Friday, August 31, 2012


The cleaning ladies are here, what a difference they are making.  I wonder how much they would charge to clean my house once a month?  Wouldn't that be nice.

Plumber here - got leaks fixed in the sink.  Am running the dishwasher - so far no drippage.

He is also working on installing shower stall doors.  Of course there is a problem.  Nothing ever goes smoothly. I might eventually take out a life-time lease on my apartment in the rabbit hole. 

Also, Bossman had to return the new shower head he had bought.  It won't work in our stall.

Also, Bossman has relented on no pictures, but I am to wait until all is done.  I guess he did not want to be on every one's 'S' list.  So down the road will be sharing.

So had better wind down and try to get something done.  Have a wonderful weekend.  I probably won't be blogging for a couple of days as the weekend is pretty full.  So will talk to you later and God Bless.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


TO BE BACK IN MY OWN BED ... AUGUST 30 2012 ....
That's right - got enough stuff shoveled out of my bedroom I can actually sleep in my own bed.  That doesn't mean we're done.  Not by a long shot, but we are progressing.

The kitchen cabinets all installed - with just gorgeous plywood counter tops, a temporary sink that leaks like a sieve, no plumber yet to fix that little problem, and of course all the trim and finishing touches that will probably take until Thanksgiving to complete, if we are lucky.

Can't share any pictures with you as Bossman said "no pictures on facebook!!!"

So no new kitchen pictures.  Darn. 

The bathroom is completed EXCEPT for hooking up the shower and installing the shower doors.   The new floors look great, as do the new wall cabinets in the laundry room.

There is still a long dark tunnel to travel through until the job is completed, but the light at the end of the tunnel is just a little brighter than the light at the beginning of the tunnel.  I guess we have survived this long, so hopefully we won't go off the deep end before completion.

The next major step is the 'robot' that will be arriving to do his/her (how can you tell?) thing to lay out the design for the counter tops, which will be black granite.  Some how this robot programs every last inch of the counter tops, so when the granite is cut it will fit, with the sink hole in just the right place.  Should be interesting.

Cleaning crew SUPPOSED to be here tomorrow to clean up all the dirt (and there is a ton of it), and I just hope they are more prompt than the plumber.  Hard to cook when you can't use the sink.

Just had word from a friend that her computer bit the dust.  Asked her if she would like a reservation down the rabbit hole. 

Well, better close for now.  Kids arrive tomorrow night.  Have to finish cleaning the family room for them.  Are the Steeler's going to win tonight? Hope I'm not too tired to stay up and watch.  Have a god day and God  Bless. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012



The past 6 weeks have been such a muddle in every way, shape, and form.  I hope the muddle is on the way out, and normal is on the way in.  I think I would love normal about now.

I am thinking about Louisiana and the hurricane .  I have friends in Houma, close to New Orleans, and hope they will be safe.  I also have friends in Florida, but they are well.  It is one thing to watch the news, another when you know someone in the news area.

We are having a very early fall.  The leaves are already showing color, at this rate the month of October will have bare trees instead of the blaze of color you look for.  What a topsy-turvey year this has been.

I am looking forward to resuming my festivals in mid-September.   The year is fast winding down. 

Have all the re-vamping done for the business, will be anxious to see what happens.  You never know when you revise, it could be good, or it could be bad.  Hope mine is good.

One thing for sure, Elizabethtown in September, and Oglebayfest in October should tell me something.

Elizabethtown is a small local fun-to-do easy weekend.  Oglebayfest is a major major festival.  By then I should know something.

I wonder, with enough thought, can I re-vamp my life.  Don't know what the re-vamping would do, but maybe I would at least get out of the rabbit-hole permanently.  Not that I don't like my rabbit-hole friends, but normal would be nice.  Then again it might be boreing.  At least now I am never bored.  So guess I had better leave well-enough alone.

