Saturday, March 31, 2012

PARDON ME!....MARCH 31 2012....
When I was in Yellowstone in 2007

To all my Facebook friends, blogger friends, and acquaintances.

I  am not, do not, ignore your posts and comments.  I am just not very good at replying to, clicking on like, or share, or whatever. 

Bossman always tells me I have "tunnel vision", especially when it comes to important stuff.  Maybe that is my problem. 

I thoroughly enjoy all the facebook gems that come my way, and the blogs that I read.  Too many times the blogs (mine included) make it very difficult to post a comment.  But then again, my blog won't always post whatever picture I have included, or even let me share a blog without trying 16 upmteen times. 

Now I see where blogspot is having a "face-lift" in April.  Just when I thought  I had it figured out.  No wonder my brain is fried.

Second guessing myself, which I do regularly, maybe it is Facebook that is having a face-lift.  I do know something is having said face-lift.

Now that that is out of the way, we got lucky, again, pertaining to the storms predicted for last night. I guess in Ohio it was pretty iffy re tornados.  I haven't heard as of yet of any really disasterous happenings around us.  We had lots of strange lightning, thunder, and rain, and it is a lot cooler this morning, but we are still on our hill-top, all in one piece, as far as I know, and functioning reasnably well..  

I guess the functioning part is questionable, but....

Can't believe tomorrow is April Fool's Day.  What happened to January, February and March? 

I managed to get half of my largest flower bed cleaned off yesterday afternoon and bossman got the back yard mowed in the evening.  Don't think anything is going to get done outside today.

And, so, wherever you may be, and whatever you may be doing, count your blessings and God Bless.

Friday, March 30, 2012

FUN AND GAMES...MARCH 30 2012.....

Some days I don't know what to blog about.  Today is one of those days.

When that happens I will open one of my picture files, maybe I'll get an idea.  Again, today is one of those days.

I am attaching 2 pictures taken three years ago when the daughter, son-in-law, and grandson and his family were home from Arizona.

We spent the day having fun, doing things I don't normally do.  Whoops!  That can open a whole new can of worms.  When am I ever normal?

But first things first.  This one day was just for the kids. 

It was within driving distance of West Alexander.  I am not going to say where.  Just that we had a good day.  Weather-wise and people-wise.  If you know where this is let me know.

This was grandson Dustin, his wife Tiffany and their two children, Ashlyne and McKenzie.  This is also the family that is home-schooling (Tiffany) their children.  Tiffany was home- schooled and knows all the ins and outs.

But the children are not "isolated", as they are involved, and have been involved, with swimming, dancing, I'm not sure what all, but they are always on the go and busy. 

Feel kind-a sorry for Dave and Linda though.  Three grand-daughters.  Their oldest son David and his wife also have a daughter, just turning 1 year old.  They are in for a wild ride down the road.

From a personal point of view, I found that raising sons was so much easier than raising a daughter.  A whole different scenario.  Somehow girls seem to find a way to make your hair turn at an early age.  I look back and wonder how my Mother did it with three girls.  I guess that is why her hair turned white at a very early age.  Back then you didn't color your hair, like women do today to hide their gray.

So today was about kids, grand-kids and great grand-kids.  And having fun. 

Enjoy your kids and grand-kids, all too soon they are adults, and you are old.  Have a good day and God Bless.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


You answer automatically.  Sometimes the calls are mistakes, sometimes family, sometimes friends, sometimes business, sometimes pleasure.  Sometimes happy, sometimes sad.  Sometimes - surprises!

About 9 p.m.last night I got such a phone call.  It was from Ben.  Ben is the Amish gentleman that Nancy and I stayed with while in Amish country.  He and his wife were great, we really enjoyed ourselves.

When Nancy and I travel and stay with someone other than your standard hotels/motels, she especially, and I, try to have some small gift as a thank-you.  Since this was my first time staying with the Amish, I had no clue as to what would be appropriate.

The light-bulb came on while in their home.  I noticed they had magazines on an end table in their living room, typical magazines such as we would have.

So upon returning home I sent them Volume I of my IF ONLY I COULD TALK books.  Keeping my fingers crossed that it would be appropriate.

Ben just wanted to thank me for the book, he said he was really loving the stories, especially the ones told from the animals point of view.  He mentioned that animals were really a lot smarter than we give them credit for, and as soon as he finished the book he wants his wife Emma to read it.

