Tuesday, June 5, 2012

NOW FOR MORE DETAIL....JUNE 05 2012......

I am still trying to recover from the weekend.  Talk about busy.......but one thing at a time.

Did a "photo shoot" on Thursday all the way to Troy.  Found an old mill and several quilt barns.

For you folks not familiar with quilt barns, it is a tourism thing in Ohio, Kentucky, and several other states.  Each county locates property with neat barns, or other structures on the property, then approach the owners about painting a large quilt pattern on their building.  Then you can take a driving tour and see said quilt barns.

Brings in the tourists.  Anyhoo found several on my way to Troy.

Met Russ and Kay at our hotel, and we had supper together.  First time we had seen each other since last November.  We keep in touch by e-mail and phone, but not the same.  Had a lot of catching up to do.  Then off to bed as Friday would be a busy day - putting up our tents, unloading our vans, and setting up our displays.  Of course it started raining during the night.

We met for breakfast, but postponed our arrival at the festival site, hoping the rain would let up.  Finally, about 9 a.m. it dropped to a drizzle, and by the time we arrived at our location, it had stopped.  Nothing worse than setting up, or tearing down, in the rain.

Things went very smoothly, were finished by early afternoon, so I was going on another photo shoot.  Russ and Kay came along.  We had a ball.  Found 2 castles, and several quilt barns. 

One quilt barn was a drive thru beer barn - you drove through, ordered beer by the case, paid for it and drove out.  Of course, we stopped so I could get a picture of the building, and we decided to walk in to look around.  Talked to the manager a little, we left, then Russ (since I was driving) decided he would like a beer.  They sell by the case.  I guess the manager took pity on him, as he sold him a cold bottle.  He had just returned to the van and we were starting to pull out when the manager flagged us down, came to the car and gave us three insulated can holders.  I guess we made a great impression on him.  Must have been good, or he would not have given us the holders.

Russ and Kay, on the left, talking to one of the employees in the beer quilt barn.


Remember our castle experience in January - the police and all?  Well, how about this.

After leaving the beer quilt barn, heading back to our home-base (hotel) we found several other quilt barns.  I had pulled off the side of the road (Route 36), put on my 4-way flashers, and walked in front of the van to take my pictures.  Oblivious to everything but getting the perfect picture.  Heard a tapping on my windshield, Kay trying to get my attention.

Behind my van was an Ohio State Patrolman, blue lights flashing.  He walked up to me and asked if there was a problem.  Told him no, that I wanted to photograph the barn and did not want to stop in the middle of the highway.

This was the barn.  See what I mean.  Just had to have a picture of this one.

He just smiled, touched the brim of his hat (a salute in my way of thinking) told me to be careful and have a good day.  At least we didn't have to leave the state to go to a restaurant to eat, in case the police were still on our tail.

We arrived at our hotel, freshened up, and went to supper.  Called it an early evening, as the festival opened Saturday morning ... had to be ready.

I wonder what my next experience with local police will be.  Hopefully not too stressful.  Russ and Kay decided that going on photo shoots with me were either lots of fun, or lots of stress, or both. 

Take care, watch out for those pesky law enforcement people and God Bless.

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