Well, better get back to my "Supervisor" role.  Have the 2 carpenters here and also repairman from Shearers about my AC.  Don't even ask!!!

The carpenters are trying to get everything put together, but when the tearer-outer tore out the kitchen, several important items were mis-laid.  No one can find them.  As I have claimed for over 7 years, this house is haunted.  I think the ghost actually belongs down the rabbit hole.  Wonder how I can convince him to return.

So, enough of my rambling.  Have a great Tuesday and God Bless.


Monday, August 27, 2012


YOU'VE MADE MY DAY ... AUGUST 27 2012 ....

Couldn't ask for a better birthday.  First thing was all the cards and wishes in both my e-mails and on facebook.  How blessed I am with my family and friends!

The second thing is - that my kitchen carpenters and floor layers are all here working.  Maybe, just maybe, I will have most of a kitchen when the kids arrive Friday night.  Won't have the counter tops yet, as they have to be ordered once the cabinets are all in, but we will be able to improvise.

I know Lauri will be sooooo happy that she will  not have to make spaghetti sauce outside over a blazing bon-fire.

It has been a very strange 6 weeks, so much has happened, and in some ways it seems much longer than 6 weeks.  Hard to believe that Labor Day weekend is right around the corner.

Now for other things.  Have my final Ireland pictures on a flash drive, hopefully this fall will have several "Ireland" parties here. 

Hoping that there is no major damage this week from the hurricane, I believe it's name is Isaac, and heading for New Orleans.  On top of that are the wild fires and heard this morning that California is experiencing earthquakes again.

Seems lately every New Year's Eve I think that the new year has to be better than the one just ending, but seems each new year is worse.

But ever optimistic I keep hoping.

Again, thank you for making my day special and God Bless. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012


IS WINDING DOWN ... AUGUST 26 2012 ....

Hard to believe.  August almost over - Labor Day looming on the horizon.  School has either started, or going to start.  The big West Alexander World's Fair beginning a week from tomorrow.  How did all this happen?

I've fallen way behind on birthday wishes this year.  So for anyone who usually receives an electronic card, I haven't really forgotten, and Happy Birthday, both past and down the road.

Had 2 carpenters and 2 floor layers here all day Friday.  Most of the kitchen cabinets are installed, still a couple more to do.  The new floor is down in about half the hallway. This all is supposed to continue tomorrow, wonder if anyone will actually show up.

I have to say the project manager has done a horrible job of scheduling the workers.  It changes from minute to minute.  But when we do have workers, they have done a fantastic job.

I feel sorry for them - they are the ones that get yelled at by the home-owners for not being there.  It is not their fault - they just go where sent.  That is probably why the project manager stays hidden.  Let the workers take the heat, he stays in his nice air-conditioned office and works over-time in seeing how many schedule screw-ups he can arrange.

So, am looking forward to tomorrow - hopefully we will have workers here.  The kids arrive late Friday evening, sure hope we have someplace to put them.

Going to Church this morning, then to a neighbor's cook-out this afternoon.  Will get to catch up with what has been going on in other areas.  I know we have used up our allotted goings-on.  Time to take a break.

And so, enjoy your day and God Bless.

Friday, August 24, 2012



4 P.M. yesterday afternoon.  Truck arrived.  All my kitchen cabinets - finally here.  Dining room completely full of boxes, long boxes, tall boxes. square boxes, oblong boxes, skinny boxes and fat boxes.   Boxes boxes everywhere.  What a wonderful sight.

7 a.m. this morning.  My flooring folks were here to install the new flooring in the hallway, bathroom and laundry room.

8 a.m. this morning.  My three cabinet guys were here to start installing kitchen cabinets. 

Please pinch me - I have got to be dreaming!

The cherry cabinets for the kitchen are beautiful.  We always had oak, this is a drastic change - but I love it.  The laundry room and bathroom are still oak, the kitchen will really stand out.

Maybe, just maybe, Andy and Lauri will not have to camp out for the time they are here.

