Wednesday, January 8, 2014


THE SAYING ... JANUARY 08 2014 ...

And just what saying am I referring to?  Let's see.  Should I or shouldn't I, that is the question.  Why not?

That's not going to happen until HELL freezes over.

You can go there when HELL freezes over.

or maybe just....


Well, Hell HAS frozen over.  Hell is actually a town in the good old United States - I have forgotten which state - but the town did actually freeze over in this last arctic blast, or whatever they want to call it.

Let's just back up a few years.  Well, maybe more than a few.  When I was a kid - and that is many many many moons ago, it seemed that a lot of sermons preached in Church were all about Hell, and some of the descriptions were pretty scarey.  It fact they were down-right frightening.  You wanted to be really good so you would never have to go there.

I got to thinking last night - which is not a good thing for me to do - about the picture on TV about the town named Hell and how it was frozen over.

1.  How on earth did a town get that name to begin with?

2.  Wouldn't you feel embarrassed to say you lived in Hell?

Or maybe youwould just be frightened.

3.  How would you explain to children that "no our town is not the Hell  they talk about in Church".

3.  I wonder how cold it actually got in Hell.  I was up Monday night around 2:30 a.m. - the creaking and groaning of the house moaning in the cold had me up - and the thermometer read -11.7 degrees.  Right.  Almost 12 below zero.  Now that is cold!!!

4.  Are the people living in Hell going to be exempt - ie not going to Hell - as Hell is frozen over?  They are already there.

I probably could goon and on, but will spare you.  I have other projects to keep me busy today.

This has been a perfect time to continue up-dating my web-site.  And also cleaning up my picture files. 

If any one wants to check out my web-site - and keep in mind that it is a work in progress - the address is as follows:

So until next time, stay warm, stay safe, count your blessings, we could be hit a lot harder than we have been, and God Bless.

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