Monday, November 21, 2011


Another year winding down.  Another new year looming on the horizon. And there are so very many things to be done in the next few weeks.

Today clean the house and keep fingers crossed it stays clean.  Who knows?  Tomorrow have an early morning appointment, the will begin pre-food preparation for Thursday.  We have not winterized our deck as of yet as the forecast for Thursday is sunny and relatively warm.  There will be folks on the deck, the smokers if no one else, and they will have a place to sit. 

This is the deck before the landscaping was done.  you can see we have a lot of room.

On Thanksgiving morning friends and family usually begin arriving by 11 a.m., even though we do not eat until 1 p.m.  And the party begins!
It is usually around 8 p.m. before the last guests leave, we have eaten our way through, seemingly, tons of food throughout the day.  We have much to be thankful for. 

Our dinners are always buffet style, as there are far too many for a sit-down dinner.  Tradition is that just before the mad rush for the food (and at our house it is a mad rush) we all gather together in the dining room, forming a circle, holding hands, and thanks is given for all that we are, all that we have, and prayers are offered up for those less fortunate, sick, and alone. 

I always say we have a revolving door on our house, as we never know for sure who all will be here, how many, we have friends that will bring a friend or member of their family, as that person is alone on the holiday, family that will bring a friend, and we eat and talk and laugh, and eat some more.

Jerry and whoever arrives first will deep fry the turkeys (2 of them) while I and others are in the kitchen getting everything organized.  At the end of the day when clean-up begins, the younger ones take over and do the major clean-up for me.  Everyone helps in one way or another. 

I so look forward to the holidays, and the cook-outs, any excuse for a get-together.  I hate to think of the time that I will no longer be able to undertake all this.  But, hopefully, it is still a lonnnnnng way down the road.  In the meantime, I do what I do, my friends and family help, and we have these times together.  

My cup runneth over.  May your Thanksgiving be as blessed as ours, never forget to say "Thank you", and God Bless.

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