Thursday, May 10, 2012


Beautiful out this morning - will actually get some work done outside.  Hopefully.  If I don't forget what it is that I am supposed to do.  Or in what order they are supposed to be done.

Poor brain - over-worked and under-paid, or some such thing. 

Today is the final (thank goodness) installment of my trip to Arizona.  Just in time to start  getting ready for the next big adventure.

This portion will cover the Japanese Gardens, Chinese Cultural district, and some miscellaneous pics taken here and there.

The Japanese Gardens were a soothing, lovely, calming morning.  You could just sit on a bench and enjoy the solitude, or walk along the paths.  Or take lots of pictures.  Now who would want to do that?

We were hoping to visit the tea room for tea, but it was not open when we were there.  They only open the tea room once a month, or if they are booked for a party or reception or some such thing.  Our timing this year was not the best.

Since we got no tea, and it was too early for lunch we visited the Chinese cultural district, walking the garden and - what else - taking pictures.

By the time we left there we were ready to eat, so went to a Mexican restaurant. 

Then went grocery shopping as the kids were all coming for supper and to say goodbye as I was leaving early the next morning for home.

We bought French bread, had yummy sandwiches, strawberry shortcake, fresh fruit, and other good stuff.  The visiting was the best part.

The final pics are just a couple of misc. things.  The lizard was after a glob of ice cream that fell off Linda's cone.  He was there almost before it hit the ground.

The other pic is a row of phone booths at an Indian Trading Post.  You don't see many of these any more.

And so, another adventure has ended, more are looming on the horizon.  Having fun things to look forward to keeps you going, hopefully in the right direction.  I have been blessed that I am able to go and do and enjoy, and have family and friends who put up with my going and doing and enjoying. 

For me, even my yard, flower beds, and garden work are fun.  They are fun because I am still able to do them.  I feel so much better in the summer when I can be out doing, moving around, and seeing the results.

Well, enough for today.  Today May is 1/3 over.  Two weeks from this coming Sunday we will be having our Memorial Day cookout.  The real (in my mind) beginning of summer.

I hope you all out there in technology land have as good a day as I plan on having and God Bless.

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