He also said he would like to come to this part of the country and see our farm, and he had seen where I had 5 children (I have no clue where this came from) and that one as Andy and one Rebecca, and that they also had a son Andy and a daughter Rebecca.  All I can figure he must have had someone research me to see if I was legitimate or not.

While we were visiting, Nancy had invited them to come to Washington County and "we" could show them around and that they could "stay at Martha's house as she had a real nice place".  I haven't told bossman this little tidbit yet. 

So who knows?  Perhaps down the road I will be entertaining an Amish couple. 

As I said, when the phone rings you never know.

Have a good day and God Bless.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Today's blog is a little different.  For a change it is not about me.  Enough is enough.

I just thought I would share something with you that I have run across several times throughout the years. 


This is the legend of the Cherokee youth's rite of passage.

His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him, and leaves him alone.  He is required to sit on a stump the entire night and cannot remove the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it.  He cannot cry out for help to anyone.

Once he survives the night, he is a MAN.

He cannot tell the other boys of this experience because each lad must come into manhood on his own.

The boy is naturally terrified.  He can hear all kinds of noises  Wild beasts must surely be all around him.  Maybe even some human might do him harm.

The wind blew, his stump shook, but he sat stoically, never removing the blindfold.  It would be the only way he could become a man.

Finally, after a horrific night the sun appeared and he removed his blindfold.

It was only then that he discovered his father sitting on the stump next to him.

He had been watching the entire night, protecting his son from harm.

We, too, are never alone.  Even when we don't know it, God is watching over us, sitting on the stump beside us.

Just because you can't see God, it doesn't mean He isnot there.

When you feel over-whelmed, over-burdened, over-worked, and think there is no one to care, just remember.  Your FATHER is sitting on the stump next to you.

Have a good day and God Bless. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

ROUND 'N ROUND WE GO.....MARCH 27 2012.....

Just like on a merry-go-round.  That is my life.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.  Let's see, where do I start.  Probably with the best.

Talked to daughter Rebecca a couple of nights ago and heard some really exciting news.  Granddaughter Shelby has been invited to become a member of the NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY.  She is a junior in H.S. this year.  Is that cool, or what.

She has been on the honor roll in her school all through middle and high school, high honors yet.  She also tutors other students.  The induction ceremony is in May.  WOW!!!

Also saw the cover Rebecca has designed for her first book release this year.  It is awesome.  Anxious to get a copy of the book to read when it is released.

Next - have a meeting with Candice, (friend and travel agent) today re the trip to Ireland in June.  It will be here before we know it.  Nancy and I already tossing ideas back and forth regarding  how much we should take with us for a 15 day round trip (12 days touring, 3 days travel time). 

In addition to flying, we will be taking a 12 day bus tour of Ireland, beginning and ending in Dublin.  Can only have one large suitcase and smaller carry on for the bus.  Going to take some juggling.  Decisions, decisions.

Also am to judge the photography portion of the annual art show held in the Library at Woodsfield Ohio on Monday April 2nd.  Which is good as I'll get to spend the day with friend Georgia.  Also, if I can squeeze it in, they prefer that I attend the awards ceremony (which will be on Saturday April 7th) to present the photography ribbons.  That is  iffy, as it is the day before Easter.  Will have to play it by ear.

As of right now the weeks of April 8th and 15th are free.....hope to get my flower beds finished.

The packing to leave for Arizona.  When I return it will be May and I will wonder where April disappeared to.

I don't think we got the hard freeze here on the hill-top that was predicted for last night.  I do know that down in the valley it is always much colder than up here.  You would think it would be the other way around, but no, they are always colder.

I didn't see any frost this morning, and the temp as  in the mid 30's.  Maybe our orchard lucked out.

Also thought I would share pictures taken a while back in the winter. 

I stood in my dining room looking out the glass wall and took the pictures.  Enjoy and be glad that spring is springing, hopefully.  Take care and God Bless.

Monday, March 26, 2012

WHAT HAPPENED???...MARCH 26 2012......

I'll tell you what happened.  It's cold.  39 degrees here.  Going to be colder tonight and tomorrow morning.  All the flower buds and budding trees are going to get frosted.  I have moved the flowers I bought from the nursery into the house for the duration.  

Even the dogs, wanting out, stick their noses out the door, and start backing up.  They don't like it either, and they have fur coats.  Wimpy dogs.

