Wednesday, May 23, 2012

YES THERE's A REASON.....WEDNESDAY MAY 23 2012........

These phone booths were outside of an Indian gift shop during my travels in Arizona
Why I'm running late today.  Started moving mulch, and wanted to work out in the morning when it was cooler, as the weather predictions for the remainder of the week are hot, hot, and hot.

Got a lot done outside, not anything inside.  Guess it can wait another day.  Or another. Or whatever.

It's funny, when I am outside working - most of my outside jobs are run-of-the-mill - meaning you don't have to be a rocket scientist to do them.  So your mind kind of wanders. You think of something you want to do, or say, but when the time comes to do it or say it, you have forgotten it.

I remember thinking of something I wanted to write about this afternoon, but when I came in and sat down at the computer I had forgotten whatever it was.

Must not have been important, or earth-shattering, or necessary. If it was, we are in trouble.

 In my spare time have been looking into the Maine - New Brunswick - Nova Scotia - and Prince Edward Island trip planned for September.

I could not believe how many hotels are already full, how many touristy things are sold out.  I figured after Labor Day things would calm down. Obviously not in Canada.

So I have gotten a pretty good itinerary together, made all hotel reservations (not always in the town I wanted, but close) and two tours scheduled. 

If I do say so myself, it looks like a pretty good week for us. 

Well, getting late, had better get supper started for bossman when he gets home from work.  Whatever time that will be.  I never know.  But I try.  Give me points for that.

I don't know if it is going to rain tonight or tomorrow or not, haven't heard any weather forecasts, except for the hot part.  Guess I'll wait and see.

I hope your are having a good day, stay cool, and God Bless.

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