Monday, November 14, 2011


Yes, it is Monday morning.  And tired I am.  It was a verrrrry busy weekend in Morgantown, Friday and Saturday was like being in a zoo, so many people you could not move.  Sunday was a little slower - probably because of the Steeler game - and they won!!!

It is always exciting setting up for a festival (which I did on Thursday), looking forward.  Then the last day arrives.  You are facing the tear down, packing up, and trip home.  You are tired.  But you have a happy face.

I spent the weekend every day among so many friends, but on Sunday had to say goodby for the year, and some of them I won't see again until next fall.  Stayed with good friend Peggy at her home near Bridgeport WV, had wonderful evenings together, Peggy, me, Russ, Kay and Vicki.

Sales were excellent.  Have several orders I have to print and mat and ship/deliver, depending on location. 

I also would like to compliment Dave and Debbie Stoner, the promoters of the FAMILY FESTIVALS.  I have been with them since the very first festival they promoted in Uniontown Pa, about 100 years ago, seems like.  They have been nothing but courteous, helpful, and kind, a joy to work with them. I am looking forward to receiving next years applications so I don't get left behind.

Now it is onward and upward, getting ready for Thanksgiving.  This year is winding down so fast it makes my head spin.  I can't believe we are at another Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner.  I could never understand as a kid how the big people always said how fast time went!  Now I am one of the big people, and time flies, literally.

Am already planning my festival schedule for 2012, have tentative plans to go to Phoenix in April to visit family out there, and to Maine and Nova Scotia in September to visit family and all drive up the coast and cross into Nova Scotia.  Am also looking into some bus trips to take with friends, always looking for new things to see and photograph.  Sure is fun, most of the time, being retired and footloose and fancyfree.  The only bad part is realizing that I am getting older.  What a bummer.  I have too much to do, too many places to go and too many friends and family to touch base with.  No time for this getting old bit.

One last thing - I want to share with you the No. 1 selling picture for this entire year.  I photographed this tree in April while in Arizona, decided how I wanted to present it, and can't keep it in stock.

 For the last two years my Chihuly prints have been No. 1.  They are now No. 2.  Will be interesting to see what becomes No 1 next time around. 

So had better sign off for now.  Have the van to unload, errands to run, things to do - always things to do.  Have a great day and God Bless.

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