There is a lot of sickness around right now, especially pneumonia.  It is no wonder with the temperature changes.  No way to get adjusted.

Now for a brighter note.  I can't believe Easter is only 2 weeks away.  It was just New Years.  And in 4 weeks will be on my way to sunny Arizona.  Hopefully it will be warmer than 39 degrees.

Still have 6 flower beds to clean up.  Will try to  be finished before Arizona, as upon return want to order in my mulch.  That is the fun part, the flower beds always look so nice and clean and fresh once the mulch is down.

Also upon return will start seriously getting organized for the first art festival of the year, which will be in Morgantown West Virginia in Mid-May.  I wonder how much I will forget to take with me?  It will have been 6 months since last festival in November.  Can forget a lot of stuff in six months.

I have been getting some of my new pictures ready for their first showing.  I'll be interested in seeing who likes what.  Every year it is something different.

Have to get cracking now, several errands to run, and this will be the day to do them as I don't like to work out when it is this cool/cold.  Guess I am right up there with the wimpy dogs. 

So if you have to be out, dress warmly, and God Bless.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

TRYING TO BE GOOD.....MARCH 25 2012....

Which is not easy for me.  I can get into trouble without even trying.  It just follows me around like - well, like, it just follows me around.

I have mentioned we are trying to downsize.  We have way too much "stuff" and really need to clean house.  I am trying to do my part.  I only bought a few things in Amish country, all edible.

Bought three jars of jam and jelly, ground tapioca (for pies and pudding) mini chocolate chips (for black bottom cupcakes and cc cookies) and a package of soup mix.  All stuff we can eat. 

The only non-edible item I brought back was a new touch lamp for my bedroom.  My old one finally gave up, and have been using a regular bedside lamp for several years now.  One of the gift shops we visited had touch lamps.  Now, when I get around to it (I can be slower than molasses) I will replace the regular lamp with the touch lamp.

I also bought several annual flower plants from the Amish nursery for my three tier flower bed (top tier).  I always plant annuals there for color.  Now I have to find the annuals for the middle tier. 

Nothing new to clutter up the house.  I"m sure bossman breathed a sigh of relief.

Guess I had better close out and start thinking about getting ready for Church.  So enjoy your "day of rest" and God Bless. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Wednesday, day three, breakfast was on the table at 8 a.m.  After saying goodbye to Emma (Ben was at work), Nancy and I hit the road for home, planning on a photo-shoot on the way.

We had a beautiful day for traveling.  It was also a great photo-shoot.   All in all we found 2 covered bridges, 4 mills, 2 neat barns and 2 mail pouch tobacco barns.  Had a little over 200 pictures upon arriving home, after editing and sorting, that kind of stuff, I have 147 in my digital album of our trip to Amish country.  Of that 147 I think there will be approximately 10 that will be added to the business. 

The first picture is of the Weaver Mill Covered Bridge, north of Goodville Pa.  The next two pictures are of the manicured lawn adjoining the bridge, and the neat old barn across the road.

Next will be Herr Mill built in 1760, located in Lampeter Pa.  Then we stopped at Historic Pool Forge, one of the buildings is below, along with the parking sign, there was also the Herr Mill Covered Bridge that I photographed.

Pool Forge was established in the 1700's, the building I am showing was the forge-masters home. 

While still in Amish country we stopped at the bulk store again - there were still a few items left in the store that Nancy needed.  We had lunch at an Amish diner.

Even with all our stopping and stuff, we were home just about 8 p.m. Wednesday evening, then came the fun of sorting, unloading, Nancy loading (she had left her car at our house) and heading for home.

Needless to say I had absolutely no get-up-and-go on Thursday.  Yesterday managed to get the second of my flower beds cleaned off.  Rain today, so I've been told, so am not planning on any outdoor work.

Seems as if I can sit here and actually see the leaves growing on the trees.  March has not been March-like at all.  I wonder what April will bring - will it be April showers, or April storms?  Only time will tell.  In the meantime, enjoy the weather and God Bless. 

Friday, March 23, 2012


Since I jumped the gun last evening, am going ahead and writing my blog today, so there will be two with the March 23 date.  Love to keep you all confused

Day 2 - Tuesday - and breakfast was on the table at 8 a.m.  We were both up, and ready to eat.  She had made, I don't remember what she called it, but very much like bread pudding, with juice, coffee or tea, or water. 

Ben had been called to work driving one of the Amish buggies, so after breakfast the 4 of us got in the car and we dropped him off for work.