Son Michael said he could always put up his camper and they could crash there. 

My dogs are basket cases.  My one remaining outside cat has made himself scarce.  Poor critters.

Now for other things.  I have almost completed all the revamping for the business.  Good thing because down the road will not even be able to think about the business.

Have errands to run tomorrow, as I have been pretty much tied to the house.  So tomorrow will be my running day.  Jerry can hold down the fort - there probably won't be any work done anyway

Sunday afternoon are invited to a cookout one of neighbors is having.  Will be a great change of pace.

Hopefully my nerves will calm down, my BP will stabilize, my hair will quit getting grayer and stop looking as if I had stuck my finger in an electric outlet, and I can quit complaining.  Won't that be a nice change of pace?

I'm starting to feel like Poker Alice.  All I  need is a cigar.

Have a great weekend and God Bless.

Thursday, August 23, 2012



I am definitely seeing red .. lots and lots of red. 

Kitchen cabinets were supposed to come this morning.  What did we get - the wall cabinets for the laundry room and the vanity for the bathroom plus medicine cabinet.  The laundry room and hall way were correct - oak.

The bathroom - oak.  I'm not sure what I am missing here.  I was under the impression the bathroom was going to be cherry.  They said oak was ordered.  Glad I'm not in charge, just relaying the messages.

 Also, the flooring for the hallway, laundry room, bathroom, and dining room were to be delivered today.  Not on the truck that was here. 

I think they should make a movie - THE PERILS OF MARTHA - what do you think?

Then again, maybe not.  It would just be another disaster movie in a long line of disaster movies.  Maybe it could be a comedy?


My mind is completely blown.  I don't know if I will ever recover.  Watch out Mr. Rabbit, I think I am going to take up permanent residence in your hole. 

Sure hope you are having a better day than I am.  Count your blessings and God Bless.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012



Which one do you think is me? Whichever one you pick, it will definitely be me.  They all look completely stressed out.  And they all probably look better than me! 
In the last 3 days have had a worker here a total of 3 hours to finish the tile in the kitchen with grout.  Three days - three hours work.

And my doctor wonders why my blood pressure is so high.  He is not living at my house.  If he were his blood pressure would be high also.

We have been PROMISED (and I don't believe one word of it) that kitchen cabinets (that were supposed to be delivered yesterday) would be here along with the proper carpenter to start installing said cabinets (that were to be installed today)  tomorrow - FOR SURE!!!

If I survive this remodeling process I can survive anything. 

Andy and Lauri arrive August 31st - don't really know what we are going to do with them.  It will probably be a vacation they would rather forget.  Can't say that I blame them.

I know that if I don't get a kitchen pretty soon, I am going to forget everything I ever knew about cooking.

The only positive thing is that I have the time to work on the changes I want to make in the business.  Things I have been thinking about for several years, but never had the time to pursue.  Boy, do I have the time now!

So am wondering what, if anything, will happen tomorrow.

Sure have learned a lot about day-time TV shows that I didn't know.  Have news coming out my ears.  Seeing shows I had never heard of before.  Head ringing, eyes spinning, mind being blown.  If I have a mind left. 

So keep tuned in.  I am sure you will learn a lot you didn't know, probably mostly bad.  But then who knows?

Enjoy the beautiful fall weather and God Bless.

Monday, August 20, 2012


HE / SHE WAS REALLY NEAT .... AUGUST 20 2012 ....

That's right.  He/she.  One or the other. 

As you probably know, we live out at the end of the world on top of a hill, and we have lots of visitors -both human and animal/bird.

I had one such visitor this morning. He flew in from somewhere, skimmed along just above the ground, and landed on one of the fence posts surrounding our orchard - garden.

He was by the orchard first, then came closer to
the garden.  I guess he really wanted his picture taken as he sat there posing for me. 

And so, of course, I obliged him and took the pictures. 

