Thursday, October 24, 2013


-- THIS TIME! ... OCTOBER 24 2013 ...

No snow, no frost, no ice on our mountain-top this morning.  A lot of areas did get some snow yesterday, but we were passed by.

Bit the Bullet.  I have heard this phrase all my life.  Wonder who came up with it, and what it really means.  I take it  two different ways.

First -  way back when, long long ago, when some  surgeries were performed, there was no anesthesia.  If nothing else was available (mostly in time of war, on the battlefield) the patient was given a bullet to bite down on during surgery.  I've never figured out just how that helps, but that is what they did.  Also in pioneer times.

Second - I've always had this crazy thought in the back of my mind.  I keep envisioning someone being shot at and catching the bullet in their mouth.  Therefore they were not shot.

I wonder how many more ways this can be described?

It IS a beautiful morning.  Bright sunshine, cold, flowers are still blooming.  Bossman just cut the grass again over the past weekend.  Yard looks the nicest it has all year.  Of course all I hear is "just look at who was riding the tractor".

Finished printing, matting, and in some instances, framing the pictures I need to take with me to the fairgrounds festival this weekend to replace what has been sold.  I have just two more weekends of festivals this year, both in November, one in Morgantown WV and the final in Columbus Ohio.  Then I can put everything away, and get out the Christmas present wrapping stuff.

In case you are wondering - my matting and framing area becomes the Christmas present area. 

Looking forward to the holidays - as they are fast approaching.  I think there should be a law against the merchants opening their stores on Thanksgiving.  Pretty soon we will not have any holidays. 

But enough of my rambling.  Have a great day and God Bless.

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