Tuesday, March 13, 2012

CLARIFICATION ... and ... SURPRISE....MARCH 13 2012.....

Clarification First.....

Remember last blog my mentioning boss man going to Minnesota and me going here and there?  That was true.  The clarification is - I did not say it was scheduled for this past weekend.  That was a whole different ball-game. I was hoping that everyone would just assume it was this past weekend and it must have worked, as Andy bought the story hook, line, and sinker.

Yes, bossman is going to Minnesota - the end of the month.  Yes, Nancy and I are going off - next week.  This was a cover-up.  Big time cover-up.

Now for the surprise part.

Bossman, son Michael and daughter-in-law Tammie and I actually flew to Maine on Friday.
Son Andy had just turned 50 on March 6th, there was a surprise 50th birthday party in the making.  Had been in the making for weeks.

As he reads my blog everyday, had to think of something to throw him off.  Thought I did a pretty good job.  He just figured I was  goofing off somewhere. 

I am not going to go into too much detail today, got in late last night, haven't gotten pics downloaded yet, am tired, and have to get my thoughts organized, if possible.  I will say, he was surprised, we had a wonderful long week-end, ate way too much good food, stayed up way too late every night, and had a ball.

Grandson Garrett must have done a fantastic job of dog-sitting and house-sitting, the dogs are alive and well, really weren't too excited that we had returned, the house was just as we had left it, I guess when emergencies arise (like me goofing off while poor Jerry is working) Garrett will be my number 1 dog/house sitter.

We don't like to leave the dogs, or house, unattended, and when I am gone Jerry usually works from home.  (One of the perks of his job).
That way there is always someone here. 

So am going to sign off for today.  Catch up with myself, if possible.  Just be prepared, there will be a lot of different stuff coming up the remainder of this week, starting with our flight to Maine.  Take care, hold your breath for the next installment (well you had better breath a little bit) and God Bless. 


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