This was the day Emma rode with us, we shopped, took her to Shady Maple for lunch, shopped, shopped, shopped.  Her daughter Maddy was having us for supper so we arrived at her house around 3 p.m. 

Her home was also beautiful but...have you ever seen a house built on top of a barn?  You read this right, the foundation of the house was a barn, cement floor, horse stalls, etc etc.  The house was the second story of the barn.  She and her husband also have a nursery and I found some flowers for my 3 tiered flower bed that I bought and brought home with me.

Supper, again, was delicious.  Nancy took one of her famous naps while we were waiting for dinner to be served.  I took pictures. 

Horses in the pasture

The view from the deck

Below, a scissors holder hanging over the sewing machine (treadle machine)

After supper Emma asked if we would have room in the van for a platform rocker Maddy was giving her for her living room.  Nancy and I just looked at each other.  Van was full.  Didn't want to say "NO", so we said we would see what we could do.

Unloaded all of our shopping.  Our's was in the back, Emma's was in the front.  We got the rocker in, packed the shopping around and on top of the chair.  We were supposed to pick Ben up around 6 p.m.  So off we went.  He had just finished up when we arrived, so from there went back to the house, unloaded the rocker, and some other stuff that Ben had wanted from Maddy, and sat and talked a while. 

Ben told us stories about some of the tourists riding in the buggy he drove, and said he had some inquiries about staying with them.  He also got a phone call (his phone is in a phone booth at the bottom of his drive, they leave messages, I don't know what the arrangement is, didn't ask) from a couple from Utah who had been with him before, and wanted to come Wednesday to visit.  Worked out perfectly as we were leaving Wednesday morning. 

8 p.m.  Off to bed.  Ben had to be up at 4 a.m. as it would be his day to work at Shady Maple on Wednesday.  Emma had to prepare for new guests.

That night Nancy and I both read, for quite some time.  We knew breakfast would be ready at 8 a.m. for us.

The days flew by.  So many new things to see and do.  What an awesome experience to do something like this.  They were two very nice, and very interesting, folks to talk to, as was their daughter and her family.  Good memories.

What more can anyone ask?  So here I am, again.  Tomorrow will detail our final day (Wednesday) in Amish country and journey home.  Until then, enjoy the sun, don't work too hard and God Bless.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Returned from Lancaster Pa. late Wednesday night.  It was a non-stop 3 days, yesterday didn't get anything done but unpack, start laundry, down-load pictures, edit pictures, and cook supper for boss-man.

Nancy arrived Sunday night.  We left at 5 a.m. Monday morning, in the rain, of course.  Rained for the first 2-1/2 hours we were on the road, then became nice, sun, but not overly bright, and dry roads.   We were meeting a couple of friends for lunch at the Shady Maple Smorgasbord around 11 a.m.  Hence the early departure.

We arrived in time to stop at one of the bulk stores.  I did a little shopping, 3 plastic shopping bags worth, Nancy did a cart and a half.  The prices are definitely right, I bought necessities for home.  Nancy bought necessities for home, for all her friends, for the homeless shelter she helps at on occasion, for the group home, and I don't know what all else.  I just watched, and decided I sure was glad I had a van.

 Lunch was wonderful, then headed off to Ben and Emma's, the folks we were staying with.  True Amish.  They run a sort-of Bed and Breakfast (theirs also includes supper), and I learned are very selective as to whom they welcome to stay with them.  Their house was lovely, they built it 20 some years ago when they had 6 young children.

Children now grown and on their own, hence the B&B.  Ben works when needed at the Shady Maple Smorgasbord, in the kitchen as a meat cutter.  He also works, as needed, at the Good & Plenty Amish center where he is a buggy driver for tourists wanting to take a "real" buggy ride with a "real" Amish driver.

It is while doing this that he makes contacts with folks looking for a little more than just a buggy ride, and by being with them he knows whether to mention his B&B, or just keep his mouth shut.

Ben was free on Monday, so after our arrival he said he would ride with us in the car, taking me to see a few things I might want to take pictures of (he didn't mind as long as I did not photograph him or Emma).  We found a covered bridge, an absolutely beautiful mill, that is now a museum,

and a couple of different Amish owned and run gift shops where we could browse, and of course, buy, which we did.  I bought my "travel only" jam and jelly, (3 jars in fact) to bring home with me.

