Thursday, November 21, 2013


--- GUSSIED UP ... NOVEMBER 21 2013

Whatever that is.  I have already started this a.m. because it takes much much longer to look presentable. and tonight I have to look presentable.  I will be working on the "presentable" most of the day.

And just why is that?

I am one of the 20 accepted artists to display their work at the Shrader Center at Oglebay Park in Wheeling for the next  about 6 weeks.  Our work will be on display and for sale.  They have bus load after bus load coming through the park for the Christmas Festival of Lights, and that is one of the stops.  Then there will be the private automobiles.  All of the above spend much of the day at Oglebay.

Spent part of the day Tuesday preparing my display.  Tonight is the artist's reception, beginning at 5 p.m.  You know, food and all that stuff. 

Now you know about the "gussied up" bit.  Going to be a major operation.  Really major.

I love every minute of it.  Best part, two of my friends, Russ and Vicki, also have their work on display.  We will definitely party tonight!!!!!!!!  The show and sale lasts until early January.

And since I am such a good step-mom, am making a pot of home-made vegetable soup for bossman for his supper tonight.  Am I good or what?  I also have ulterior motives, but will not go into that until later.

I am attaching two of my newest pics.  No - these are not at Oglebay but will be with me when I do the Aladdin Shrine Temple Christmas Festival in Columbus, Ohio.  Just thought you might like seeing them.

Quite an extreme, one ready to collapse into the water, another sparkling in the sun.  The floating away is at the 1000 Islands in New York.  The Victorian Mansion is in Pennsylvania.

Well, better get off of here and make the soup.  That way I can have some for my lunch.  Just taste-testing you know.

Have a great day and God Bless.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


A LOT OF DAYS... NOVEMBER 20 2013...

That's right.  When I decided to blog I thought it had just been a couple of days - not a couple of WEEKS!

I know I am busy - but a COUPLE OF WEEKS.  What on earth have I been doing?  I always knew I was a "little bit off", "not quite all there", but losing a couple of weeks.  That is pretty pitiful.

Yes - I know I have been preparing for, and doing, my last couple of festivals for the year.  Yes, I have already been wrapping Christmas presents.  Tell you more about that later, if I don't forget.  Making my menu for Thanksgiving dinner so I know what to get at the grocery store.   If I remember to take my list. Getting ready for a houseful on Thanksgiving day.  Getting ready for another houseful 2 days later when the family arrives from Maine.  Getting ready for another houseful of hunters Monday after (first day of deer season) to join the houseful from Maine) for the traditional turkey noodle soup, sandwiches and desert lunch.  Been doing that for more years than I can count.

Does anyone have a clue as to what I just wrote?  If you do, please clue me in.

It is no wonder that I can't keep track of time.  It just seems to disappear.  Lucky me.  I am getting older way faster than I thought I was, and that was fast enough, thank you.

Somewhere in all this confusion I want to get the Christmas tree and decorations in place. 

If you hear on TV or read in the newspaper about this "elderly" woman (not that I am elderly) who went spastic - don't ask me what spastic is, and don't ask me what I went, as at this time I don't have a clue)  you can figure it was me.

If within a reasonable amount of time I don't do another blog, you will know it was me.   Now, who would like to bail me out of Jail?

Have a great day and God Bless.

Monday, November 4, 2013



Besides having a blank mind - it is cold (brrrr!) outside.  Still have some flower bed work to be done, but not today.  Maybe not 'til spring  -  you never know.

I know I will go vote tomorrow.  I know I will attend Bible study on Wednesday morning.  That's my total list of what I know.  You really don't want to see the list of what I don't know. 

Have cleaned up my matting and framing area - not that it needed it.  But with only 2 more festivals this year I will not be adding any new pictures at this time.  What I have is what you'll get..

That area is now my official Christmas Gift Wrapping area,  a  really easy place to sort, wrap, label, pack and get ready for shipping and/or placing under the tree.  Said tree will go up the day after Thanksgiving (I DO NOT SHOP ON BLACK FRIDAY, WHICH STARTS ON THANKSGIVING DAY THIS YEAR, WHICH SHOULD BE OUTLAWED) but the presents will not start appearing until the middle of December. I like to keep everyone guessing.

I usually have two boxes to ship - one to Maine and one to Arizona.  This year, if all goes as planned, I will have the Maine packages all wrapped, labeled, and packed.  The kids are planning on driving home the Saturday after Thanksgiving so the guys can go deer hunting.  Us girls get to play house, or some such thing.

Talk about perfect timing.  A few fewer boxes to lug to Staples - I like to ship UPS as the packages are delivered to the door - for shipment. 

Well, had better get cracking.  If my computer co-operates I will share 3-4 pictures down (up) on the farm.  Have a great day and God Bless.