Thursday, March 22, 2012


Returned from Lancaster Pa. late Wednesday night.  It was a non-stop 3 days, yesterday didn't get anything done but unpack, start laundry, down-load pictures, edit pictures, and cook supper for boss-man.

Nancy arrived Sunday night.  We left at 5 a.m. Monday morning, in the rain, of course.  Rained for the first 2-1/2 hours we were on the road, then became nice, sun, but not overly bright, and dry roads.   We were meeting a couple of friends for lunch at the Shady Maple Smorgasbord around 11 a.m.  Hence the early departure.

We arrived in time to stop at one of the bulk stores.  I did a little shopping, 3 plastic shopping bags worth, Nancy did a cart and a half.  The prices are definitely right, I bought necessities for home.  Nancy bought necessities for home, for all her friends, for the homeless shelter she helps at on occasion, for the group home, and I don't know what all else.  I just watched, and decided I sure was glad I had a van.

 Lunch was wonderful, then headed off to Ben and Emma's, the folks we were staying with.  True Amish.  They run a sort-of Bed and Breakfast (theirs also includes supper), and I learned are very selective as to whom they welcome to stay with them.  Their house was lovely, they built it 20 some years ago when they had 6 young children.

Children now grown and on their own, hence the B&B.  Ben works when needed at the Shady Maple Smorgasbord, in the kitchen as a meat cutter.  He also works, as needed, at the Good & Plenty Amish center where he is a buggy driver for tourists wanting to take a "real" buggy ride with a "real" Amish driver.

It is while doing this that he makes contacts with folks looking for a little more than just a buggy ride, and by being with them he knows whether to mention his B&B, or just keep his mouth shut.

Ben was free on Monday, so after our arrival he said he would ride with us in the car, taking me to see a few things I might want to take pictures of (he didn't mind as long as I did not photograph him or Emma).  We found a covered bridge, an absolutely beautiful mill, that is now a museum,

and a couple of different Amish owned and run gift shops where we could browse, and of course, buy, which we did.  I bought my "travel only" jam and jelly, (3 jars in fact) to bring home with me.

Looked at the beautiful quilts and quilted runners, drooled a little bit, but passed, this time.  Maybe next time?

We arrived back at the house about 5:45 as Emma had told us supper would be ready at 6.  And what a good meal it was.  It seemed so strange to see her mashing potatoes by hand, no lights, just daylight to work by, a refrigerator that runs on propane, same with the cook stove.

By the time dinner was over, she actually let me dry dishes for her, it was going on 8 p.m. and getting dark.  They usually retire early.  So Nancy and I did also.  They gave us each a lantern so we could find our way upstairs to our bedrooms and bathroom.  Yes they had bathrooms, did not have to go out side.  Whew!!

They told us we could use the lanterns as long as we liked - we had mentioned we usually carried reading material with us), and just turn them off when read for bed.  We had both taken little travel flashlights with us, more for going to the bathroom in the middle of the night than anything else.  Us old folks go a lot at night.  Just wait, your time is coming.  As we started up to go to bed Emma told us she would see us at 8 a.m. for breakfast.  Guess that was a hint to be up and ready for the day.

Neither Nancy or I ended up reading, it had been a long day, and believe it or not neither one of us had trouble falling asleep.  Tomorrow would be another day.

 I have nothing to compare them with, as far as living with them, but their grace before a meal is a silent affair.  You fold your hands, bow your head, say a silent prayer, and kind of waited until you heard Ben move before you knew it was o.k. to look up and eat.

And so day No. 1 came to an end.  Beds were comfortable, had both windows in the bedroom open, nice breeze coming through.  Would be hot in the summer (no A.C. of course) and we were glad we were there in the spring.

We had no clue as to what tomorrow would bring, but we knew it would be an experience.

I hope your week has been good, that you haven't worked too hard, and God Bless.

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