It is another beautiful early fall day.  Hard to believe another year is fast winding down. 

Now for a change of pace.  Caught the last part of the Pirate baseball game - 19 innings before they finally wrapped it up and won.  It over-lapped the Steeler game, so went from one to the other.  Steelers won also - it was a good game.

Fall is my favorite time of the year for some reason.  The days are wonderful, the color beyond description, and football is here.  My favorite sport.  It is also the best time of the year for picture taking.  At least I think so.

Labor day just around the corner.  Then it is time to think holidays.  Seems like they were just here, and here they come again.

So, guess I had better wind this up, or down, or whatever, and get busy doing - something productive - if I can think of anything that is productive - and make myself useful,whatever that is.

And so, enjoy your day and God  Bless. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

WEEK 5 OVER ... AUGUST 19 2012....

Week 6 approaching.  The kitchen tile is down, game plan is -- the grout will be done tomorrow (Monday).  Anxious to see what will really happen.

Have finally finished editing my Ireland pics.  Have prepared a 'slide show' folder which contains the best of the best, and tells the story of the trip.  Total trip pics - over 4000.  Total slide show pics - 367.  Quite a difference. 

You have to remember I take not only one  pic of something, but lots.  Then comes the fun of deciding what to keep and what to discard.  After the 'keepers' have been kept - and the 'discarders' have been discarded you have 2074 saved pics.  Roughly half of the pics have been discarded.  And 18% of the ones kept have been put into the slide show.

Can you imagine - if I were still using film, how many rolls of 36 exposure film I would have had to purchase (approximately 112) , plus the processing, plus having the 4 x 6 prints made?  The total cost of the three cameras I use plus batteries and memory cards doesn't come anywhere near that cost.  I wonder how you would get 112 rolls of film through security?

All in all, I love digital photography. 

I was worried that my sales would drop drastically because everyone has some sort of camera today, and can take wonderful pictures.

So far sales are as good as in the past.  It may be that I have taken the time to mat and/or frame the pictures - most folks don't take the time, or want to spend the extra money to do this.  Or it may be that I look at the subjects in an entirely different way than most folks.  Don't know, but it works for me.

Well, enough of my rambling.  About time to get dressed for Church.  Hope you all have a good day and God Bless.

Saturday, August 18, 2012



Correct.  Bossman must have been heard loud and clear yesterday.  Both the painter showed up to finish the painting (and get rid of a lot of the plastic) and a carpenter showed up to take care of the hole cut in the bathroom floor.  Whoopee.  

 Today the floor people are here laying the tile in the kitchen.  Which is going to be beautiful when done.   Then (supposedly) the laminate flooring will be laid in the bathroom, hallway and laundry room. 

I'm afraid to get too excited --- but ...

Once the laminate is down the bathroom can be put back together. When the kitchen tile is grouted and dried, cabinets can be installed. 

Maybe, just maybe.......

In the meantime enjoy the fall-like day and God Bless.

Friday, August 17, 2012


I'M BENT OUT OF SHAPE ... AUGUST 17 2012 ...

FIRST - this is what my kitchen looked like before its demolition:

SECOND - this is the way it looks as of right now. 

Next is the living room before and after.  Also the spare bedroom - which is uninhabitable.

At least the painter guy - who was supposed to be here at 9 a.m. this morning - just showed up.  Bossman had called about noon, the powers that be thought he was here, so they were going to try tracking him down.  Must have found him - he is here.

Also floor people SUPPOSED to be here at 7 a.m. tomorrow.  Not holding my breath.

Also the leak in the family room WAS REPAIRED YESTERDAY so why is it still leaking?  Made another phone call -  service call scheduled for Monday afternoon.  Can't anybody get anything right?

I could probably do a better job myself, and I don't know diddly. 

Well enough for the construction / repair stuff going on.  Hope I don't get sick again - as I am in that phase where no one can do anything on time, where no one shows up, and the fixes aren't fixed.  Hello Refrigerator!!!!