Looked at the beautiful quilts and quilted runners, drooled a little bit, but passed, this time.  Maybe next time?

We arrived back at the house about 5:45 as Emma had told us supper would be ready at 6.  And what a good meal it was.  It seemed so strange to see her mashing potatoes by hand, no lights, just daylight to work by, a refrigerator that runs on propane, same with the cook stove.

By the time dinner was over, she actually let me dry dishes for her, it was going on 8 p.m. and getting dark.  They usually retire early.  So Nancy and I did also.  They gave us each a lantern so we could find our way upstairs to our bedrooms and bathroom.  Yes they had bathrooms, did not have to go out side.  Whew!!

They told us we could use the lanterns as long as we liked - we had mentioned we usually carried reading material with us), and just turn them off when read for bed.  We had both taken little travel flashlights with us, more for going to the bathroom in the middle of the night than anything else.  Us old folks go a lot at night.  Just wait, your time is coming.  As we started up to go to bed Emma told us she would see us at 8 a.m. for breakfast.  Guess that was a hint to be up and ready for the day.

Neither Nancy or I ended up reading, it had been a long day, and believe it or not neither one of us had trouble falling asleep.  Tomorrow would be another day.

 I have nothing to compare them with, as far as living with them, but their grace before a meal is a silent affair.  You fold your hands, bow your head, say a silent prayer, and kind of waited until you heard Ben move before you knew it was o.k. to look up and eat.

And so day No. 1 came to an end.  Beds were comfortable, had both windows in the bedroom open, nice breeze coming through.  Would be hot in the summer (no A.C. of course) and we were glad we were there in the spring.

We had no clue as to what tomorrow would bring, but we knew it would be an experience.

I hope your week has been good, that you haven't worked too hard, and God Bless.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

GETTING READY...MARCH 18 2012......

For a lot of things.  Yesterday started cleaning off flower beds, got the 3 tier bed finished in the front, and started on one of the 7 remaining beds.  An absolutely picture-perfect day to be working out.  If I have 7 more good days, should be ready to order in my mulch.

Don't want to do that, though, until my return from Arizona, which will be May 2nd. 

Looks as if rain moving in today, and Nancy and I will be leaving early tomorrow for Lancaster Pa and our stay with an Amish family.  So will be off-line for a few days.

Got one rejection letter yesterday via e-mail.  Almost all applications, notifications, etc., are being done on-line now.  Makes it more convenient and easier.  I was not surprised by the rejection, it is a festival that you get accepted one year, then rejected the next.  As Russ and I both were accepted last year, we both were rejected this year.  As I told Russ, their entry fee is pretty steep, it would give us that little bit of extra money to use for something else.  Like my trip to Arizona the end of April. 

Nancy will be here this evening to spend the night, as we want to get an early start tomorrow.  I will be driving.  She will be co-pilot.  If you am not back on-line by the end of next week you will know we are lost somewhere.  Should be returning Wednesday night.  I hope you noticed the "should be".

Well, better sign off for now and get ready for Church.  This afternoon will be packing, getting ready for our road-trip.  Enjoy your day of rest, if you have to work, be careful, and God Bless.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


'tis the day of singin' and dancin' and eatin' and stuff.  But what do we know about St Patricks Day?  Just that there is a parade, everything is green, and we eat a lot.  (There's that reference to food again).  But why.

1.  ST PATRICK - St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is one of Christianity's most widely known figures. But for all his celebrity, his life remains somewhat of a mystery. At the age of 16, Patrick was taken prisoner by a  group of  Irish raiders who were  attacking his family's estate. They transported him to Ireland where he spent time in captivity. After more than six years as a prisoner, Patrick escaped walking nearly 200 miles from County Mayo, where it is believed he was held, to the Irish coast. After escaping.

After escaping to Britain, Patrick reported that he experienced a second revelation—an angel in a dream tells him to return to Ireland as a missionary. Soon after, Patrick began religious training, a course of study that lasted more than 15 years. After his ordination as a priest, he was sent to Ireland with a dual mission: to minister to Christians already living in Ireland and to begin to convert the Irish.  St Patrick died on March 17, 461.  

2.  THE SHAMROCK - The shamrock, which was also called the "seamroy" by the Celts, was a sacred plant in ancient Ireland because it symbolized the rebirth of spring. By the seventeenth century, the shamrock had become a symbol of emerging Irish nationalism.

