Monday, December 16, 2013



If you can figure this out more power to you.  If not, join the club.

Crazy weather.  Crazy football season.  Crazy hunting season.
Nothing has  this entire year.  I am beginning to wonder if there is such a thing as normal.  Abnormal seems to be the normal, and normal is not abnormal.

Cookies are finished, tins are packed, am leaving here in just a while to meet my sister for lunch, then on to her place for our annual gift exchange.  WE don't always have a chance to get together on Christmas, so have our special day early.

Used to be when we were young and full of vim and vigor, whatever that was, we would meet in the morning and spend the entire day doing last minute shopping, just looking, eating, more shopping.

Then as we got older it became half a day.  By mid-afternoon we were exhausted and headed to our respective homes.

Now - not that we are any older or less energetic, ha ha ha!!!!!!,
we  meet for lunch.  And visit a while.  You can laugh all you want to, your time is coming, if it isn't already here.

All my presents are wrapped and under the tree.  That is as much decorating I do anymore.  Once upon a time many eons ago it was different.  Now, it is the way it is.

One bad thing about being on our hill-top, we have soooo much wind, that anything outside that s not nailed, screwed, or whatever, down will blow away.  Our outdoor furniture is invariably on it 's side somewhere.  So we finally gave away all our outside lights from our life before the hill-top. 

All in all, though, I wouldn't go back.

Welll, better start thinking about heading for Ohio.  Make sure I have all the gifts that are supposed to be going to Ohio also. Now, I only hope I can get back up my hill when I return.

Have a wonderful day, stay warm, enjoy the season and God Bless.

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