I still say this house is haunted - there is really no other explanation.  This ghost just loves to disrupt our lives as much as possible, then sits back and laughs.

Guess he likes to see bossman get bent out of shape.

Otherwise working on pictures for Art in the Garden and Elizabethtown Festival in September.  Will be good to get back into the swing of things.

Just be careful.  You know that if your refrigerator goes caput, your life will go caput with it.  This is the voice of experience speaking.

Enjoy your weekend and God Bless.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


ME SCREAM??? ... AUGUST 16 2012....

If you didn't you are lucky.  If you did, I hope you are not deaf.  So why the scream.

Same old same old.

The floor people (who had told me on Tuesday after they laid the cement board in the kitchen) that they would be here Wednesday morning to lay the tile.

Guess what!  They never showed.  No message, just no-shows.  Bossman made some phone calls, learned they had been pulled to do another job.  Guess our money is no good.

After a lot of phone calls back and forth, we WERE ASSURED that the floor people would be here Saturday and Sunday.  So 2 more days of non-work.  And they want a recommendation???????

Also have been needing work done on our air conditioning - all the humidity wrap on our pipes, or whatever, had finally worn out.  Constant dripping.  Took three trips for them to decide it needed replaced.  New wrap ordered..THEY made an appointment for this morning at 8:00 a.m.

At 8:15 a.m. phone call from them - a technician had called off.  Par for the course.  Rescheduled for 11:00 a.m. THIS MORNING.
Waiting to see if they show up.  (This is a different outfit from the remodeling outfit, guess no one likes us).

So I'll be camping out in the family room (where the dripping is) for the rest of my life.  Just waiting for lightning to strike, or a tornado to hit.  That would be the norm for us.

Pastor Dan asked me Sunday morning how the rabbit hole was.  Told him it was getting deeper every day.  No wonder I am not normal.  I have been driven over the edge one time too many.

So I am sitting here, waiting.  Hope your day is going better than mine and God Bless.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012



The thinking part. 

Thinking can get you in to trouble - it can also get you out of trouble. 

I have had a lot of time to think the last few weeks.  Sometimes my head literally spins, there are so   many thoughts tumbling around inside.

A very good, life-long, friend has sent me a couple of inspirational books to read while I am putting in time, waiting for the re-construction to be done, re-arranging my schedule for the remainder of this year, and planning on next year.

I am reading now the small book written by a man, who at one time, was a shepherd.  He knows all about what it takes to keep his sheep healthy, well-fed, and safe.  He also knows that no matter what, they WILL get into trouble.  That is life.

His book refers to the 23rd Psalm, The Lord is my Shepherd, and how we, as humans, are human sheep, always thinking we know best, know it all, always make the right decisions, don't need any help.

I don't know about you, but BOY do I need shepherding ... I look back on my life and wonder how I survived.

But I have over-come, with lots of help I didn't even realize I was receiving, and am still receiving.  The last few weeks could have been so much worse, recovery should of been long-term, but rather, my recovery went way faster than anyone thought, I  am up and going, albeit a little slower than before, but functioning. 

I guess my Shepherd has been following me around for a long time.  I am grateful.

And so remember, we are all human sheep, we need lots of taking care of, so be grateful, and God Bless.

Monday, August 13, 2012



How many of you recognize this greeting?  Of course.  It is from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.

If you are not familiar with Mr, Roger's Neighborhood, it is time for you to do some research.  I'm not going to do everything for you.

And it IS a beautiful day. No. there is not snow on the ground.  This was one winter day visiting Nestlenook Farm in New Hampshire.

 I am up and at'tem printing pictures, matting and framing.  I have decided to bite the bullet and do a small festival in September in Moundsville WV.  I used to do it when it was in the spring, but was changed to fall a couple of years ago, and since it fell on covered bridge weekend I could not participate.