3. IRISH MUSIC - From ancient days of the Celts, music has always been an important part of Irish life. The Celts had an oral culture, where religion, legend and history were passed from one generation to the next by way of stories and songs. After being conquered by the English, and forbidden to speak their own language, the Irish, like other oppressed peoples, turned to music to help them remember important events and hold on to their heritage and history.

.4. THE SNAKE - It has long been recounted that, during his mission in Ireland, St. Patrick once stood on a hilltop (which is now called Croagh Patrick), and with only a wooden staff by his side, banished all the snakes from Ireland. In fact, the island nation was never home to any snakes. 

5. LEPRECHAUNS -The original Irish name for these figures of folklore is "lobaircin," meaning "small-bodied fellow." Belief in leprechauns probably stems from Celtic belief in fairies, tiny men and women who could use their magical powers to serve good or evil. In Celtic folktales, leprechauns were cranky souls, responsible for mending the shoes of the other fairies. Though only minor figures in Celtic folklore, leprechauns were known for their trickery, which they often used to protect their much-fabled treasure. 

6. CORNED BEEF -Each year, thousands of Irish Americans gather with their loved ones on St. Patrick's Day to share a "traditional" meal of corned beef and cabbage. Though cabbage has long been an Irish food, corned beef only began to be associated with St. Patrick's Day at the turn of the century.  

So this is what St Patrick's day is all about, and maybe, just maybe, there is that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 

So wear your green clothes, watch the parade, drink your green drinks, look for the shamrock, enjoy your day and God Bless.

Friday, March 16, 2012

DAYS 3 and 4 and THE PURPLE COW....MARCH 16 2012....
Sunday we met at Andy and Lauri's house and the 8 of us went for breakfast at the Purple Cow.

We have eaten there before, the food is wonderful.  Had a fun, leisurely breakfast.  Afterwards Lauri, Tammie and I went food shopping (have you noticed how often I have mentioned food?) while the guys and Margo went back to the house.  To do guy stuff.  Guess Margo was going to supervise.

Lauri was planning on spaghetti for Sunday night supper, as granddaughter Jennifer, Eric and baby Kaedon were also going to be at the house.

So we shopped - Lauri does everything from scratch, and I do mean scratch.  We bought 4 kinds (I think) of sausage, pepperoni,  chunk cheese (to be grated) green, red and yellow peppers, garlic cloves, tomato sauces and puree,
onion, mushrooms.  Had a full cart.  I want you to know this is how Tammie shopped with us.

Arriving home, the production line started.  Tammie and I wanted to help, but Lauri and Andy have it down pat, they really work well together in the kitchen.  It was an all afternoon job of chopping, grinding, grating, cooking and stirring.  But, boy did it smell good!!!!!!!!!

We did make a side trip on the way home from shopping, Colby College.  A beautiful campus, the pics attached are of the chapel and administration building, I think.

Supper was awesome, spaghetti, home-made buns (Lauri's aunt made them and gave them to her), toss salad, and left-over birthday cake.  None of us had room for the cake.  It was the VERY BEST spaghetti any of us had eaten.  I told her when they came home next time, her job would be to make a big pot of this spaghetti sauce so I could put it in the freezer for Jerry and me to have spaghetti.  It was awesome.

We returned to the motel late.  Next morning (Monday) we made arrangements to keep the rental car and turn it in at the Boston airport.  None of us were ever ever ever going to fly in one of those toy planes again!  As our flight out was not until 4:30 p.m. we had ample time.  It was a nice drive, about 2-1/2 hours, had a good meal at the airport, and arrived home safely.

And so, another adventure has come and gone.  The next one is just around the corner.  Will get into that later in the week.  (Not much of this week left, is there?)  Don't work too hard, as it is time to start thinking outside stuff, and God Bless.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

DAY 2 and HISTORY 101...MARCH 15 2012.......

Saturday in Maine.  Had a leisurely breakfast, then decided to check out Augusta as none of us had been there before.  Ended up at their historical riverfront area and visited Old Fort Western.

Fort Western was built in 1754 on the Kennebec River in Augusta.  It is the oldest surviving wooden fort in Maine and all of New England.  Benedict Arnold used the fort site as a staging point for the assault on Quebec during the American Revolution.  A lot of history here.

From there we drove to Lewiston and stopped at Lewiston's Great Falls. The falls is part of the Androscoggin River.  (Hope you can pronounce it, I just mess it up in the translation). 

