Tuesday, July 31, 2012



Effective August 1st, my one and only e-mail address is:  marthadou72@g.mail.com

My profile does not allow me to make a change.  Maybe bossman can figure it out.  So just ignore the Hughes.net. 

Lots of pounding and stuff going on today over-head.  Was upstairs last evening - looks like a war zone.   Did get a peek at the new shower stall - it is humongous.  Could have a whale of a shower party in there.

Going to actually cook a meal tonight - hamburger, fried green tomatoes and corn on the cob.  The T's and C are out of the garden.  Yummmmmmmmmmm.

Notified everyone in my e-mail  address book re new e-mail.  Rebecca taking care of my web-site.

Down side - had just re-ordered 500 business cards.  Guess where they are going - yep - trash.  Never fails.  Will be printing my own when my typing improves.

I can only think of one more thing that needs done shortly - and that is to pay Pa any state tax I collected the first 6 months of the year.  I am on a 6 month pmt. schedule, due in August and February.

Every day I feel better, getting harder not to get up and go.
Not used to just taking it easy.  One thing, will be well rested when I can resume my normal schedule.

Have been re-arranging the upstairs stuff that is now down-stairs stuff, so I can take it back upstairs and re-arrange it again.  Neither the stuff or I am going to know what is what.

Other-wise I thank everyone for their thoughts, well wishes and prayers.  It does make a difference.

Will be off line as our Internet dish is being replaced tomorrow.  Will no longer be hughes.net.  What  it will be, I don't know.  A whole new ball game.  Getting too old for all these changes.

Will be back as soon as possible.  Take care and God Bless.

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