Friday, March 23, 2012


Since I jumped the gun last evening, am going ahead and writing my blog today, so there will be two with the March 23 date.  Love to keep you all confused

Day 2 - Tuesday - and breakfast was on the table at 8 a.m.  We were both up, and ready to eat.  She had made, I don't remember what she called it, but very much like bread pudding, with juice, coffee or tea, or water. 

Ben had been called to work driving one of the Amish buggies, so after breakfast the 4 of us got in the car and we dropped him off for work.

This was the day Emma rode with us, we shopped, took her to Shady Maple for lunch, shopped, shopped, shopped.  Her daughter Maddy was having us for supper so we arrived at her house around 3 p.m. 

Her home was also beautiful but...have you ever seen a house built on top of a barn?  You read this right, the foundation of the house was a barn, cement floor, horse stalls, etc etc.  The house was the second story of the barn.  She and her husband also have a nursery and I found some flowers for my 3 tiered flower bed that I bought and brought home with me.

Supper, again, was delicious.  Nancy took one of her famous naps while we were waiting for dinner to be served.  I took pictures. 

Horses in the pasture

The view from the deck

Below, a scissors holder hanging over the sewing machine (treadle machine)

After supper Emma asked if we would have room in the van for a platform rocker Maddy was giving her for her living room.  Nancy and I just looked at each other.  Van was full.  Didn't want to say "NO", so we said we would see what we could do.

Unloaded all of our shopping.  Our's was in the back, Emma's was in the front.  We got the rocker in, packed the shopping around and on top of the chair.  We were supposed to pick Ben up around 6 p.m.  So off we went.  He had just finished up when we arrived, so from there went back to the house, unloaded the rocker, and some other stuff that Ben had wanted from Maddy, and sat and talked a while. 

Ben told us stories about some of the tourists riding in the buggy he drove, and said he had some inquiries about staying with them.  He also got a phone call (his phone is in a phone booth at the bottom of his drive, they leave messages, I don't know what the arrangement is, didn't ask) from a couple from Utah who had been with him before, and wanted to come Wednesday to visit.  Worked out perfectly as we were leaving Wednesday morning. 

8 p.m.  Off to bed.  Ben had to be up at 4 a.m. as it would be his day to work at Shady Maple on Wednesday.  Emma had to prepare for new guests.

That night Nancy and I both read, for quite some time.  We knew breakfast would be ready at 8 a.m. for us.

The days flew by.  So many new things to see and do.  What an awesome experience to do something like this.  They were two very nice, and very interesting, folks to talk to, as was their daughter and her family.  Good memories.

What more can anyone ask?  So here I am, again.  Tomorrow will detail our final day (Wednesday) in Amish country and journey home.  Until then, enjoy the sun, don't work too hard and God Bless.

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