Thursday, December 27, 2012


WINDING DOWN ... DECEMBER 27 2012 ....

Can't happen soon enough.  This has been one mostly miserable year, and today not much better.

Don't get me wrong, there were lots of good times, good friends, good trips, good weather, good everything.   But the bad were REALLY bad. And for some reason it is the bad that seems to stick out the most.

Today was rough.  Had to attend a funeral.  Funerals are bad enough. But, the weather was awful.  Yesterday we had - and I am NOT  exaggerating - snow, sleet, and rain all at the same time.  How do I know this?  I ran a quick errand to the store to stock up on butter, milk, bread, bacon, and eggs.  While I was driving to the store I had all three things happening at once.

Snow was coming down pretty hard.  The sleet was bouncing off the windshield while it was snowing, and during all this rain drops were splattering, also on the windshield.

On top of that the wind was blowing.  One really miserable day.  Kept that up most of the day.  Today there is snow, ice, and cold weather all over the place.

Graveside services could not be held because of the weather conditions, so they were held inside the Church, and the entire service was very nice.

I guess more nasty stuff is moving in.

Christmas Day was great.  Lots of good company, good food, good laughter, good everything.  Sam and Coco even got a new toy each.  First thing Sam did was grab both hers and Coco's in her mouth at the same time.  Finally got her to release Coco's for him. 

But Sam was taking no chances.  If she was not walking around with her toy in her mouth she was laying on it so Coco, or anyone else for that matter, could not get it.  That's Sam.  What is hers is hers.  And what is everyone else's is also hers.  I must say, she is a piece of work and a half.

Only 4 days left in 2012.  Everyone please pray that 2013 is a better year. Otherwise we are looking at a really really really nasty new year.

So, being an eternal ooptimist, I am ooptimistic that 2013 will be a better year.  If I can remember to type 2013 instead of 2012. 

At least I don't drink diet coke with my Milk Duds.

God Bless everyone and look on the bright side.  We are still functioning.  Sort of. 

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