures.

By the time we left there we were ready to eat, so went to a Mexican restaurant. 

Then went grocery shopping as the kids were all coming for supper and to say goodbye as I was leaving early the next morning for home.

We bought French bread, had yummy sandwiches, strawberry shortcake, fresh fruit, and other good stuff.  The visiting was the best part.

The final pics are just a couple of misc. things.  The lizard was after a glob of ice cream that fell off Linda's cone.  He was there almost before it hit the ground.

The other pic is a row of phone booths at an Indian Trading Post.  You don't see many of these any more.

And so, another adventure has ended, more are looming on the horizon.  Having fun things to look forward to keeps you going, hopefully in the right direction.  I have been blessed that I am able to go and do and enjoy, and have family and friends who put up with my going and doing and enjoying. 

For me, even my yard, flower beds, and garden work are fun.  They are fun because I am still able to do them.  I feel so much better in the summer when I can be out doing, moving around, and seeing the results.

Well, enough for today.  Today May is 1/3 over.  Two weeks from this coming Sunday we will be having our Memorial Day cookout.  The real (in my mind) beginning of summer.

I hope you all out there in technology land have as good a day as I plan on having and God Bless.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


As promised yesterday - lucky you - I will tell about the "Mystery Castle", the Mining Camp, and the Saguaro cactus in bloom.

The Mystery Castle is not actually a mystery or a castle.  How did it get it's name?  I haven't got a clue.  I'll just tell you what I found and you can use your imagination for the remainder.

This castle was built by Boyce Luther Gulley, who, upon finding he had TB, abandoned his wife and daughter in 1930.  He traveled to Arizona (I did not find where he hailed from) for his health, thinking he only had a short time to live.

I decided to build a "castle" for his daughter, the little girl he left behind.  She was just a toddler at the time.

Mary Lou never saw her dad again.  It took 15 years for him to build his dream castle.

Mystery Castle is located on the North side of South Mountain - go figure - near what was then the town dump.

Gulley used salvaged material from the dump, auto parts, junk, and other artifacts he found in the southwest and Mexico to build his "home".

After Gulley's death the wife and daughter were contacted by an attorney in Phoenix were notified about the house.  They moved to Phoenix.  Mary Lou was a teenager at the time.  They lived together in the castle until her Mother's death in 1970.  Mary Lou continued living in her castle until her passing in 2010.  I found no record of whether or not she ever married, but from was I saw she probably did not.

Mystery Castle is being preserved as a tourist attraction, having 18 rooms and 13 fireplaces.  The castle is open from October until May on Thursday thru Sunday.  Of course, again, we were there on Monday.  Perhaps next year we will return to these castles on a day they are open to see the inside.

On Sunday (I am backing up, again) the entire family and I went to the Mining Camp for lunch, and it also gave me a chance to photo the Saguaro cactus, which were beginning to bloom.  First time I had ever seen them blooming.  Best part of that day was grandson-in-law Mark bought me a souvenir mug, complete with my name.  Mugs and jellies are my souvenirs when traveling.

Tomorrow I will finish up with my week in Arizona, and if you are really, really,  lucky, maybe I will have something else to talk about. 

In the meantime, don't over-do, over-extend, over-eat, over-whatever, and God Bless.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


The other stuff first.  Got my corn and first planting of green beans in the garden yesterday.  Started final prepping of flower beds for mulch. Ran the push-mower around the edge of all the flower beds.  Now....waiting for the mulch delivery. And the fun will begin.......

Now back to the Arizona saga.

On this day we drove to Scottsdale to look for the three castles supposedly there.

While looking for said castles, we saw a lot of Scottsdale you don't normally drive through, and, oh my!, the blooming was incredible.

We found all three castles.  Two were really neat, completely different.  The third was in pretty much dis-aray.  Needed a lot of work. 

First we found Copenhaver Castle, built on the side of Camelback Mountain by a Dr. Mort Copenhaver in the mid 1970's.  Some time back Dr. Copenhaver filed for bankruptcy, and the castle is on the auction block. 

If you want a castle on a mountain in Arizona, with a view, check out when the auction will take place.

Secondly was Tovrea Castle, also known as the Wedding Cake Castle.  I don't know what they use as guidelines for structures becoming castles, but this was certainly far and away --- different? --- or something.

This castle is at Carraro Heights outside of Phoenix.  I learned more history about this castle and will share some of it with you.

In 1928 an Italian immigrant, Alessio Carraro, sold his San Francisco metal business and moved to Arizona searching for his American dream.  He bought 277 acres of desert east of Phoenix city limits.  He built his castle on a small rise and named it Carraro Heights. 
In 1930 the cactus gardens were developed. 

In late 1930 adjoining property was purchased to raise sheep and cattle pens to supply a nearby meat packing plant. 

Discouraged Carraro sold the castle and surrounding land to Della Tovrea in 1931.  Della's husband passed away shortly after,
in 1932, but Della Retained the castle as her Phoenix residence.

Upon her death in 1969 the Tovrea Family Trust assumed control of the property.  The property remained unused with little upkeep until in 1993 the city of Phoenix purchased the castle and 7-1/2 acres immediately surrounding the building.  In 2003 the city purchased an additional 36 acres and is preserving it for future enjoyment and use.

Tomorrow I'll share the story of the Mystery Castle.  Enjoy the rain, just remember, sunshine will follow, and God Bless.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Can you believe - the first week of May is over, done, nada.  What happened?

Also running early today - bossman tilled up more of my garden over the weekend and I want to get the first planting of corn and green beans in before the rains move in this afternoon.  So am running early, as said above.  What happened?

I'm sure bossman will be upset if it rains before the seeds are in the ground.  Also have 5 phone calls to make later this morning re 5 different things.  Will keep you guessing for now.

So, on to another  portion of my Arizona trip.

We did the Lake Powell late afternoon cruise into another part of Antelope Canyon after our slot tour.  This was relaxing, got to ride on a boat, not hike through ankle deep real fine sand.

Did I mention that on the slot tour, we could feel some of the real fine sand blowing down through the crevices, hitting us in the face.  Felt like I had a head full of sand when we left.

Again, will show pictures of the canyon tour.  The colors are ever changing, never knew what would be around the next bend.

Also had a couple of guys in a small motor-boat riding along side of us at one time.  Guess we were going too slow for them, as after a few minutes they went on by.  Didn't see them again.

Upon returning to Page, had a late supper, and called it a day.  And what a day it was!  The next morning we would check out of our motel, and head back to Phoenix.  All too soon.  Never enough time.

However there would be things to do and places to go for the remainder of my visit.  By the way, have my editing done.  Ended up with the following:

Pictures taken - 1374
Pictures after editing - 1051
Pictures for slide show - 493
Pictures for business - 38

Not all 38 pictures will be printed at one time.  I will do possibly 4-5 - if and when they sell, will replace them with ones not yet printed. 

And, so it is off to the garden and seed planting time.  After that - time will tell.

Have a good day and God Bless.