But, this year had to cancel Covered Bridge because I need to put up my tent, and I am not going to attempt that this year.  In fact am going to do away with several out-door-put-up-your-own-tent shows, and stick to festivals that supply the tents, or are inside.

I will see what next year brings.

In the meantime am planning on doing Elizabethtown.  Should be interesting.

In other news - the  walls in the dining room, kitchen, and bathroom have two coats of paint. Wonder when the floor/trim work will begin.  Can't be too soon to suit me.  And the dogs.

Guess I  had better let Sam and Coco back in so they can resume their napping and get to work. 

Enjoy your day and God Bless.

Saturday, August 11, 2012



Finally - the last day of a fantastic trip.  Leaving Cabra Castle - and Oscar - we boarded our bus for the final destination of our trip - Dublin, where it all started.

We arrived mid-morning, and had lunch. At 1 p.m. Nancy and I were being picked up by a driver and car to take us to Ferns Ireland, the area from which Nancy's family emigrated.

Our driver - Derek McKeown. 
What a fun day - he was right in the middle of whatever we were doing. 

On our way to Ferns (about 60 miles) we did a couple of detours to see things on the way.  Then Ferns.  We saw the Ferns Cathedral ruins,

the very old Ferns Church and cemetery, and the partial ruins of Ferns Castle. 

 At Ferns Castle they were preparing for a celebration the next day, so they decided to practice some of their dancing with us as spectators.  What fun!

This last picture was taken with our Bus Driver- Bob Reed.  He was a fantastic driver, tour guide, and, by the end of the trip, friend.

What an exciting day, especially for Nancy.  A life-long dream had come true.  We spent the remainder of the day at Ferns, arriving back in Dublin for our final meal before leaving early next morning for  the airport and the flight home.  And what an amazing time we had.

It took a while to finish the tale of our trip, but there you have it.  Would I do it again?  In a minute.  

My travel plans for the remainder of the year have been changed / cancelled.  But there is next year.  Always look ahead.  The past is past.  You can't always do what you had planned, but you can continue planning and dreaming, and hoping.  You never know what awesome adventures lay waiting for you.  You take one day at a time, and never stop dreaming. 

Enjoy your weekend and God Bless.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


HOPE SO ... AUGUST 09 2012 ...

Looks Promising - keeping my fingers crossed - also my toes.  Have had work done every day this week and can see progress.  Working on the dry wall, sanding, and painting.  Then, maybe, hopefully, if we are lucky, the actual work of installing will begin.......

Have been able to use my regular computer, been editing my Ireland pics, trying to get a slide show together. Feels good to be busy again.

Had to go to the Highlands this morning to pick up new RX's - hopefully will get my blood pressure back to normal.


Steelers play their first pre-season game tonight in Philadelphia.  Can hardly wait.  You would never guess in a million years that I am a Steeler fan would you?

Added 48 new Ireland pics to the business.  Out of over 4000.  Talk about hard editing.  Don't know what the final count will be for the slide-show pics.  Guess I will find out.

Am showing an Ireland pic today depicting the Irish Potato Famine in the 1800's.  These sculptures are heart-breaking to see, makes you realize how very fortunate we are.

Had the doggies out for a breath of fresh air, they just returned to the down-stairs living quarters.  They seem to have adjusted pretty well.  Of course they sleep most of the time, so it really doesn't matter where they are.

Better get this posted before the predicted storms move in and knock me off the internet.  Have a good day, stay safe, and God Bless.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


TO A POINT ... AUGUST 08 2012 ....

Leaving me something to think about.  Visited Family Doctor today - he doesn't know why I had a mini-stroke because all reports from the hospital states that "everything is perfectly normal".  Guess they don't know everything.  Or at least, they don't know me.

Was released to drive.  Great news.  Bossman just had a 2-word reply - "that's scary".  What does he know?

