Tuesday, December 18, 2012



Is this wishing my life away?  No. It's just that this has been such a - the only word I can think of right now - nasty - year.  In every way.

Seems as though very litttle has gone right.  Somewhere along the way I have lost my rose-colored glasses.  Sure wish I could find them again.  Today is just another example.

My sister who lives in Martins Ferry Ohio and I take one day close to Christmas when we get together, go out to eat, have our gift exchange, just enjoy ourselves.  We are both very busy, we are both retired, and we both, well, we're busy.

In November we compared notes, and found that we were both free today.  Tuesday.  December 18th.  Otherwise one or the other of us was booked (not in jail, but just busy).

We still have 'cosmetic' work to be done on the new kitchen, etc.  Bossman been trying to get this scheduled.  He even asked me if I was going to be here, and if not, what days would I be gone.  Told him I would be available to stay home, if necessary, every day EXCEPT Tuesday, December 18th.  What is hard to understand EXCEPT?

Last I heard, he was waiting for a return phone call to schedule  the two things that needed done - the electrician to finish wiring the outlet in the back of the island, and the painter to put the second coat of paint on our dining room walls, and poly coat the mouldings that hadn't been poly'ed yet.

Last I heard.  Crazy me.  I actually thought I would get to meet my sister today.  Ha Ha Ha!!!

I have all her presents wrapped and ready to to.  Kept today free of all necessities because it was going to be a fun day.  Boy, am I nuts or what?

Five minutes (5) before I was going to leave to run a couple of errands before meeting at 11:30 for lunch and stuff, guess what.  The painter is knocking on my door.  This is Tuesday.  I am supposed to be gone.  Boy was I wrong!

Painter told me it would be an all day job.  Of course.  Called Ruth.  She asked what else was new.  That is the way it has been.  This is her only free day.  It WAS my only free day.  

So we made our plan.  I will call her the minute the painter leaves, and we are going to go out on the town tonight.  We are going to celebrate Christmas.  We are going to eat.  We are going to have our gift exchange.  I am not leaving a note for Bossman telling him where I am and why.  Let him figure it out.  For all he knows I ran off with the painter.

And how was / is your day? Merry Christmas and God Bless. 

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