Located near the falls was also the Knight House, built in 1790 at Goffs Corners, Lewiston Falls Maine. 

Then it was time to head back to the motel to get ready for party time. 

The party was great.  Andy was totally surprised.  Fantastic food, lots of funny over the hill type cards and gifts, Michael's toast/roast was hilarious, we laughed until we cried.  It was definitely an evening to remember.

Tomorrow will complete the saga of the Maine trip.  In the meantime enjoy the daffodils and crocuses that are blooming and God Bless.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Last Friday morning bright and early we (Mike, Tammie, Jerry, and, of course, me) headed for the airport.  We flew Jet Blue.  First Time.  Would land in Boston to make connection to Augusta Maine, where we would be staying.

Son Andy (whose birthday party we were attending) had no business in Augusta so we were pretty safe in not having to watch out and not run into him.

So a-skipping off we go.  We arrive in Pittsburgh, go to our favorite off-site parking garage The Parking Spot, leave the van and take the shuttle to the airport. 

Jet Blue planes are nice, a little extra leg room, built in entertainment centers, all o.k. Jerry and I on one side of the aisle, Mike and Tammie just across from us.  We could goof off just fine.

Landed in Boston.  Smooth flight.  Beautiful weather all the way.  Our connecting flight was through Jet Blue's partner Cape Air.  Never heard of it, but that's o.k.  I have never heard of a lot of things.  I should have known when we could not get boarding passes on line for Cape Air.  We had to report to the Cape air desk in Boston.

Then the real "fun" began.  The desk agent needed to weigh all our bags (we each had only one standard size carry-on, we were only going to be gone 3 days), we just looked at each other and handed over our bags, where-upon they proceeded to weigh each bag, and attach a tag with the bag weight.  (Tammie's was the heaviest, mine the lightest, the guys in-between.)
Home free.

Nope.  The he said he needed our weights --yes we had to tell him how much we weighed.  We are looking at each other "ut-oh, this doesn't sound good", but if we wanted to get to Augusta we had to comply.  Mike and Jerry were heaviest, Tammie and I lighter, thank goodness!!!  After that we were given the go-ahead, but nothing like boarding passes. 

At boarding time the ticket agent had us proceed down a flight of stairs to the landing strip, where we were met by a "tour guide" who walked us across the landing strip to our "toy airplane"!.  We just looked at each other.

Our luggage was taken from us and stowed in a compartment in the front of the plane.  It had 2 old-fashioned propellers.  Then they  (by then there were 4 men standing there),  one was the pilot, one the co-pilot, and they announced that the two heaviest would board first.  Mike and Jerry.  There were a couple of other people with us, but is was just a 7 seat airplane.  Right.  7.  The reason for loading pattern was keeping the weight balanced in our toy airplane.  The heaviest went first, sat right behind the pilot and co-pilot.  Jerry got the behind the pilot seat. 

You could not stand up in this little toy, had to walk bent over to your tiny little seat in this tiny little airplane.  So we are ready to fly to Augusta.

Once seated we were all comfortable, except for bossman.  Wish my camera had been handy, what a photo-op.  The pilot was a large man, about Jerry's size.  He pushed his seat clear back, until he was in Jerry's lap.  Literally.  So not only did Jerry have the pilot in his lap, he is tall (like his Dad was), and had to sit bent over.

He didn't even have wiggle room. And a 45 minute flight. 

Of course no flight attendant (would have had to be a midget) no beverages (you could die of thirst) no entertainment, just hipity-hopping along for 45 minutes at about 7000 feet. 

We arrived, landed, and crawled off the plane.  You could hear backs creaking as we all stood up.  Except Jerry.  He had a hard time standing up again.  And to top it all Lauri had come to the airport to meet us, and was bent over laughing so hard.  She was right at the door to the hut that was the terminal.  First thing Michael told Lauri was that if the pilot had turned around for any reason he would have been right in Jerry's face, they could have kissed.  More laughter, we could hardly walk through the hut to the parking lot.  Lauri told us that when she saw that airplane landing her first thought was (this doesn't look good).

Of course they are all looking at me.  I was the cause of it all as I booked the flight.  Everyone was in agreement that we fly into Augusta, I had no clue what Cape Air was about, figured it was a smaller commuter Jet.  It was a commuter o.k.  Just not a jet.

We had a rental car waiting a short distance from the airport, Lauri took us and our luggage there to pick up the car, and it just so happened that our motel was directly across the street from the rental place.