Only problem is blood pressure too high.  He prescribed a new pill for the next month.  Then we will see where we go from there.  Leave it to me to have problems with no symptons.

Work finally starting to move along  in the kitchen and bathroom. Hope it continues.

Been working on my picture inventory for when I can resume doing festivals - Oglebayfest the first weekend in October.  Can hardly wait.

Have a lot of new pics to incorporate into the business.  Also trying to put together a slide-show album of the Ireland trip to have to share with friends and family    Have a couple who are friends presently doing an Ireland/Scotland  tour with the same outfit as I was with.    We want to get together when they get back and compare notes and pics. Should be fun.

This was taken in Cong where THE QUIET MAN with John Wayne was filmed.  What a beautiful little town.

Got lots to think about so had better quit laying and start thinking.  Have a good day and God Bless.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012



Something my daughter-in-law Tammie said to me just after I got home from the hospital came to mind.

She told my that I have such a busy life, done so many things, seen so many things, I should start another book, beginning with earliest childhood memories.

I didn't pay too much attention, but the thought keeps coming back.  The changes I have seen, and actually lived through.  Over 3/4 of a century.  Perhaps I will think it through.  Perhaps.

Also had phone call from son Andy in Maine.  Since Nancy and I had to cancel our September trip up there, they are coming home for the week.

Lauri, my other daughter-in-law wanted to let me know that if she is to make her special home-made spaghetti sauce, I jolly well better have my kitchen done.   She is not going to cook all day in a cast iron kettle over an open fire.  Can't imagine why not.  She can do anything  - and I DO mean anything.  That should be a piece of cake for her.

Son Mike came by last night and installed a safety bar for the 4 steps where there is no railing.  As I have been going up and down several times a day, this makes it much more secure for me, and everyone else using these steps.  Tammie also sent over some home-made stew which we will have for supper tonight.

Rebecca checks on me several times a week to make sure I am behaving.  Guess she knows that I am not real god following orders.  Bossman informed me last night that the walls pay more attention to him than I do.  I told him (they are cement block) they were full of holes, therefore could absorb more.  He just shakes his head and keeps on going.  Poor guy.

Then Linda in Arizona calls every Sunday.  We had to laugh, as Jerry's cousin who lives just an hour away in Ohio, called her to make sure I was doing o.k.

I have also had many many calls from friends, along with cards, and I realize how blessed I have been with family and friends.

And so, I have gone from nothing to say to probably too much.  I guess it beats talking about my non-workers working in my non-kitchen.  Sure hope it is finished before Lauri arrives. They definitely DO NOT want her to ask what the problem is.

Everyone enjoy the nice weather and God Bless.

Monday, August 6, 2012


SO FAR...AUGUST 05 2012......

As no one has shown up to work on the kitchen, etc., and it is 10 a.m...

The  excuses are getting old real fast.  So far they have shown me nothing to ever recommend them for a job. 

And I am definitely getting tired of living down stairs, and when I go upstairs it is such a mess it makes my head ache.

Poor dogs don't know what is going on, their routine is completely out of whack.  So is mine.

Therefore I don't really have anything to talk about today.  And that is definitely not normal.  I am beginning to think I will never be normal again.  I will never have a normal house, a normal routine, a normal brain, or anything else normal.

So next time you complain about every-day things, stop and just be glad you are having an every-day day.  It could look like my day, and you definitely don't want that.

So enjoy what you have and God Bless.

Sunday, August 5, 2012



High pitched squeel, no computer, dirty loooks from the dogs - they didn't like the noise.  Sorry - I didn't do it and don't know how to fix it.

Pretty soon bossman came and down and for some unknown reason the power something-or-other had kicked off.  I know it has to be the resident ghost as I was clear across the room when this happened.

By the time we were up and running, I had no clue as to what I was going to write about.

I do know I am already tired of the torn up house.  Enough is enough!!!!!

So this morning decided to write something.  Didn't know what, then I got a phone call. Made my day.

