Friday, November 18, 2011


When I decided to start blogging in February I had no clue what to do, how to do it, whether anyone would read it, would they like it, questions, questions, questions.

Now it is 9 months later.  I am still amazed at the number of people reading my blog, but the most amazing one of all whose blog I am reading is Sandy of Sandysays.

What is so odd about that.  Well, I guess it is odd because Sandy is a dog.  You read it right.  Sandy is a dog.  Sandy's owner, who he calls the geezer, is one of the authors that has been published by Double Edge Press.  Sandy seems to run the household. 

But the blog I just read was a sad sort of blog.  It had to do with the passing of one of Sandy's companions, a cat named Missy.  Sandy likes cats.  Cats like Sandy.  They are all one big furry friendly family. I don't mean the people are furry, at least I don't think so, I am referring to the four legged family. Geezer's wife is taking it hard, as Missy was her companion, just as Sandy is Geezer's companion.

I know where Sandy is coming from.  I have had pets all my life, dogs and cats, and it is never easy to lose one.  They become so much a part of the family, and of you, and they leave one huge empty spot when they pass on.

But now to the real stuff.  Geezer's name is actually author D. L. Havlin.  His book is A PLACE NO ONE SHOULD GO and is being given good reviews, and his book signings have been very successful.

This picture is Rebecca - daughter, publisher, author - with husband Neal on the left and D. L. Havlin on the right.  This was during the Florida Writers Conference held in Orlando in October.

And this is the cover of his book - designed by, who else, Rebecca.  As you can see she is a multi-talented someone - sort of a one woman army.

But back to the beginning.  Sandysays - that each and everyone of you should read the geezer's book.  And if Sandy says it, it is true.  So don't be left behind, it would be very disappointing to Sandy.

And if you want to learn more about what Sandy says, just log on to his blog.  I know he would love it.  What dog wouldn't?

Have a great day and God Bless.

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