We checked into the motel, Lauri headed home from "shopping".   We loafed a while, then headed to their home in Oakland, about 40 minutes away.  Andy works  5 p.m. - 5 a.m. on his shift, and we didn't want to arrive until we were sure he was at work.

We had supper at Cloud 9, the food was awesome, grandson Kurtis and his girlfriend Margo joined us for supper, then we all returned to the house and helped (watched) Lauri finish putting pictures on the posters for the party Saturday night.

It was late when we returned to the motel, Saturday was going to be a free day until we had to be at the restaurant party room in Waterville by 5 p.m.  

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

CLARIFICATION ... and ... SURPRISE....MARCH 13 2012.....

Clarification First.....

Remember last blog my mentioning boss man going to Minnesota and me going here and there?  That was true.  The clarification is - I did not say it was scheduled for this past weekend.  That was a whole different ball-game. I was hoping that everyone would just assume it was this past weekend and it must have worked, as Andy bought the story hook, line, and sinker.

Yes, bossman is going to Minnesota - the end of the month.  Yes, Nancy and I are going off - next week.  This was a cover-up.  Big time cover-up.

Now for the surprise part.

Bossman, son Michael and daughter-in-law Tammie and I actually flew to Maine on Friday.
Son Andy had just turned 50 on March 6th, there was a surprise 50th birthday party in the making.  Had been in the making for weeks.

As he reads my blog everyday, had to think of something to throw him off.  Thought I did a pretty good job.  He just figured I was  goofing off somewhere. 

I am not going to go into too much detail today, got in late last night, haven't gotten pics downloaded yet, am tired, and have to get my thoughts organized, if possible.  I will say, he was surprised, we had a wonderful long week-end, ate way too much good food, stayed up way too late every night, and had a ball.

Grandson Garrett must have done a fantastic job of dog-sitting and house-sitting, the dogs are alive and well, really weren't too excited that we had returned, the house was just as we had left it, I guess when emergencies arise (like me goofing off while poor Jerry is working) Garrett will be my number 1 dog/house sitter.

We don't like to leave the dogs, or house, unattended, and when I am gone Jerry usually works from home.  (One of the perks of his job).
That way there is always someone here. 

So am going to sign off for today.  Catch up with myself, if possible.  Just be prepared, there will be a lot of different stuff coming up the remainder of this week, starting with our flight to Maine.  Take care, hold your breath for the next installment (well you had better breath a little bit) and God Bless. 


Thursday, March 8, 2012

POOR or LUCKY DOGS?...MARCH 08 2012.....

I guess a little bit of both.  Jerry is scheduled to be in Minnesota (for business), and I am scheduled to be headed for warmer climate than here, although we are warmer than normal for this time of year. 

Dogs need a dog sitter.  Grandson Garrett volunteered.  He will be the official in-and-out-and-in person, the food-giver-outer person, and the just being-here-for-me person.  Will be a change for him, and a change for the dogs.  Change is good, isn't it?

Trees are budding out, tulips up about 4-6 inches, crocuses blooming, am afraid they will get their toes frosted.  It has been a strange year, not just weather-wise, but every thing else wise. 

Had to replace Jerry's computer and power pack.  Had to replace our dishwasher.  Waiting for the locksmith to call and arrive to fix Jerry's gun safe.  It requires a battery for the combination to work, there is something not right as it is going through 9 volt batteries like water.  Not supposed to do that.  With a dead battery, can't get into the safe. 

Lot of wind again today, but that seems to be the norm.  And how about the huge solar flare on the sun.  Supposed to be one of the largest  solar storms to hit earth in many years.  The forecast is it could interrupt some areas of power, etc. etc. 

Hope it doesn't blow any of our computers.  Or TVs.  Or whatevers. 

Nancy and my Amish trip should be interesting.  Will be staying with an Amish family.  Going back in time.  Will be a new experience.  The Amish lady is volunteering to ride with us in the car (guess I am driving) and take us places to see things that the normal tourist doesn't get to do.  She and her husband are also taking us to their daughter's for supper one night.  We will have a wonderful Amish meal.  

Well, better sign off here and get busy on what I need to do today.   I will be off-line until next week, not sure what day I will be back.  Depends on how well fed I am.  So enjoy your blog-free weekend, should have new pics to share  upon my return (bet you can hardly wait) and God Bless.