The call from Senecaville Ohio.  The callers - Russ, Kay, Judy, Ted, and Vicki.  It was Y-Bridge festival weekend in Zanesville Ohio and I was supposed to be there.  They were all on the phone and it sure was good to hear from all of them.  Russ, Kay and Vicki would be heading home later today.

I really miss the festivals. For almost 35 years have been participating.  I am not a very good patient as I have no patience with being unable to do what I love doing.

If all goes well, will be back in the swing with Oglebayfest in October.  Then Washington and Morgantown.  At least that is the game-plan.

So, I will continue playing the waiting game, pray for patience, and God Bless.

Friday, August 3, 2012

OUT and AT''EM


D-I-L Tammie took me down to the highlands to do my shopping. Felt great to be out.  Will take it easy the rest of the afternoon.

I must say - Panhandle, who is doing our remodeling, has a very good reputation, but Jerry really bent out of shape, and I am fast following suit.

They started tearing out the kitchen and bathroom July 16.  This is August 3 - going on 4 weeks.  Today is another day that no one has shown up to work.  Other days we are lucky if 1 person shows, and very rarely stays the entire day. 

We were told 3-4 weeks.  At this rate will be 3-4 months, and counting.  Needless to say we are NOT IN THE LEAST HAPPY!!!

I can understand things not always going as scheduled, but no-show  after no-show.  There is definitely something wrong here.

We do have all new dry wall up - it takes 4 weeks to put up dry wall?  There was some electrical work and plumbing done, but not 4 weeks worth.  We need the new floors laid (8 weeks maybe?), the new cabinets and cupboards installed (3 months?) and new counter tops (forever?).  At this rate it will be 2013 before the work is finished- if then.

If you hear of a mighty explosion on Bushko Lane, you will know the volcano has erupted.  Or maye I should say 2 volcanoes?

Have a good day and God Bless.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


SOUNDS GOOD ... AUGUST 02 2012....

The only thing remaining is release from either my family doctor (apt. pending) or my neurologist (apt. pending).

Now if only the remodeling would move along. 

The waiting is already getting to be too much.  Will be glad to get my life back to normal.

Have finished reading the second newest release as published by Double Edge Press.  Once again it is a winner.  Guess I'll revue it today.

Then it may be  while before I get another one read.  Will play it by ear.

Did get my Royalty Check yesterday ( this is based on the sale of my 5 books) and was surprised and pleased.

Now, on to the next book review:





I tend to read mostly mysteries, romantic mysteries, and close to the heart stories.  This book took place during the Civil War, and again, it is one that once started you don't want to put it down.

It begins in the present with descendants of a Civil War Confederate soldier, and a promise this soldier made to the minister of a small Church on Cotton Creek.  The promise was that he, if he survived the war, and his descendants would return to the Church and repaint the white cross every 5 years. 

It seems that throughout the years there have been many events happening to folks visiting the Church.  Events that cannot be explained, but many stories abound. 

As you read, the story goes back to the War, and the two wounded men who found shelter at the Church, were hidden and tended to whenever Northern troops were in the vicinity.

The preacher and his wife took care of painting the cross, and it was in need of being repainted.  He told his guests that it only  need repainted every 5 years.  He also mentioned that as he got older it was harder to repaint.  One of the men being protected painted the cross for the Preacher.  Thus the promise being made in the mid-1800's that is still being carried out today.

As the story unfolds, you learn so much about the behind-the-scenes events that unfolded, and also learn about the present day descendants and how they are true to their word.

I would recommend this book to any one of any age group.  It tells of courage, determination, and that a man's word is not to be broken.


I understand that author Havlin is writing a sequel to this book.  I hope to be one of the first to read the sequel.

This, and other Double Edge books, are available through their web-site, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other outlets.

Enough for now about book reviews.  Probably enough for today.  I hope all is well with everyone and God  Bless.