Tuesday, July 3, 2012


IRISH ODYSSEY  ... DAY 7 ... JULY 03 2012

Going to be another hot and humid day.  Kids from Arizona leaving for home today, where did the time go?  Have to take Sam to the vet, she is having trouble with one of her back legs.

Tomorrow is July 4 - the next day (at least it seems like it) will be Labor Day. 

There are severe storm warnings posted for our area for tomorrow.  Sure hope they are wrong.  We need the rain, but not storms.

Been trying to reach my friends in Ohio, but just get a message their voice mail box is not set up, then "good by".  I am thinking they have no electric (they have the cordless phones), as Ohio was hit very hard.  But it is a worry.

Now for more fun things - Day 7 of the trip.

We checked out of our hotel in Killarney, and  our first stop was Cong and the town where John Wayne's film THE QUIET MAN was made.  The town was quaint and beautiful.  We had a walking tour and our guide told many stories of what went on while John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara and the other folks were there making the film.

We were shown the spot on the street, where the longest filmed street fight took place, saw where John and Maureen stayed while in town, saw the church and some old ruins.  

From there we drove toward out lunch stop, and while on the way stopped to see the 'Fairy Tree'.  Supposedly fairies live in this particular type of tree, never seen, but they are there.

Travelers, when coming upon a Fairy Tree, will stop and tie a ribbon to the tree for good luck.

Darn, I didn't have a single ribbon with me.  Why would anyone think to pack a ribbon?  Missed out on the good luck again.

After lunch in a quaint little town, we traveled on to Connemara and the Kylemore Abbey.

What a fantastic sight.  What a beautiful setting, and a great photo op.  I took full advantage of this particular afternoon, and the sun was actually shining.  How did that happen?

The Abbey was built at the base of Druchruach Mountain on the north shore of Lough Pollacappul (don't even ask how to pronounce these words) in the heart of the Connemara Mountains.

This Abbey is one of Ireland's most romantic buildings, built in 1867 as a romantic gift.  The Abbey has a history of tragedy, royal visits, gambling debts, a hideaway during Ireland's troubled history, so much more.  Not enough room (or memory) to cover everything.

We arrived in Derry and checked into the City Hotel for the next two nights.  

And, so, another day has ended, one day closer to the end of the odyssey.  I hope you are enjoying your trip along with me, hopefully the electric will be back on for every one later today.  At least that is what the paper says.  But yesterday the paper also said all electric would be restored yesterday.  Go figure.

Well, off to a little of this and a little of that.  Hopefully you will all have electric by the end of the day, stay cool, stay calm, and God Bless. 

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