Sunday, April 3, 2011

AND THE WINNERS ARE..........................

          In the photography category that I judged on Friday, there were so many great photographs, the judging was not easy.  I use the point system judging on 7 different areas, scoring high 10 and low 1.  The highest score is first place, next highest second place, next three honorable mentions.  It took several hours to judge these photograph.  Then the tally was made, by another person, and the winners determined.  The awards ceremony would be on Saturday morning.

          When Georgia and I arrived at her house, Dan had dinner ready for us - chicken, candied sweet potatoes, peas and a fruit salad.  We were starved, and it surely did taste good.  Made the judging way more than worthwhile.

          Saturday morning arrived at the Woodsfield Public Library, where the competition was being held, and prepared for the awards ceremony.  As there were fewer photographs than paintings, etc., I get to go first.  Lucky me.

          After the MC introduces me, I thank everyone for their participation, and then began with the honorable mentions (3 of them).  I am sharing their pictures with you..  The one on the left is titled LOST IN REFLECTION, and the one on the right is titled QUIET MOMENT. 

One of the photographers didn't make the ceremony, and one got away before I could photograph him with his winning picture.  This honorable mention at the left is titled BARN A'FIRE.  She was available, so got to photograph her with her winner.  She was all smiles when I called her name.

The next two pictures are second place and first place.  Second place was also the photographer who got away.  I tried to track him down, but wasn't successful.  In addition to the ribbons, each of the five winners received a check.  I do not know the amounts, but I am sure whatever it was they were thrilled.

This second place winner was titled BOY OF SUMMER, and was very well done.  The first place winner below is titled HAND in HAND.
 I wanted you to see the closeup of this first place wining picture which appears below .  She was all smiles upon receiving Honorable Mention, but when I called her name for FIRST PLACE, she glowed.  This is what makes it worthwhile.  It is a picture of her grandmother and grandfather's hands, with an overlay.  It was quite unique, very well done, and tells a story.  I wish I could have given more ribbons, but it wasn't to be.  I do feel honored that the art guild asks me to judge the photography segment of their once-a-year show.  The smiles on the faces of the winners is priceless..

         Tomorrow I will share with you the pictures that my friend Georgia received ribbons for. 

          So for today, I will close.  It is always a pleasure to be involved in the  judging process, I see so very many beautiful, well thought out pictures, and am constantly in awe at the amount of talent in these small communities.  Keep up the good work and God Bless.

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